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  1. D

    Need advise on a beefier Arbor Press

    Henry Harrell makes a damn fine press. He does not cut corners. I used to work for Harrell's so I would know first hand. He does not make arbor presses for Sinclair. He does however make a heavier version of his press (at least he used to). Give him a call and ask about it. Tell him what you...
  2. D

    Is Ringworx Still In Business?

    Oh, you must mean the pictures that I took for John. Well the new rings will all have a 1.5" base to scope bore dimension. So that means from the bottom edge of the base to the center of the scope body will always be 1.5".
  3. D

    Is Ringworx Still In Business?

    Like what picture? Harrell's hasn't posted any pictures of the new style rings. UPDATE: I just visited John up in NJ this weekend and he is planning to get back into production of his products. FYI.
  4. D

    Is Ringworx Still In Business?

    The first model to come out (very soon) will be a straight 30mm ring. Which would y'all be the most interested in seeing next ( 30mm offset, 1" straight or 1" offset 3/8" or 11mm dovetail)? We will work on the one with the most requests next.
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    Super Bowl Blues

    I'm glad that I'm not the only person besides my wife that thinks like this. I am sitting here trying to learn how to use this CAD software so that I can start making some scope rings at work. I can draw the part but can't get the dang thing to post up properly. But I will get it to work.
  6. D

    Harrell's Precisioon Website

    I don't know if Lynwood "owns" "harrellsprec" or not but I can't go to Go Daddy and buy it there because well, because it's taken, by Lynwood. He can probably transfer it over to Go Daddy or whoever he decides to host his website. I'm not a technogeek . I know just enough to get in trouble...
  7. D

    Harrell's Precisioon Website

    1-Well the webmaster is the same person that runs this forum. He's Lynwood's buddy and maybe he has a lot going on but he should have at least posted something, letting folks know that he's working on the problem. It's kind of hard to get things done if you can't get in touch with the repairman...
  8. D

    Harrell's Precisioon Website

    Well just so happens they do care. They have one of the best customer service reputations in the industry. I am just letting current or potential customers know what's going on. Harrell's doesn't want a bad rap due to some technical issues with a website shopping cart.
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    Harrell's Precisioon Website

    This is the weekly bump. Internet Orders are still not getting through. Call if you've placed an order through the website and still have not received it or you may never receive it at all.
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    Harrell's Precisioon Website

    Why? I don't have to. I see Lynwood on a regular basis. No need to call him. I'm not the one calling his shop complaining that they didn't get their stuff for Christmas, when they ordered it the first week of December. There aint a day that goes by without at least one person asking where...
  11. D

    Harrell's Precisioon Website

    this weeks bump.... weekly bump until website gets squared away. Lynwood is still not receiving internet orders even though customers are still able to make them. Call the shop if you have ordered on-line since 12/1/10 and have not received your stuff. If you don't, your orders will not be...
  12. D

    Harrell's Precisioon Website

    bump to the top
  13. D

    Harrell's Precisioon Website

    Lynwood needs to get the word out about this. His customers might be sitting there waiting for their things, assuming that the order went through when in fact it did not.
  14. D

    Harrell's Precisioon Website

    Just a FYI for y'all. The shopping basket on the website takes orders on the customer end but is not delivering the orders on Harrell's end. So, if anybody has ordered on-line since about 12/1/10 and has not received their stuff, please call the shop and give them your info so they can fill...
  15. D

    Accuracy of Harrell Powder measure - PREMIUM version

    I did not intend to exchange any flammables with you or anyone else. The guy peddling Lynwood's stuff across the pond should be able to demonstrate the technique required to throw consistent charges. If he says he can or that his customer should be able to, he should be willing to help this...
  16. D

    Accuracy of Harrell Powder measure - PREMIUM version

    I am pretty sure that this "Guarantee" (Try our products - If you are not satisfied for any reason, just send it back.) only applies if you buy directly from Harrell's Precision. In fact, I am positive. That "funny looking hole" in the powder baffle is broached to fit an allen wrench so that...
  17. D

    Tool Holders / Name Brand vs. Knock Offs?

    I have seen the offerings that CDCO has. I am inclined to try a couple. If the only complaint about them is the set screws... well I can buy a WHOLE bunch of set screws for the difference in the cost of just one tool holder. Besides, I don't own a lathe (yet) so I don't want to sink a bunch...
  18. D

    Tool Holders / Name Brand vs. Knock Offs?

    I have a lathe at my beck and call but no tool holders of my own (lathe belongs to a friend that lets me practice). I don't have the cash to buy authentic Aloris tool holders so I have been looking at purchasing a couple of the knock offs. Are there any that you would recommend? I'm looking...
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    Bolt Cone to Cone Breech Clearance, How Much?

    Thanks Wayne. That makes way more sense to me that some of the "Guessing" methods being dished out on these videos.
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    Bolt Cone to Cone Breech Clearance, How Much?

    I'm getting ready to put a barrel on a Bat MB and I'm ready to put the tool to the steel. My question for those of you more experienced than myself is: How much clearance between the bolt and the breech is necessary and how do you go about checking this to make sure that you have what you...