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    Holbrook MA indoor Airgun Benchrest Match 25 Yd Sat. April 2 at Noon

    Thanks John, I will have a setup if needed. And just about everyone will share their equipment. Paul
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    Holbrook MA indoor Airgun Benchrest Match 25 Yd Sat. April 2 at Noon

    Holbrook Sportsmens Club 150 Quincy Street Holbrook, MA The last indoor shoot for the USA score line. $5.00 for three world targets any class. Should be able to shoot 6 targets. Hope to see you April 2 any time after 11:00 for bench drawing. Next shoot May 7. Paul Bendix
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    USARB 2016 Nationals

    ThankYou Wilbur printed fine with my IPad mini Printed fine with your link on an IPad mini.
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    Open Grove Results 3-13-16

    Great shooting everyone! Joe Thanks for having the monthly shoots and posting the results! WOW two 250's congrats Bob and Tim!! Mike sure is doing some traveling! I though 500 miles for a three card Wed Night shoot was a lot! With 8-9 ht round trip. Mike must be five times that? Mike...
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    Wild River Air Rifle (Grants Pass, OR) - USARB Report Indoors - March 9, 2016

    Great shooting everyone! WOW 8 250 and 8 249's!!! Almost time to go outside. Paul Bendix
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    Two USARB Scoreline Indoor matches at Salem this month

    Todd Won't make this one. Todd, Let me know if you run any Wed Night outdoor shoots for Airguns/ Rimfire? Would like to make a couple before going to Maine. Paul
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    Results Holbrook Indoor Scoreline March 5,2016

    Holbrook Sportsmen Club Indoor Scoreline Match March 5, 2015 Started out 18 degrees when I cleared the couple of inches of snow and finished packing the truck. Ended up with three shooters. Was a good match for Chris to score targets. I or Dave would score Chris's target while he cleaned and...
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    Results Montrose Air Rifle Club Outdoors March 6, 2016

    Great shooting Mike and Olivia !! Mike, Love the scores and pictures of Olivia! I would be happy with the scores! Paul
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    Holbrook indoor AirGun BR Sat March 5 @ Noon

    John, Thanks for letting me know you couldn't make it. Hope you can make the April shoot. Paul
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    Holbrook indoor AirGun BR Sat March 5 @ Noon

    Do you want me to bring a front rest for you? Glad, You can make it. Let me know if you want me to bring a spare front rest? Paul
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    Holbrook indoor AirGun BR Sat March 5 @ Noon

    Holbrook Sportsmen's Club 150 Quincy street Holbrook, Massachusetts Come join us for an afternoon of shooting and talking about airguns. $5.00 for three world targets that can be used towards the Scoreline. 11:00 AM bench drawings and range setup. Match starts at noon. Hope to see you Sat...
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    Results Montrose Air Rifle Club Outdoors February 21, 2016

    I hope your joking about it not counting? Mike Great shooting! Paul Bendix
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    Salem USARB Scoreline results 2/21

    Todd thanks for running the indoor matches! Guys, Had a great time shooting with everyone. That AAHFT500 of John's is sure a shooter and is easy to load. When after the first card Todd Pete and myself shot all 250's the only problem was the heat was on the complete target. The second target...
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    World target ring size Dick is this what you want? I noticed the first batch of targets the 10 ring seemed smaller than my last box of 300. But I have no accurate way of checking them like Mike has. Paul
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    Official Targets Dick, Not sure but the Official targets come on flat stock and Glossy stock paper? Indoors under the lights the Glossy targets are useless! Not sure how they will do outside? Paul
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    Results Montrose Air Rifle Club Outdoors February 21, 2016

    Mike you kicked my butt and I was shooting indoors at Salem NY 749 49X Paul Bendix. Thomas Open (1) 250 17X, (2) 249 17X, (3) 250 15X (total) 749 49X
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    Salem, NY USARB Scoreline match Sunday, 2/21

    Truck Packed , Alarm set for 3:30 AM Todd, I plan on shooting Open Class. Paul
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    Salem, NY USARB Scoreline match Sunday, 2/21

    Hope to make it will let you know Sat. Night for sure. Paul Bendix
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    Open Grove 2-14-16 Results

    Great Shooting Everyone! Joe, Sure wish you were 2500 miles closer. Will try my best to make your National shoot again this year! Mike sure has his LV Thomas humming. You might correct his third card second match to a 249 instead of a 149 the total is correct! You sure put on a nice BBQ! Paul
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    Lothar Walther 12 groove, slow twist & regular twist polygon barrels

    At Holbrook about the same. My HV Thomas loves Monsters in it's 1/36 slow twist Polygon but I clean it each card. If I don't the X count goes way down. It only takes 2 or 3 pellets before I shoot the target. The patchwork kills my arthritic hands so use a Crown saver and favor Kroil instead of...