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    What material to use for an ammo holder??

    Nice JR, very nice!
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    DeGregorio Triggers

    Talk to Bobby Lawton at Lawton Machine LLC. He has experiance with these. His dad Barny really liked them.
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    6mm PPC Boltface

    I built a 6mm PPC on a CZ527 that started out as a 7.62X39 carbine. It works great and shoots great, coyote rifle. No problems feeding or ejecting. My favorite small game/varmint rifle. Bill
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    3 lever remington trigger

    Glenn, I did not get an email. I will send you one, see if it works. Bill
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    3 lever remington trigger

    That's right Glenn, did away with the connector. It does not work well for a two ounce trigger. Bill
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    3 lever remington trigger

    The left side of the photo is a fully assembled trigger ready to go, the guts layed out to see, bottom the parts on the outside of the housing so show how they work. Right side of photo is a Kelblys trigger that I made just to check it out. The only thing I salvage off the Rem. trigger is the...
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    3 lever remington trigger

    Glenn, here are some three lever triggers I play around with. I probably have a lever for ya in my stuff. Bill
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    Voluntary gun searches, a good idea or another gun grab ploy?

    rhaney2, Jay does not agree with the searchs. He's talking about putting away the bad guys so they don't continue to commit crimes. Kind of like the 3 strike laws. No way will I let them in my home without a warrant.
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    Cabela's Cheap Bore Scope ??

    Seems to me for that price you could try it out. If any good let us know. If it's a piece of junk return it and let us know. We will be waiting for your report. Bill
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    Shehane Tracker

    Photo of tracker Here is a photo of my Son at the line, ST1000L tracker.
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    With amount of hours a typical hobby/home machine gets in a year, should last a very very long time. My Monarch has .020" backlash in the cross slide and this machine is scarry accurate. Bill
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    You cannot have -0- backlash. And .020" ain't bad at all for an old lathe, got another 20 to 50 years of life in it.;) Bill
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    Rate the most popular Custom Actions

    PPP I am a tool maker here in America, I actually do work to .0001" on a daily bases. I see your kind come and go, talk a big game to get the job, then make nothing but scrap. You sir are the smart ass, you sir are the Imbecile. I've had my say, you will not here from me again. Bill
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    Neck size or full size a 6x47L case for the reamer dimensions.

    Vani, Sounds good, you will enjoy that 6X47. Bill
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    Neck size or full size a 6x47L case for the reamer dimensions.

    Vani, It sounded to me like you were going to use new unfired brass to size down, that may or may not give a true representation if the case does not fill out the die. Thats why I did the one I did with a cast of the body die. But you are correct in that it should be good enough, probably...
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    Neck size or full size a 6x47L case for the reamer dimensions.

    I have gone this route before. What I did was take a casting of the body die. Then got all my diminsions from the cast, and had Kiff grind the reamer to my specs. I diminisoned the reamer for .0005" to .001" sizeing at the sholder diameter, and .0005" to .001" bump back on the sholder. Just fill...
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    hunting rifle trigger, jewell($239) vs shilen($100)???

    Ha ha ha:D Good call Fireball Fred!! Bill
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    .17 centerfire barrel choice

    Tylerw02 I know what you mean. The 17 MkIV started life as a CZ527 in 204, got it for $350. My 6ppc, no turn neck, started out as a CZ527 7.62X39 carbine, had to pay $480 for it. But they shure work great for the small cartridges. Bill
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    .17 centerfire barrel choice

    I've built two 17MkIV, and 17/222 with Lilja barrels. They are excellent. Twlerw02, the CZ527 is just the cat's meow for the little 17's, works great! Bill
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    internal spindle bushing material ???

    Hal, I serched for the post by JS and did not find it. You should send him a message and ask. I do barrel work on my 10EE, send me an email to anne_bill5(at)