Salem USARB Scoreline results 2/21


New member
The Salem Pistol and Rifle Club hosted an indoor USARB Scoreline match last Sunday with 4 shooters enjoying a morning of benchrest and shooting the breeze. Paul Bendix made the 250 mile trip across Mass. to join Pete Roberson, John French and I. Pete and John hadn't seen a Thomas rifle up close before and were very interested in the tech and workmanship in Pauls' rifle. Our clubhouse is nowhere near as nice as Pauls home range, Holbrook, and we were all interested to see how the Thomas would do in our drafty range. Our suspicions were comfirmed and we were somewhat relieved to know that it wasn't just us not shooting well in there when Paul dropped 3 points out of 1500 with much lower X counts than normal for him:eek: He still managed to beat us in both matches despite the fact that we shoot in there twice a week:cool:

Paul shot his Thomas at 16fp but opted to shoot Open class. John shot his AA MPR 400 at under 12fp in HV class, Pete shot Johns AAHFT500 at under 12fp for both LV and HV, and I shot my RAW TM-1000 in LV and TM-1000X in HV. I shot AA 8.4's for LV but everyone else shot JSB Monsters for all classes.

Here are the results:
Match 1
Pete Roberson- 250-12X, 249-16X, 250-14X=749-42X
Todd Banks- 250-13X, 248-13X, 250-13X=748-39X
John French- 248-11X, 245-10X, 245-9X=738-30X
Paul Bendix- 250-15X, 249-17X, 250-17X=749-49X

Match 2
Todd Banks- 249-16X, 247-13X, 250-12X= 746-41X
Pete Roberson- 248-6X, 248-11X, 249-11X=745-28X
John French- 247-8X, 248-11X, 241-4X= 736-23X
Paul Bendix- 249-11X, 250-9X, 249-16= 748-38X

Our next weekend match will be on Sunday, March 20.
Todd Banks
Todd thanks for running the indoor matches!

Had a great time shooting with everyone. That AAHFT500 of John's is sure a shooter and is easy to load.
When after the first card Todd Pete and myself shot all 250's the only problem was the heat was on the complete target. The second target after I finished one row Todd and Pete stopped shooting. I couldn't hear the heat turning off. My next shot was up 1/4 inch took some sighter and held off until Todd started shooting again. Another sighter and back to normal. Third target another 250.
Hope next time it's warm enough to shoot without the heat on. Or Maybe shoot outdoors?
Todd had to cut a window on the back wall of the range to get 75 feet. John took the picture and was shooting bench 3 with Pete shooting off the black bench.


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