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  1. G

    Type of abrasive used to lap barrels?

    Charles, yes I sure do remember meeting you at the Nationals - great time! I have lightly lapped the first 6-8" or so of barrels a number of times to smooth up erosion and sometimes to quickly remove a buildup of fouling that someone has let get away from them, but have not done any lapping...
  2. G

    Type of abrasive used to lap barrels?

    JRB, I only lap them if I need to - generally by what I can see in the borescope and especially what I can feel when slugging them. Slugging is integral to lapping since you can tell exactly what's going on in most cases when you slug a bore. In your case, it depends on what the scratches...
  3. G

    Type of abrasive used to lap barrels?

    I know that 150 grit for the main lap and finishing up with 180 grit sounded like it would be too coarse to me also the first time I had one of the top barrel makers show me how they lapped barrels. But this is aluminum oxide on a poured lead lap, and then flooded with a light oil so it breaks...
  4. G

    Type of abrasive used to lap barrels?

    Boyd, I lap a lot of barrels both in my shop and in my classes, and I know at least some of the barrel makers use similar methods/abrasives since this is where I learned some of my techniques for doing this. It's amazing just how much this will help a lot of barrels. I generally use 150 grit...
  5. G

    OK...How many of you have experience slugging top grade barrels, and how do you do it

    David Halblom, you asked "How often do you find a choke in 6MM or 30 Cal. barrels. Or let me re-phrase, how often in ANY quality BR supplier, centerfire supplier? " In my experience after having slugged thousands of barrels in the past quite a few years from most of the barrel-makers out there...
  6. G

    OK...How many of you have experience slugging top grade barrels, and how do you do it

    Hi, Boyd I have been slugging every barrel that comes through my shop for quite a few years now. In fact I've shown this process in great detail in my "Evaluating Rifles for Accuracy Problems" DVD, and I'm showing it again in the "Lapping and Slugging Barrels" DVD I'm just finishing up. I...
  7. G

    reaming sizing dies

    Hi, Al I use my GTR action jig for dialing-in dies for chambering. The rear 2 sets of holes in the jig are 1.250" apart for short and long actions, but this spacing is perfect for dies. I then simply dial-in the die bore straight and true just like I do a barrel in the lathe - dial-in the die...
  8. G

    Chamber and Reamer

    John, that is exactly right. I have done a few canted-land barrels using carbide reamers, and the chatter is barely detectable in those. Remember that the throat starts to cut anywhere from .100" to .400" or more before the neck gets there and starts to cut since the throat extends quite a...
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    Chamber and Reamer

    PEI Rob, I prebore up to the shoulder on all barrels, but on canted land barrels I also prebore the lands away up to the end of the neck (stop a few thousandths short to keep yourself out of trouble). On long freebore chambers, I also go in and very carefully bore the lands themselves in the...
  10. G

    Chamber and Reamer

    MIT, I seriously doubt the reamer is the problem here. Measure the OD on the freebore section on the reamer, and if that measures OK the reamer won't be the problem. It may be something else, but you very well might be experiencing something I frequently see to one degree or another, especially...
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    Viper & Friends

    Roland, Bob Pastor doing that to help you get started does not surprise me at all! All the years we ran our 1000 yard matches in Iowa, Bob has consistently been one of the very first guys to take new shooters (and often just spectators and prospective shooters) to the line to let them...
  12. G

    muzzle runout Gordy's method

    Charles, we did meet at the 2005 Nationals, but when there are so many folks to meet at one of these events, there's no way to remember everyone. I also remember your team-members (great shooters and great guys), and remember laughing about the team name you guys came up with. Good times...
  13. G

    muzzle runout Gordy's method

    Charles, I missed your post while I was working on my last response. Yes that's right. If I dial it in the old way at the throat and the muzzle, then because of the curve in the bore, it will not be on the same plane where it intersects the chamber. This is why when you chamber barrels using the...
  14. G

    muzzle runout Gordy's method

    Dennis, I guess that would be one way to put it. No matter which way you dial the bore in, the bullet's going to follow the bore where it goes. The majority of time, the 'old' method works great, especially with the straighter barrels, but at times the slight (and almost always measurable)...
  15. G

    ? chucking up a barrel ?

    I had to chuckle when I read about the "rhythm" thing. I'll have to go back and watch the video to see what I was doing if I said that. I can guess what it's about, though. When dialing in bores using extremely sensitive indicators, the needle hardly sits still when you're measuring moving...
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    muzzle runout Gordy's method

    I rarely have time to post here, but I read other posts almost daily. I love seeing how different minds work, and looking at things from different perspectives helps me learn things all the time. I will chime in here with a few things I've observed from my testing and observations over the...
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    IOWA 1000 Yard Range closed

    Hello 1000 Yard shooters. Here is the letter we just sent out to most of our recent shooters announcing the closing of the Iowa 1000 Yard range: President’s Letter - Iowa 1000 Yard Benchrest Association Lee Fischer and I want to thank all of you for participating in 1000 yard competition...
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    Defiance vs BAT action

    Glen Harrison is the owner/operator of Defiance Machine. I know Glen personally - he's a great guy and is the originator of Nesika actions, which I really liked and used a lot of back when Glen was running Nesika. I use a lot of BAT's and other actions now, including some of the Defiance...
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    Iowa 1000 Yard range shut down for this year

    We are letting everyone know that we have had to shut down and move from our range after the landowner passed away since the family does not want to rent the property out any more. We are thankful they let us stay and run our matches through the June 2010 Iowa State Championship match, but we...
  20. G

    Iowa 1000 - Matches 3 & 4 results

    Hi, Jerry Good to hear from you! I'd love to be able to come and shoot with you, but I'm teaching one of my custom gunsmithing classes that weekend. Maybe some of our other shooters could come though - that would be great. Thanks! Gordy Gritters