Warning! Radians Custom Molded Earplug Failure


New member
Warning! Today I tried the Radians Custom Molded Earplug Kit. I followed the instructions completely. After carefully mixing the two parts as directed I carefully pressed the mixture into my ear. After a 1 hour wait (not the 10 minutes recommended)the gooey mixture was exactly the same as when inserted - a gooey sticky mess. There was no hardening at all. Let me tell you trying to get that gooey mess out of your ear is VERY DIFFICULT! Nothing like when is has hardened as it is supposed to. In fact in is literally impossible to completely remove it. I tried for a couple hours and even tried washing out my ear with a syringe. I did get most if it out but there is still a sticky coating of the stuff in my ear canal which will have to just slowly come out through the normal clearing of ear wax. I STRONGLY recommend that if you want to try this product you MUST try a small portion of the contents as a test plug out side your ear first. I would never use this product again without proving that there really was the correct combination of plastic and hardener that would successfully work outside my ear first. This need to be put in the instructions on the package from the manufacturer.
I've made around 5sets of these plugs for me and family members. Never had any failures using this product. Always a first I guess! Are you sure you mixed and work it per instruction?
Guys were talking about this a number of years ago and I stated that seriously you should consider doing this job yourself, just about as much as you'd consider doing "home dentistry" or "do it your self eye surgery".

I'm sorry but this is one of the few times... Duct tape and tec screws don't get it... go to the professionals.

I had my audiologist make a set of earplugs for me, and should have another set made because I lost them. What he did was stuff a bit of cotton wool into my ear canal to prevent the molding material from going down too far into the canal. You'd still need someone to fetch the cotton out of your ear though most likely. As Paul says some things are better left to the people who know what they're doing. Having just had eye surgery I can attest to that not being a do it yourself project either. :eek: :D :D
You'se guys are just scaredy-cats..... I got one of those do-it-yerself eyeball scarification kits just because I already had the cordless DeWalt and the 220V socket adapter for the laser thingy. And I'm really steady.

I say go for it, we already got one guy's story about how not to do it, a few more of those and we'll be well into our learning curve.

So howsa'bout y'all sharing some do-it-yourself Lasik stories???? I'd like to know more before I fire that rotating cutter up..... wouldn't want to cut my eyelid nor nothing.

I've made around 5sets of these plugs for me and family members. Never had any failures using this product. Always a first I guess! Are you sure you mixed and work it per instruction?

Oh give me a break! Yeh, it's REALLY HARD to take 1/2 of each part and mix them together! I've made them successfully before too. This product was defective and it's REALLY as hassle when it doesn't work. A response on another site indicated another person recently had the same problem. Use it without testing first at your own risk!
I'll bet Radians is at least as interested in this problem as the rest of us. Anybody call them yet?
I think it was 1970 when my roommate's girl friend discovered us passed out. On an unspoken dare, we had split a quart of blue label Smirnoff in less than two minutes....so...yes, we were quite unaware. She was somewhat angry because she had snuck out for the night and her date was incapacitated...."Hell hath no fury". The only thing she could find was a jar of peanut butter so she set to work filling our ears. I'm not saying she simply put some peanut butter in our ears. On the contrary, she took the time to press it in until there were no air bubbles. We thought the vodka was poison and that we were deaf for life. It was a momentary relief to find our ears clogged but then came the task of getting it out. Not easy, especially on the heels of near death from an overdose of alcohol. Swab a bit and hurl...swab a bit and hurl (never underestimate the healing power of cold bathroom tile). Some of it was left to dry and fell out in clods over time. I'm talking months here.

To this very day, I sometimes detect an odor of peanut butter when it rains a lot.
For the life of me I don't understand the used of these custom ear plugs either self made or professionally made. Truth of the matter is good disposable plugs are BETTER. For years I used custom until I learned that they were not as effective as disposable foam plugs. Check it out. Truth is stranger than fiction. Just trying to help.
peanut butter ears

OMG Wilbur that sounds horrible. That's just plain evil. I can appreciate what that must have been like. Thank God I only had one plugged up ear. Would it have been any better if she'd added some jelly?
Better? Well, yes accustically better, but, I don't like them! For me they start out uncomfortable and end up painful. The excellent custom made ones I've had I can wear for hours and hours day after day without any problem. The disposable ones I can tolerate for about an hour then they have to go. So, they're fine if you can wear them but they certainly aren't "better" for me. You can have them. I like my Pro Ears Gold best but I don't always need or want full ear muffs. And some time I want both plugs and muffs.
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Sorry for not being clear but I hate typing on this thing! When I say better I simply mean the level of protection. When possible I always plugs and muffs. Studies have shows that good disposable have a higher level of protection but they are not as comfortable.
I must admit that I'm of that age that I can manipulate my custom plugs in only straight after a haircut - the rest of the time I use the original style yellow plugs.
You are wearing out all the forums with this and it happened yesterday. You expect them to answer your email on Sunday. Looks like a solid company that has been around for a while. If you are in a big hurry for an answer, call them.
You might find some other vendors that may be afraid to sell to you.
I think it was 1970 when my roommate's girl friend discovered us passed out. On an unspoken dare, we had split a quart of blue label Smirnoff in less than two minutes....so...yes, we were quite unaware. She was somewhat angry because she had snuck out for the night and her date was incapacitated...."Hell hath no fury". The only thing she could find was a jar of peanut butter so she set to work filling our ears. I'm not saying she simply put some peanut butter in our ears. On the contrary, she took the time to press it in until there were no air bubbles. We thought the vodka was poison and that we were deaf for life. It was a momentary relief to find our ears clogged but then came the task of getting it out. Not easy, especially on the heels of near death from an overdose of alcohol. Swab a bit and hurl...swab a bit and hurl (never underestimate the healing power of cold bathroom tile). Some of it was left to dry and fell out in clods over time. I'm talking months here.

To this very day, I sometimes detect an odor of peanut butter when it rains a lot.

Wilbur ,

I'm still laughing so hard that i can hardly type this . That is classic . The next time i see you it will be hard not to talk really loud . Too funny .

- Clint