Professional Shooting League, Calfee

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No, no challenge. Just have an extra tweed jacket and thought it might fit you.
Sorry, none of the above. How about you? Tweeds your thing? Maybe a few gaps too ???


You know, for a while I wondered why you got tossed off the ASSRA board? As bad as they can be, I think I understand now. And by the way, about 20 pages ago I gave you a fairly cordial response but you are apparantly just that obstanate.
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Sorry, but I don't do tweeds. Blue jeans are pretty much my uniform.

I don't know where to begin.....Maybe Kathy will just kill the whole thread...or maybe I will...

I thought Kathy was just waiting for Christmas to kill this thread, but Christmas has come and gone and the thread is still here. Wilbur whats the hold up?
Mr Wilbur does the high court ever except a plea for mercy in some cases? I would be glad to represent the defendant BrianD in a court of Inquiry. Maybe have a civil trial right here in this thread. Mr. Wilbur if i may suggest you pick an attorney for the board so someone could put into words where the members of this site have been disrespected or dishonored or the offense that warrants reason for the 'hanging".

I don't know if Mr. Brent would allow me to stand in his defend, be up to the court also. I'm sure we could get a volunteer to plead the boards case why the plug should be pulled.

Or in all due respect Mr Wilber you and Mr Calfee have the "death" button that needs no trial.... maybe it could be fun... can't go outside where i am, the weather is too bad.... no disrespect toward anyone -i'm just askin: joe :D

Wilbur, have you been busy rewriting the IR 50/50 scoring rules to use a string in the 2009 season?
. And by the way, about 20 pages ago I gave you a fairly cordial response but you are apparantly just that obstanate.

tim, was that your opening post on the thread, "It took five pages but we went from PSL to 200 yard string measurements. I propose we have one match for spider monkeys shooting revolvers. Is this a great country or what? "

That's all I could find, and I never tried to parse it. But, if I had, I don't know that I'd have translated it to "cordial".

jGEE, you can represent me any time. But it's not a big deal if they shoot me down or not. Just like sweeping dirt under the rug never made for less dirt, killing this thread is not going to make these guys nice or polite. They gotta do what they gotta do.

I just don't know why old Hovie got so chicken over a simple shooting match where he holds all the advantage.
Another voice from the Wilderness . . .

Some of you know about the Reticle Rule. If you do, you probably shoot NBRSA or IBS Centerfire Benchrest. You also must know that the reticule rule could be used for String Measurement, and would be a hell of a lot more accurate than measuring with a string, a caliper or a simple dial or digital scale.

This thread would not have turned into a pissing contest if Brent had explained HOW to do string measurement with accuracy before he told us WHY. With so many here only understanding one way to score, the horse was dead before Brent got to the HOW.

I am pretty sure it would be hard for a Spider Monkey to learn scoring with a good reticle rule. But: If Brent had started out with an explanation based on the method used by NBRSA and IBS on scoring GROUP targets in sanctioned matches, the horse would still be alive.

My personal opinion: I could not recommend the reticle rule for scoring in the PSL League. My reason is a simple one: As a few of you have stated: It is too damn SLOW.

In sanctioned NBRSA and IBS GROUP matches, you measure a group of 5 or 10 shots three times and take the average of the three measurements as the nominal group size: Measured to the nearest .001". Aggregate matches carry out to the 4th decimal place.

In a SCORE match you would have to take 75 measurements on each target card to come up with the total score on ONE 25 bull target.

Joe Haller (Mr. Frosty)
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Hey Danny

Pay no attention to what some are saying. You've got the best game in town and I will be there. I'll be bringing four friends and all of us can hardly wait for your season to begin. Thank you for bringing new life to rimfire benchrest. We may not win, but we'll be in the hunt. I have no doubt this will be the fairest scoring ever to entertain rimfire shooting and the competition will be unquestionably the best in the country. It will be an honor to compete in these events. Your friend Fred.
In a SCORE match you would have to take 75 measurements on each target card to come up with the total score on ONE 25 bull target.

Joe Haller (Mr. Frosty)
Real good to see you are still right there in the thick of it Joe. :D
You wisdom and experience is well known.....At least to me. :D
But in truth the redundant measurements would only be meaningful on the 2 or 3 top placing targets. On all others single iterations would be more than precise enough.
Saturday Morning

An interesting read.

Another classic example of someone who needs to put their money where their mouth is.

Easy enough to create your own league. Then everyone follows your new rules and your chosen new scoring format. You could get Billy Mays to sell your league certified and approved made in China calipers for scoring with a clap-on light attachment for absolute accuracy. The first 50 callers also will receive an autographed copy of your league book, "How to Shoot at 20 Yards and Call it 200".

Now I can watch the cartoons and wait for Bugs Bunny to say, "What a maroon".
hulk, eh? Good name.

So, exactly what put such a bug up your butt this morning? Your cartoons not on yet? Or did you just feel the need to start off the morning with a friendly howdy?


Good morning.

Cartoons are always on with Cartoon Network, so no bugs here.

Your thoughtful suggestion for changing the scoring format of someone else's league simply needs to be taken one step further.

My humble suggestion is for you to start a league of your own, they will come, so everyone may partake in your superior rules and bask in your glory amongst the corn. You are obviously more intelligent than most on this forum and I, for one, cannot understand how anyone could argue with your logic. Now, where did I put that Kool-Aid?
Another classic example of someone who needs to put their money where their mouth is.

Or possibly another example of someone needing to read, and attempt to understand, the whole thread before posting.

Your thoughtful suggestion for changing the scoring format of someone else's league simply needs to be taken one step further.

He made no "suggestion" for CHANGING anything, and IF you had read HIS posts as opposed to the other flamethrowers, you MIGHT have picked that up. Hey, It could happen.

Now I can watch the cartoons and wait for Bugs Bunny to say, "What a maroon".

So nice to have so many episodes directed at you personally isn't it. (Explains why the CTN is always on.)

Can we drop the imbecilic hostilities now? They add nothing to either discussion.


I will consider myself scolded. No more CTN for a week.

Now, I did read the entire thread and may have read too much between the lines:

In this professional game the differences between First Place and First Loser will be incredibly small - No? And, in any competitive sport, we would hope, not arbitrary. So, why not do it with all the care and objectivity one can?

For a professional league, something more precise might be better. It was, just a suggestion. But apparently that qualifies for a full keel-hauling with tar and feathering thrown in for good measure.

The pro league might be the place to give it ago too, since the quality of shooting will be the very best and because there is much more on the line than just bragging rights.

And I suggested this simply for a professional league where getting it right would be more important.

I suggested something different than the status quo.

No more imbecilic hostilities. Hard to keep up with all you smart guys.

I will consider myself scolded. No more CTN for a week.

Now, I did read the entire thread and may have read too much between the lines:

In this professional game the differences between First Place and First Loser will be incredibly small - No? And, in any competitive sport, we would hope, not arbitrary. So, why not do it with all the care and objectivity one can?

For a professional league, something more precise might be better. It was, just a suggestion. But apparently that qualifies for a full keel-hauling with tar and feathering thrown in for good measure.

The pro league might be the place to give it ago too, since the quality of shooting will be the very best and because there is much more on the line than just bragging rights.

And I suggested this simply for a professional league where getting it right would be more important.

I suggested something different than the status quo.

No more imbecilic hostilities. Hard to keep up with all you smart guys.
Speaking of reading between the lines...I'm "assuming" that some of that last post we (the readers) are intended to place our own quotes around (or known where you wanted them) - and also mistakenly take the defensive statements by BrentD as replacements for his original intended purpose....either that or you've changed your stance entirely.

It really does not take a "smart guy" to make use of the quote tags. (It's that last little button on the right just above the typing area - looks like a cartoon dialog balloon). But then again a simple use of standard quote marks would have accomplished much the same thing.

It's rapidly becoming a pet peeve of mine for people to rabidly and vehemently defend what is essentially a willful lack of knowledge...something also referred to as ignorance. And it is particularly irksome when it comes from people who used to know better.
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