Worked for the local school district Journey level carpenter at the maintenance Dept. and have been exposed to high levels short duration numerious times and it too concerns me. Worked my up to department head carpentry dept. with 11 men under me. I took a class and got my Asbestos Inspector, Manager, Planner Certs.and would not let my guys touch it there after. Best thing I ever did as it now made me just as responsible as the district. When those above would say just do it and don't worry about having it abated as they once did me. I could now just simply say I can't as I could now get sued personally and loose all that own and all though it pissed them off to have to now spend the abatement money it was also the best protection my guys now had. For those that might not know it could be found in the floors, walls, ceilings both plaster or drop in tiles, doors, roofs adhesives just about everything we worked on or had to patch of replace. I could now even protect the students and staff as well being just as important to me. We maintained 42 sites so it was not a small problem. Unfortunately the other department heads, plumbing, electrical, HVAC etc.including my immediate supervisor purposely flunked the class and could then continue to ignore it's health risks to all including the students, staff and their own workers. Newer schools should be Asbestos free by law but it does not always hold true unless certified to be so. Those who have children still in school can go to any school site and request to look at their AHERA Asbestos management plan. It will list all the areas still containing asbestos and must be updated yearly.