harrell measure question

BTW, this is priceless..... you can't make this stuff UP! I'll just save it here so's you can't "edit it"

Uthink Uknow
Personally, and isn't that what it's about, I like and have the Harrell measure(s) with the bearings. They drop extremely accurately and I have the targets and/or awards to prove it. My measures drop to within .001 inch.
I tire of those who go into long dissertations about what is wrong with dropping charges and use a scale that measures to .001 grains but can't back any of this up with targets. I understand there is a lot more than the weight of charges when it come to accuracy.

Positive ID? No. But then I can tell the difference between the Gospel according to Matthew and A Christmas Story by Charles Dickens.

.001 inch eh?

Are you absolutely SURE you're measuring the same thing as the other shooters?

And would you be willing to actually TEST this for us? Just thrun some charges and post the data...... I'll believe it, really :)

(This will NEVER happen!)

Ohhh, and if you want to compare ACTUAL data points, I've got reams and reams of actual documented, dated throwing data. Many different powders...... I wouldn't even have to go do the testing.


unlike you

You don't know me, Al. I have won at the National Level, Regional level, State level, and local at 100 and 200 yards. You have won on BR Central. You have run off your mouth in anti Semetic tones at a Jewish person on this site, who no longer posts here. To show your ignorance in conversing to and about me is small potatoes compared to other things you have said here.
My activities pale in comparison to what you accomplish in your 36 hour days. It's impossible to sling concrete, shoot all the rifles you have in every possible class from elephant to antelope to BR to tactical. You run 8 hour tests daily on your scale, your eight powder dumps, four powder dispensers, your four or more chronographs, and love letters to Mikeinco. How can you do all these things?
You don't know me, Al. I have won at the National Level, Regional level, State level, and local at 100 and 200 yards. You have won on BR Central. You have run off your mouth in anti Semetic tones at a Jewish person on this site, who no longer posts here. To show your ignorance in conversing to and about me is small potatoes compared to other things you have said here.
My activities pale in comparison to what you accomplish in your 36 hour days. It's impossible to sling concrete, shoot all the rifles you have in every possible class from elephant to antelope to BR to tactical. You run 8 hour tests daily on your scale, your eight powder dumps, four powder dispensers, your four or more chronographs, and love letters to Mikeinco. How can you do all these things?

Thank you :)

I'll save this one too ;)

BTW, this is priceless..... you can't make this stuff UP! I'll just save it here so's you can't "edit it"

Uthink Uknow
Personally, and isn't that what it's about, I like and have the Harrell measure(s) with the bearings. They drop extremely accurately and I have the targets and/or awards to prove it. My measures drop to within .001 inch.
I tire of those who go into long dissertations about what is wrong with dropping charges and use a scale that measures to .001 grains but can't back any of this up with targets. I understand there is a lot more than the weight of charges when it come to accuracy.

Positive ID? No. But then I can tell the difference between the Gospel according to Matthew and A Christmas Story by Charles Dickens. .001 inch eh?

Are you absolutely SURE you're measuring the same thing as the other shooters?

And would you be willing to actually TEST this for us? Just thrun some charges and post the data...... I'll believe it, really

(This will NEVER happen!)

Ohhh, and if you want to compare ACTUAL data points, I've got reams and reams of actual documented, dated throwing data. Many different powders...... I wouldn't even have to go do the testing.

You missed what UU said.
He said he measures to .001 inches. I think he is talking about his target or targets.
And this I can believe.



How come someone asks a simple question here on BRC, then it turns into a pissing contest.
Just answer the questions the best you can and leave it.
I have a Harrells with the bearings, I slowly go up and go slowly down.
If I feel a kernal cutting I just go back up and most of the time the kernal in question will move a little preventing it from being cut on the down stroke.Todd Tyler
How come someone asks a simple question here on BRC, then it turns into a pissing contest.
Just answer the questions the best you can and leave it.
I have a Harrells with the bearings, I slowly go up and go slowly down.
If I feel a kernal cutting I just go back up and most of the time the kernal in question will move a little preventing it from being cut on the down stroke.Todd Tyler

Because there are few "simple questions."

And fewer "simple answers" that are actually useful.

You, for instance don't qualify your answer in any way. Have you ever weighed charges thrown this way?

I would never do what you're doing because my tests have shown that doing it that way will often result in a skewed charge. Now, if you do actually shoot BR competition, and you actually do this while reloading for matches..... and you sometimes WIN said matches..... or if you've tested the method exhaustively, then this is meaningful information.

If not, then the answer is less relevant that someone else's.

On this forum.

On other forums, any and all answers are given equal credence. And in the end, if the whiners have their way, THIS forum will go the same route.

Just like this country has......we're "catching up to" the ignorance of the rest of the world.....pretty soon Bench Rest Competitions will be decided by popular vote. If some folks had their way we'd be able to vote people off because they don't like them!

Survivor BR


Now, if you do actually shoot BR competition, and you actually do this while reloading for matches..... and you sometimes WIN said matches..... or if you've tested the method exhaustively, then this is meaningful information.

If not, then the answer is less relevant that someone else's.

The last I looked, TylerT does shoot BR competition -- and has won. :)
Good Post Todd

How come someone asks a simple question here on BRC, then it turns into a pissing contest.
Just answer the questions the best you can and leave it.
I have a Harrells with the bearings, I slowly go up and go slowly down.
If I feel a kernal cutting I just go back up and most of the time the kernal in question will move a little preventing it from being cut on the down stroke.Todd Tyler

For me,This is One of the most informative posts in this thread. It,s an opinion, like most posts on a public forum.There is no requirement to qualify a response, in an effort to make it more appealing. Especially in a Sport where there are few Absolutes.

BR has different meanings for many and it is hard for us to recognize all what we need or ought to count. Some believe that only things that can be measured are worthy of attention others recognize it as more of a stochastic process. The only thing I know for sure is that it ain’t easy.

A good trick for using 133 is
Fill powder bottle to the top
Tap the bottle with your fingers
You will see the powder level drop over half an inch
Do about six drops in the bottle cap
Tap bottle one more time
All this takes less than a minute

Now all the extruded powder kernels are lined up a lot better, like stacking wood.
You will have better results throwing powder and a lot less cutting too.
When you take the fluff out of the powder it meters much better.
you must use short cut or ball powder to be consistent with any measure . here's a simple test


That particular scale is of the same resolution as the measure.....BTST a Chargemaster is about as accurate as a Harrell's measure.

And neither will give winning results beyond 500yds.

WHY all these 100-200yd warriors keep arguing this, having never fired a shot beyond 300yds for effect is beyond my comprehension! What sort of person argues vehemently on a subject about which they know nothing?


This is not news!

It gets said, and ignored, over and over and over.

Now, if Tyler shoots BR and is in any way successful using his occasional double-pump technique, or if he has actually tested and weighed those charges, then his opinion is certainly more valid than if not.

But in no case need it be a pissing contest.

That said, why the hangup about contesting things?
Because there are few "simple questions."

And fewer "simple answers" that are actually useful.

You, for instance don't qualify your answer in any way. Have you ever weighed charges thrown this way?

I would never do what you're doing because my tests have shown that doing it that way will often result in a skewed charge. Now, if you do actually shoot BR competition, and you actually do this while reloading for matches..... and you sometimes WIN said matches..... or if you've tested the method exhaustively, then this is meaningful information.

If not, then the answer is less relevant that someone else's.

On this forum.

On other forums, any and all answers are given equal credence. And in the end, if the whiners have their way, THIS forum will go the same route.

Just like this country has......we're "catching up to" the ignorance of the rest of the world.....pretty soon Bench Rest Competitions will be decided by popular vote. If some folks had their way we'd be able to vote people off because they don't like them!

Survivor BR




You see that feller standing right behind Tony Boyer??

That’s Todd Tyler.

This is the USA team pic at the last Benchrest World Championships held in Australia last year. To earn a place on this team, you must be in the top 12 shooters in the nation over a series of 5 matches held in different parts of the country.

Todd earned a Silver Medal… at the World Championships with this grand agg.

AND, a Gold Medal for small group in HV200.


Todd uses 133 exclusively and throws every charge. He typically wins or is at the top of the page anywhere he goes.

So, I’d say his experience throwing charges at matches is relevant.

On this forum.

Todd is one of a few guys who have helped me and many others with the learning curve of this sport of short range BR.

Two things I’ve learned today:
1. sometimes the “experts” need to learn when to speak and when to shut their mouths.
2. ignorance is bliss.
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If I'm the new guy out of line , feel free. I am new here and asked dumb ass questions, what if questions. And in the back ground there is the one poster for who knows for what reason has a remark to pick a fight. I go along with it for the ride because I once joined a rifle forum called 24hourcampfire and never in my life have I read so much blow hard bs. ALL of you have a bit here and there to teach. Let's show that and and not let cabin fever set in early. My mom once said- All I need to know about getting along with others , I learned in kendergarden. (count me out, never went) Good luck shooting, Tom
That particular scale is of the same resolution as the measure.....BTST a Chargemaster is about as accurate as a Harrell's measure.

that was my point.

And neither will give winning results beyond 500yds.

bullpoop. !

and ps.....where did he ask about distance to target ?

What do you mean "bullpoop?"

"bullpoop" isn't an answer, it's just the prelude to an answer.

That scale measures to one decimal point or two tenths of a grain, more than adequate for point blank BR
That scale measures to one decimal point or two tenths of a grain, about as accurate as a thrower on any given day.

You and several others are ranting and raving here over NOTHING.

Some of you'se just want to argue. Or more pointedly, "prove someone wrong."


You want to "prove me wrong" just point out the facts like afrench did. I had no idea TylerT was Todd Tyler, obviously he has credence in short range BR. AND he will double-pump. I've never met anyone else who'll do that.
What do you mean "bullpoop?"

"bullpoop" isn't an answer, it's just the prelude to an answer.

That scale measures to one decimal point or two tenths of a grain, more than adequate for point blank BR
That scale measures to one decimal point or two tenths of a grain, about as accurate as a thrower on any given day.

You and several others are ranting and raving here over NOTHING.

Some of you'se just want to argue. Or more pointedly, "prove someone wrong."


You want to "prove me wrong" just point out the facts like afrench did. I had no idea TylerT was Todd Tyler, obviously he has credence in short range BR. AND he will double-pump. I've never met anyone else who'll do that.


Hey alinwa,
If I change my screen name to billinfla, will I be able to shoot at 500 yards instead of only at point blank?
Bill the trout
Will I get more "likes"
You don't know me, Al. I have won at the National Level, Regional level, State level, and local at 100 and 200 yards. You have won on BR Central. You have run off your mouth in anti Semetic tones at a Jewish person on this site, who no longer posts here. To show your ignorance in conversing to and about me is small potatoes compared to other things you have said here.
My activities pale in comparison to what you accomplish in your 36 hour days. It's impossible to sling concrete, shoot all the rifles you have in every possible class from elephant to antelope to BR to tactical. You run 8 hour tests daily on your scale, your eight powder dumps, four powder dispensers, your four or more chronographs, and love letters to Mikeinco. How can you do all these things?

You forgot the 8000+ posts.