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  1. G

    6BR ammo box

    Thanks Guys. Big help
  2. G

    6BR ammo box

    What do you guys use to cary your 6BR ammo in? I don't see anything Frankfort Arsonal or MTM has to offer. 243 boxes are too deep. Thanks, Mike
  3. G

    Explain NRR (noise reduction rating)

    To help put things into perspective every 3dB is double. So 24dB is considerably more evective than 18dB. For example take the number 10 at 18dB. at 20dB that equates to 20 and at 24dB it equates to 40 and at 27dB it equates to 80 and so on. This isn't an exact calculation but for a reference it...
  4. G

    need help with muzzle brake?

    I have a KDF break on a 300 Tommahawk, 300RUM Improved. I shoot a 240SMK at almost 2900fps and it has noticably less recoil than my 25-06 Mountain rifle shooting a 100 grain Bullet. More recoil than a 243 though. The Tommahawk weighs about 14Lbs and the Mountain Rifle is in the 10.5Lb range...
  5. G

    243 rem

    You guys in Arizona need to find something to do:D
  6. G

    Front Rest question

    I have never used a Farley and I understand they are the premire rest on the market. I have a Sinclair which serves me well at a less than half the cost. Bald Eagle makes a pretty nice rest as well. There are others out there that are decent rest in the $300 range too. These are just a couple...
  7. G

    220 Swift Barrel Rem VSSF II

    The 220 swift is known to be a barrel burner but Like Vic mentioned it will serve you well and extend the life if taken care of. I load mine kinda hot and it was still winning factory class until last year when the round count was getting somewhere in the 1800 range. Granted the throat is gone...
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    Newbie to BR needs gun/caliber advice

    I too think the Savage in a 6BR would be a great choice. I'm currently having a custom 6BR built but have no desire to have a 12 twist barrel. If you plan any longer range shooting you can order the Savage with a 8 twist barrel. This will allow you use the heavier bullets needed for accuarcy at...
  9. G

    243 rem

    87 grain V-Max. with H4350 It has a better BC than those previously mentioned which will have less wind deflection and better down range energy. Very accurate;)
  10. G

    Noob Rifle Question

    NOOB -- pronounced - New Bee; Noun; Someone who does not have a lot of experiance and is seeking advice; This is not a manufacturer of firearms rather an individual that is lacking knowledge.
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    rem 700 question

    A good action job will improve the acuracy without a doubt. The action job should include lapping the lugs, re-cutting the threads on the barrel and truing the action to the barrel. Some would like to have the bolt face squared up. That would be your choice, some reputable smiths don't think...
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    Release agent question

    I use Acra release from Brownells and a friend of mine used Pam Cooking spray. We have both had no problems. I by far am not an expert on bedding an action but I certainly like the idea of being able to get release agent of some type into the chamber area of the action because I'm sloppy and an...
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    Reccomend Gunsmith in Pa

    If you live in Central PA you could also try Eric Springman outside of Allenwood or Ted Ulmer in Potters Mills outside of State College.
  14. G

    swift or

    There is absolutly no issue with the performance of the 220 swift. I have been very competitive in the factory class with one shooting 52 grain SMK's with an old beat up Winchester M70 Heavy Varmint with @2000 rounds out of it. So that even kinda blows the myth of being a barrel burner. I must...
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    Richard's stocks?

    I ordered a Richards Stock waited 3 months. When it showed up the quality was so poor I had to send it back. Guess what? I waited another 3 months for the replacement. Mine like Chisolm's took a lot of work but now that it's done it looks real nice. Also like Chisolm said I definately will not...
  16. G

    action question

    This isn't a cheap sport!! I have a Heavy Bench gun for 1000 yard that is very competitive with a Remington action, but it wasn't cheap. If you go to Williamsports web page and look around you'll see a lot of guys using Remington actions, followed by Bat and many other others. The Rem and Bat...