Viper & Friends



I have visited a few of these talk forums in the past. Mostly to do with Hot Rods and performance cars, as that is of a great deal of interest to me. For the main part I have found them ( Talk Forums ) to have the goal of exchanging information and ideas, and that goal very rarely ever being attained. The ones I have visited have 99% of the time being one huge argument, very little information that anyone could use and mostly just a pissing contest.

I brought that idea with me when I visited here some time back. My plan was to lurk, learn as much as I could, educate myself, and not get involved in the squabbles I expected to see. Man Did I have Benchrest Central wrong!!

I have found BC to be the exact opposite of what I expected. I have asked sevreal questions and in each and every case got answers that not only were useful but accrate as well. the folks have been friendly, extremely helpful and eager to help not just me but anyone with a question. Thanks Guys !!!

A couple or three weeks ago I was having a real bad day. I made a post about that day so I will not bore anyone with reposting it but it is here in this area and is titled " A Bad Day!! Or Is It ??
This post was more of a rant about myself, and was just to get some stuff off my chest. Little did I ever expect to outcome of that post. I got meassages from a lot of folks with invitations to shoot in different places. One of the moderators here has absolutly bent over backwards with trying to get me the equipment and transportation to the Match this coming weekend at Butner, Thanks Charles and I hope you guys knock em dead this weekend, sorry I couldn't make it but I will be there next match. And I want to extend a thank you to all for the private messages and e-mails and invitations. It is my most sincere hope to meet each of you at a shoot somewhere and have the privilage of shaking your hands.

But the reason for this Post is really about one guy. Every once in awhile and sometimes and for some of us only once in a lifetime do we meet a person who turns out to be a kindered spirit, someone you feel you should have known for many years but actually just met. I spent the best years of my life in the Marine Corps, and in that type of a lifestyle making friends at some point in time becomes the very last thing you ever want to do "Again". After you watch your very best friend laying in the sand on some far away place leaking his life blood into the dirt, and there not being one DAMN thing you can do about it, you just stop making friends. It simply hurts to bad to ever go through again. While I have been retired for years leaving that behind is very hard for some of us to do.

Well folks I am here to tell you I stopped making friends one friend to far!!!!!

One of the posters on here who responded to my Rant Post was Bob Pastor. Bob owns a company "Viper Rests" he makes Front Rests for Benchrest shooting and other accesories as well. Bob said in his post that he wanted to see that I had The Best Equipment I could find in starting my Benchrest Shooting Career and offered to build me one of his hand made rest's. Now I thought that was a great offer, I assumed that hand made rests were something like hand made Rifles, and had just about the same waiting time. That would be months and months, his offer seemed to me to kinda skirt that waiting list---Or So I Assumed---Bob had furnised me a link to his web-site I went and looked around, was very impressed but they were just beyond my budget. Bob and I talked and he informed me that he didn't want me to purchase a rest from him, he wanted to build a rest "For Me". Guys I tried and tried to refuse his offer as it was just "TOO" generous. Bob wasn't having any of that and so he went to work. He asked me What I wanted in a rest. Since Bob was doing this For ME i told him "Bob you build it the way you want to".

Folks this Rest came in on the Big Brown Truck today. I have just gotten to the point were I can type this message and not drool all over the keyboard, I have already drooled all over the rest all day, and as a matter of fact right now it is on the floor next to my bed as I am not letting this thing out of my sight for awhile. Here are a few pictures and a link to Bob's site.

Bob, mere words will never be able to express my thanks Buddy. You are a true brother!!!





Good Morning Gunny,

The excitement in your voice last night was all the thanks I need. It was worth every second I spent crafting your rest. Hopefully, one day, we will shoot a match together.

God Bless My Friend.
Roland, That is one of the finest rests I have seen to date. Great design Bob.
Roland if you will send me your address I will send you some BRASSO so you will be able to keep all that brass shinny.;)
Roland, That is one of the finest rests I have seen to date. Great design Bob.
Roland if you will send me your address I will send you some BRASSO so you will be able to keep all that brass shinny.;)

Save the Brasso Vern. I clear coated the brass. Thank You for the kind words.
Roland, Bob Pastor doing that to help you get started does not surprise me at all!

All the years we ran our 1000 yard matches in Iowa, Bob has consistently been one of the very first guys to take new shooters (and often just spectators and prospective shooters) to the line to let them shoot/share his equipment in an effort to make them feel at home, and to help them in whatever way he could to get them involved in benchrest. We have had several shooters start out sharing Bob's rifles/rests/ammo until they decided to get into the sport and bought their own rifles and equipment.

Gordy Gritters
Roland, Bob Pastor doing that to help you get started does not surprise me at all!

Bob has consistently been one of the very first guys to take new shooters (and often just spectators and prospective shooters) to the line to let them shoot/share his equipment in an effort to make them feel at home, and to help them in whatever way he could to get them involved in benchrest.


Well, now you dont have an excuse!! And you have one, if not the best ambassador of this particular sport helping you get started. Bob, helped me get started also and I cant thank him enough either. He might be getting senile, but he means well and he can rest assured there are more than a few of us that will carry him & his equipment to the firing line when the time comes. I'll find out come Sept in Lodi...;)

Congratulations! Now you need to plan a trip to the Vipers Cave and get the full "WTB" experience, Viper style.

Rod in Fargo
Rod, There you go again man with the "WTB" thing. Thats the second time you have mentioned that "WTB" and this rest. You are just going to have to explan that to me as I still don't get it. Remember Marines are not supposed to be smart, just willing...

Also guys I have know had the chance to shoot this rest a few times. The first time I shot it it answered a few questions for me. I have had for quite a while I real "Horz" stringing problem. I have shot dozens of groups that went 3/8ths of an inch in the Vertical at 400 Yds, but the Horzontal would be as much as 2 and sometimes 2 1/2 inches, I mean almost a straight line right across the target with each hit being around 3/8ths ar so apart. I know that Horizontal stringing is almost always shooter error, and I have also shot quite a few nice round groups with this rifle so I do believe that in this case it is the Nut Behind The Butt. The first ten or twelve groups I shot with this rest the Horz stringing suddenly disappeared. It is a true joy to own such a great rest, and the fact it was built and made by a "Friend" only makes it that much better.

Roland I'm waiting for Bob to make me one. I just have to find the right size piece of aluminum. When he sent me the picture of your rest, all I could say to him was what an imagination. That is a work of art. Wonder what mine will say!

Joe Salt
Joe, I would say I envy you, but I don't have to say that is I have my Viper to shoot now. You sir are in for a real treat though and I am positive that your rest will also be a work of art as mine is. That is all Bob Is capable of I think and that is his best.
