harrell measure question

I've heard it said there is a hair's breadth of difference between genius and madness.
How long would a race car last on the streets of New York and how would it perform as a taxi there?
How would Peyton Manning do in beach volleyball?
Can you picture Tony Boyer in a tutu?
Charlie Hood as a doctor?
Well, as I see it, a BR rifle wouldn't do well as an assault rifle. I think a BR rifle has to be a fined tuned instrument on the ragged edge of victory or disaster. The victory goes to the rifle that rides the ragged edge without going out of fine tune. One
could tune down to shoot .600 all the time and never throw a flier. What is the joy in that? We need to ride that ragged edge.

So honestly
Do you have any ideal how to tune a real 100-200 yard benchrest GROUP rifle at a real competition? ?
Trying to explain tuning a ppc for group shooting to a long range guy maybe hopeless
If you've never practiced all day the day before a match and shooting good. Then go to the line the next morning and the same gun same load shoot terrible. Go up or down a click for the next relay and it knots up again. If you haven't seen this. You will never understand
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Trying to explain tuning a ppc for group shooting to a long range guy maybe hopeless
If you've never practiced all day the day before a match and shooting good. Then go to the line the next morning and the same gun same load shoot terrible. Go up or down a click for the next relay and it knots up again. If you haven't seen this. You will never understand

Geez, and I thought I was the only one this happened to.
Hey Todd,
I shoot registered group and score. And I'm not sure if that is what you're asking but I'm moving the tuner all the time so, in essence, I'm tuning all the time, somewhat. I have a range at home and feel I'm in tune before I leave home but it never works out that way in this imperfect world. Before the advent of the tuner, I moved the Harrell drum all the time as the temperature and the target dictated. Today, it's the Kestrel and density altitude and crank the tuner accordingly. I don't change loads. I really don't tune too much with bullet seating. I establish O.A.L. each new barrel and pretty well leave it there for the life of the barrel with a minor adjustment as the edge of the lands wear.
Let me ask you a question. Typically, or on average, how many sighters do you shoot per match?
As many that is necessary, if I got the tune right not very many.
If the tune is off, will check other loads as fast as I can.
I usually take 2 or 3 different loads at the first match,
if they still don't work I always have 5 prepared cases ready to load, if I have time.
You get 10 minutes for the first match, take advantage of the extra time if you have to.
If you start with a bad group, don't just look at it for awhile.
Have a plan on what to do, make some kind of an adjustment.
Tuner, seating depth, powder charge.
Thats why we load at the match (group)
Keep simple notes that you can refer to.
I may not always start with a tuned rifle, but I have a plan and usually can get in tune quickly.
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A lot of shooters are scared or not sure what to do or adjust when they just shot a nasty group.
Dont be afraid to change powder load or seating depth to get
in tune.
Once you come up with your own tuning plan, stick with it.
When you see the rife respond to the changes you made, it will be easier to tune more consistently.
Keep an open mind and pay close attention to details.
If the tune is off, will check other loads as fast as I can.
I usually take 2 or 3 different loads at the first match,
if they still don't work I always have 5 prepared cases ready to load, if I have time.
You get 10 minutes for the first match, take advantage of the extra time if you have to.

Todd, here are three questions; hope you'll respond:

1. What do you do with the rounds you don't shoot at the first target? Pull 'em or shoot 'em as foulers?
2. Do you actually have time to shoot those 2 or 3 different loads and go back to your loading bench to load five more cases and shoot your five record shots?
3. It sounds like you "roll the dice" with those last five cases without having tested any of those rounds on the sighter. Why do you assume those will be better than the other 2 or 3 loads you tested?
Todd, here are three questions; hope you'll respond:

1. What do you do with the rounds you don't shoot at the first target? Pull 'em or shoot 'em as foulers?
2. Do you actually have time to shoot those 2 or 3 different loads and go back to your loading bench to load five more cases and shoot your five record shots?
3. It sounds like you "roll the dice" with those last five cases without having tested any of those rounds on the sighter. Why do you assume those will be better than the other 2 or 3 loads you tested?

I will usually take three loads to the first match, will wait until about 30 minutes before the match and take my best guess on my primary load ,temperature wind....
Primary load 15
Secondary 10 rounds two clicks up or down
Thrid 5 rounds opposite of second load
So I will shoot 2 rounds for fouler from the 15
Then I will shoot 2 from the second load, see if they touch
Then 2 from my primary load
Hopefully one of the 2 shot groups will be one hole.Then I will pick the best one to start.
I will usually commit on one of the loads, and shoot a group for record.
If I start good fine, but that doesn't always happen.
So I can shoot 6 shots rather quickly most of the time and try and pick the best load.
If the record group is big, then I start shooting the sighter again with the thrid load, if that is better than I know what direction to go.
Well if I am still lost and have time, then I go back and load 3 more, and shoot.
Most of the time my first load works, and gives me something to work on.
I use all the other rounds for foulers, and sighters.
I have ran out of ammo when I get in trouble, so an extra 10-15 extra rounds on the bench as back up is a good thing.
Hope this makes since
I will role the dice if I have to, but it is a process of elimination.
And sometimes I just don't get it right.
That's benchrest
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FB and Todd, thanks for sharing. :)

BTW, FB, since your Harrell's is .2/click do you mean you go up/down .1 or .2

Todd, when you say you "can shoot 6 shots rather quickly most of the time and try and pick the best load," does that mean you shoot two from each of the three loads? (You said you only loaded five rounds for the third load.)
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If I am shooting the thrid load I am in trouble.
But it is there if I need it.
I don't always shoot all three loads.
I keep my options open, you have to be able to adjust quickly.
As a brand new shooter and I mean brand new I would like to say thanks.
The information you just posted has actually made the light bulb turn on for me.
Thank you!!!