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  1. R

    Best way to build a canopy over a rifle firing line

    Here are two more pictures of what was done at WBBSC, that Jim (xxper) commented on. We too went on a lengthy quest for information, just like you are asking. I posted the same type of request for information on this forum and many others, and got back quite a few replies and a lot of pictures...
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    RF F-Class anyone?

    Our Smallbore F-Class matches at my local club are coming to an end for the season. As state previously our match director has submitted paperwork to the NRA for us to run an "approved" match. We have still not yet heard back from them... Our last shoot for the season is Sunday October 25th. So...
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    Any Wisc. Hunter Class State Shoot Results

    Anyone have the standings or highlights from the Wisconsin State Hunter Class Shoot, held this past weekend in Holmen? I did not attend and am curious how things went.
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    RF F-Class anyone?

    Back in April I announced that my club was holding smallbore f class matches and thought I would put up a post as a follow up. The matches are doing well, although we wish interest would grow more but the matches are well attended and some very decent scores are being shot! Current high score is...
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    Seb Neo Rest

    SEB NEO Rest Attached are two photos of the alignment issue that I previously wrote about. One with a spacer that I happen to use with this rifle when shooting prone and one without the spacer. Notice the contact of the rubber o-rings to the front of the stock…. Richard
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    Seb Neo Rest

    Seb, Am a dedicated SEB NEO customer/user. But with one issue (complaint). For which have emailed on another site about it. And that is the forearm stop... I shoot various disciplines with various rifles. As a result if have found issues with the way in which the different stocks make...
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    RF F-Class anyone?

    Matches have returned to SE WI If you live in Wisconsin please give these matches a try. As they have returned for this year and 2 months are already in the books. A lot of fun, with a great group of guys. New people are very much welcome, you do NOT need to be a club member as these are open...
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    What's happening at Van Dyne for 2015?

    Steve, Thank you for the update.:(
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    What's happening at Van Dyne for 2015?

    Does anyone know what is happening and/or has happened at the Van Dyne Sportsmens club? I had known that the September VFS match was canceled for 2015. Now received a phone call from Dick Baier stating that the three Hunter Class matches for this year (including the 2 day WI State match) have...
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    Unstable fixtures

    Hi Guys, I find all of this information interesting and valuable knowledge. Especially for the quest that I am on to help improve my local club. Here is a bench at a club that I am familiar with and have shot matches at. These benches ARE solid! I am interested in seeing comments and...
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    Unstable fixtures

    I would consider my self a novice. But would think that the best way to "perfection" and consistent repeatable accuracy is to eliminate as many unwanted variables as possible... I appreciate these open and honest discussions! I would like to see my local club host approved and registered...
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    Range trip to try new bench and some LT30

    Benches Thank you for sharing this. I would like for my local club to be able have bench matches (IBS, ARA, NBRSA, etc.). But we can NOT install permanent concrete benches. This is due to other disciplines that have leagues and matches. Like Service Rifle and NRA Smallbore F-Class... We...
  13. R

    RF F-Class anyone?

    We have dabbled with it last year at our local gun club (West Bend Barton Sportsman's Club) in SE WI. The plan is to have a regular monthly league through the spring-summer-fall and some possible matches. We initially had issue with getting the proper targets, and are...
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    NRA outdoor metric prone smallbore f class matches?

    I know that this might not be the best place to post this... Myself and another person will be posting this elsewhere... Have any of you avid readers to this site participated in an: NRA outdoor metric prone smallbore f class match? Reason for my question is that this is still under...
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    Is Tom Shilka still with us?

    Hi Pete, I do not know Tom personally. But he did not shoot at any of the Hunter Class events at Van Dyne this year. Guys that I shoot with have purchased from him, a 22LR rifle, a 30x47 rifle, and a 30BR rifle....
  16. R

    Covered Rifle Range Firing Line

    Roof design Is there any significance to the two standard roof designs: Shed vs. Gable? And specifically the gable design with a short/steeper section being on the leading edge facing the targets? Is this better for deflecting rain? Is this better for dealing with wind driven lift on the roof...
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    Covered Rifle Range Firing Line

    Direction of Fire The existing concrete pad and firing line runs east to west. And direction of fire is from south to north. Perfect for those cold Wisconsin mornings! But this range is very much like a "bowling alley" with berms running parallel to the direction of fire with well established...
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    Covered Rifle Range Firing Line

    A local gun club in SE Wisconsin has formed a committee to investigate the putting a roof (covering) over the firing line of their rifle range. We (the committee that I am part of) are looking for input from shooters, gun clubs and club members who have a similar setup. We are looking at the...