Harrell's Precisioon Website


New member
Just a FYI for y'all.

The shopping basket on the website takes orders on the customer end but is not delivering the orders on Harrell's end.

So, if anybody has ordered on-line since about 12/1/10 and has not received their stuff, please call the shop and give them your info so they can fill your order.

Your card HAS NOT been charged, even though it says payment has been received.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program....
Lynwood needs to get the word out about this.

His customers might be sitting there waiting for their things, assuming that the order went through when in fact it did not.
this weeks bump....

weekly bump until website gets squared away.

Lynwood is still not receiving internet orders even though customers are still able to make them.

Call the shop if you have ordered on-line since 12/1/10 and have not received your stuff. If you don't, your orders will not be filled until the website starts working again and that might be whenever, who knows.

I don't have to.

I see Lynwood on a regular basis. No need to call him.

I'm not the one calling his shop complaining that they didn't get their stuff for Christmas, when they ordered it the first week of December.

There aint a day that goes by without at least one person asking where their stuff is (has it been shipped yet?).

I hear about it every time I go to his shop.

Who knows just how many customers have placed orders thinking that they would be getting their goodies in a timely fashion? But if the orders don't come across Lynwood's end they'll never get filled.

Lynwood is thinking about getting another website, maybe from Go Daddy and he asked me if I could help him out with it if he does.
I orderd some stuff and called back a week later to check. Good thing I did. Dennis was very helpful. Said he would ship asap. Hope to see the stuff today. Like Dennis says, if you ordered online CALL!
I had a 25yr. old girl hired and my Wife said no way she could come out to my shop with me. She said my voice would have to be pleasant enough.
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I had a 25yr. old girl hired and my Wife said no way she could come out to my shop with me. She said my voice would have to be peasant enough.

Well I'll be...&^%$$#*&! Now wait a minute; where is all this female equal opportunity stuff gone to? They have an equal right to share in all our tantrums when we know that reamer went in several thousands to deep.

This is the weekly bump.

Internet Orders are still not getting through.

Call if you've placed an order through the website and still have not received it or you may never receive it at all.
Maybe Harrells don't care. Ever think of that?

Well just so happens they do care.

They have one of the best customer service reputations in the industry.

I am just letting current or potential customers know what's going on.

Harrell's doesn't want a bad rap due to some technical issues with a website shopping cart.
I always call Harrells because it's tough getting the website to talk to me., I hate non-talking websites ! :)
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Well if you don't want a bad rap you get a more responsive webmaster to fix the problem. If not fixed in a day or so as it should be I would give a week at tops after that I would be getting a new person to handle my web presence. There should have been a note posted on the website telling customers they were having technical difficulties within hours of discovering the problem.

A thread about the problem on BC is not the correct way to handle the problem. After 3 weeks of bumping this topic to top and over 1200 views this thread it is amounting to more of an advertisement than a public service.

Dick Grosbier

1-Well the webmaster is the same person that runs this forum. He's Lynwood's buddy and maybe he has a lot going on but he should have at least posted something, letting folks know that he's working on the problem. It's kind of hard to get things done if you can't get in touch with the repairman now, aint it.

2-It's not my Burger King so I can't make the call on a new website or it would already have been done. And besides, if there were a new website, there is still the task of getting the old one turned off.

3-If we could post notices on the website ourselves, this thread would not even be here. We could have fixed this problem ourselves.

4- I would have thought that by putting it where the webmaster could see this maybe someone other than Harrell's could help get this situation resolved.

5- What is being "Advertised" other than the fact that if a person has ordered something on-line they had better call the shop if they want to get their stuff.

6- 1200 views, WOW, I never even noticed.

So to sum it up... I will continue with my weekly bump until the current website gets fixed or we get a new one, which I will be managing.
Well whois says Harrels actually owns the domain name and Wilbur is technical consultant, I think their hosting of the server is at enom.com. If Harrels do not have Username and Password they can possibly get it from enom so someone can update the site. I imagine they are not technical but I guess you are. Have you guys tried this approach or perhaps or you know what is going on with Wilbur ?
Well whois says Harrels actually owns the domain name and Wilbur is technical consultant, I think their hosting of the server is at enom.com. If Harrels do not have Username and Password they can possibly get it from enom so someone can update the site. I imagine they are not technical but I guess you are. Have you guys tried this approach or perhaps or you know what is going on with Wilbur ?

I don't know if Lynwood "owns" "harrellsprec" or not but I can't go to Go Daddy and buy it there because well, because it's taken, by Lynwood.

He can probably transfer it over to Go Daddy or whoever he decides to host his website.

I'm not a technogeek . I know just enough to get in trouble. Just like running a CNC machine, but I'm Learning.

I have never talked to Wilbur personally but I think that Lynwood has spoken to him since this problem arose but nothing has been fixed yet.

I would rather he fix it or give me the info I need to fix it instead of having to start from scratch. Besides, I already have a full plate myself.

PM sent your way.
I sent you a rather long reply to your PM.
No you cannot transfer the name to Go daddy. The domain name is fine and the hosting is fine you need to obtain the access information so someone can alter the files on the server. If you can obtain the username and password to gain FTP access the files can be changed. I see the domain name is up for renewal soon so this matter really needs to be taken care of soon as well. They should lock it down for 5 or more years the cost is small, trying to get back a lost domain name can be aggravating and costly.