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  1. J


    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The term militia as used at the time off writing the 2nd amendment was used to mean the collective common able bodied men of the community whose...
  2. J

    New IBS information webpage.

    Mine ran fine in newest Firefox. Like many there is a section in the middle that's blurry. A lot of work there. Easy access. I like it. Thanks Dick. I agree with doubling your pay.
  3. J

    FN - Special Police Rifle - SPR in 308

    Yes, the Winchester trigger is easy to adjust to a very usable level. The jewel replacement really is a much nicer trigger though. Unfortunately it is not a simple drop in replacement like the Remington. It requires some work on the trigger guard to prevent impingement. Still a relatively easy...
  4. J

    Leupold 45x won't stay in focus.

    Yes, Weavers and Sightrons have served very well. The Leupold replaced a Weaver T36. That's what I used the first 2 years on that rifle. Unfortunately, it took a bounce off the ground and was wrecked. The first scope I replaced it with was another Weaver T36 I took off another rifle which...
  5. J

    Leupold 45x won't stay in focus.

    "POI shifts are a very different matter... " How true. I guess I need to see if there is a change in POI as it gets blurry. Also to check if the blurring worsens if I don't correct the focus.
  6. J

    Leupold 45x won't stay in focus.

    Wilbur: with you and Wayne that makes at least two other Leupold 45x45mm scopes that do this besides mine. In your case it's too bad it is a "special" scope. Since I do not experience anything like this with any of my other numerous scopes I too am sure it is the scope. I suspect it best to let...
  7. J

    Leupold 45x won't stay in focus.

    Dick: I too doubt that the 30BR is "too strong". This is, however, a LV 6PPC sporter rifle that was converted to 30BR. So, this scope is the seeing more recoil than most of the 30BR rifle scopes are. Since it seems something must "work loose" for this failure to hold focus to occur I would...
  8. J

    Leupold 45x won't stay in focus.

    found this helpful little note at It explains that the side focus scope " Has more mechanical systems to fail. More expensive to make, if done well". I guess that means more likely to fail too. It explains the need to focus from infinity but...
  9. J

    Leupold 45x won't stay in focus.

    I do not have any trouble with the reticle. I can and do focus that first if needed. It does not go out of focus. The objective image is what changes. No matter how I start, infinity to focus or near to focus, after 2-3 shots the image down range is no longer clear. I can easily readjust the...
  10. J

    Leupold 45x won't stay in focus.

    Given whats going on with my neck, perhaps it is me and not the scope. I should have someone else look at it. It did seem to be working fine after it came back from Leupold, but then, my neck was not a problem then either. I have asked Leupold how they would like me to deal with this. I'm sure...
  11. J

    Leupold 45x won't stay in focus.

    I have a side focus Leupold 45x 45mm Competition scope I bought new 3 years ago for my 30BR VFS rifle. Upon first mounting I found the scope would not hold focus. After every shot was fired the scope was blurry and required refocusing. I sent the scope into Leupold for service. Upon return there...
  12. J

    proper trigger finger position, directon of pull, and rate of motion?

    Great thread. This winter I've been shooting NRA small bore and doing a lot of pistol shooting. About mid winter I realized that I was not squeezing the trigger properly despite my best efforts. I changed my technique to concentrating on just slowly pivoting my index finger at the first joint...
  13. J

    Warning! Radians Custom Molded Earplug Failure

    Butch: All I have done is try to spread the word so that others do not have the miserable experience I did. I have not said one word at all about the vendor and in fact have no animosity toward them at all. I have not said anything about wanting a response from them - you did. I fully...
  14. J

    Warning! Radians Custom Molded Earplug Failure

    Better? Well, yes accustically better, but, I don't like them! For me they start out uncomfortable and end up painful. The excellent custom made ones I've had I can wear for hours and hours day after day without any problem. The disposable ones I can tolerate for about an hour then they have...
  15. J

    Warning! Radians Custom Molded Earplug Failure

    peanut butter ears OMG Wilbur that sounds horrible. That's just plain evil. I can appreciate what that must have been like. Thank God I only had one plugged up ear. Would it have been any better if she'd added some jelly?
  16. J

    Warning! Radians Custom Molded Earplug Failure

    I emailed them while it was going on. Have not heard from them yet.
  17. J

    Warning! Radians Custom Molded Earplug Failure

    Oh give me a break! Yeh, it's REALLY HARD to take 1/2 of each part and mix them together! I've made them successfully before too. This product was defective and it's REALLY as hassle when it doesn't work. A response on another site indicated another person recently had the same problem. Use...
  18. J

    Warning! Radians Custom Molded Earplug Failure

    Warning! Today I tried the Radians Custom Molded Earplug Kit. I followed the instructions completely. After carefully mixing the two parts as directed I carefully pressed the mixture into my ear. After a 1 hour wait (not the 10 minutes recommended)the gooey mixture was exactly the same as when...
  19. J

    articulated elbow and knee pads

    Blackhawk Neoprene Elbow Pad I have used these:,170,9.htm for the past 4-5 years and been happy. I shoot indoors 4 position smallbore on a concrete floor in the winter. I use them with a shooting mat and a 3/8 inch closed cell foam...
  20. J

    Long Range Disciplines ???

    The NRA highpower rifle rules are here: