Professional Shooting League, Calfee

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Yep, I went over and read the rules. Looks like Dan has any possibility of a tie covered right down to a shoot off.
heck i was waiting for pacecil to show up

and tell us all how to do it.

Modern Marvels on the History channel, aired a one hour special last night, on how they measure Distance, Time, Speed, Light and weight, and not once did the subject of String come up. WoW, documentation.
Modern Marvels on the History channel, aired a one hour special last night, on how they measure Distance, Time, Speed, Light and weight, and not once did the subject of String come up. WoW, documentation.
And how much time did they give to scoring rings?

If you're refering to distance from one point to another, about 10 minutes. Much was said about Lasers and GPS locators, to calculate precise distance.
If you're refering to distance from one point to another, about 10 minutes. Much was said about Lasers and GPS locators, to calculate precise distance.
Well, darn, if you're going to go THERE. You could just set up the frame in an acoustic target and the match could be scored before the targets get pulled. :D

And when can Dan expect full payment in Cash to buy such an outfit? Your generosity is appreciated.
And when can Dan expect full payment in Cash to buy such an outfit? Your generosity is appreciated.
The base price for a caliper to make a string measure set up is $14.95 at Harbor Freight.
He could start there. :D
Or I'll get him one after you get him the laser and GPS to insure the range is EXACTLY 50 yards. :D
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MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM A "NEWBIE" ...soon to get run outta town!

The base price for a caliper to make a string measure set up is $14.95 at Harbor Freight.
He could start there. :D

OR...... you can find something just a little cheaper, lol!!

hey it's a joke.. don't hate on me it's Christmas


Now if you use an 'adjustable' plug, it should net 100.

Or if you string it, you might be .001" closer to the 100 then you thought you were, which makes your shooting more precise.:D
Now if you use an 'adjustable' plug, it should net 100.

Or if you string it, you might be .001" closer to the 100 than you thought you were, which makes your shooting more precise.:D
NONE of the methods under discussion will have any effect upon your SHOOTING ABILITY whatsoever. Other than to REPORT and RECORD it more accurately, or or less so, depending upon the method used.
What you string guys dont understand is the differance in score and group.If you shot a 50 in the exact same spot every time you would have a score of 1250 and have the smallest string measurement,but you did not hit anything,so the guy that misses should win?
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