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  1. P

    Brass - Normal or Crazy

    Size without a bushing, and measure the growth! Shouldn´t be to much... When you use a ~.003" undersized bushing on the neck, the brass has to flow somewhere. When you seat the bullet, the brass will decrease in lenght when the bullet expands the neck. //Peter
  2. P

    Annealing PPC brass

    Norma is annealed as well, just polished after annealing. Thats why you don´t see the discoloration.
  3. P

    Ed Adams' loads!!!

    Would be fun to know what actuall load/loads he shot. And, if it actually was that light load, if he found that kind of tune on a regular basis with a number of different barrels.
  4. P

    Are we getting gypped

    105grs short on a 15,400 grain bottle is not that very much.
  5. P

    The dreaded 2 and 1................

    Calvin, About the bag.. Alot of people say that the stock shouldn´t bottom out, ride on the stitching, etc. That could be true, but I have found the opposite to be true for me. To get good tracking, the rear bag need to be firm enough so that it doesn´t settle from the recoil. If you have the...
  6. P

    Can my COL for Rem .308 really be over 3 inches to meet the lands?

    Also, the Accubond´s for sure makes a really long COL given a specific throat lenght... The pointier the bullet the longer lenght, and the accubond for sure are one of the longest!
  7. P

    Can my COL for Rem .308 really be over 3 inches to meet the lands?

    Exactly! Just load to max magazine lenght, and be happy. You can´t do much else, and for a hunting rifle it doesn´t matter much.
  8. P

    Orange Scoville Stocks

    Guess no one can´t. Anyways, it was a red one. Would like to see how the orange looks. //Peter
  9. P

    Orange Scoville Stocks

    Yep, orange and black, should be done quite soon. But, as always, you never really know. Scoville is making mine, have had great luck with his mork before, and he way way faster than the other guy! //Peter
  10. P

    Orange Scoville Stocks

    I guess that mine will be done before that:p It would just be fun to know how it will look, haha!
  11. P

    Orange Scoville Stocks

    Anyone got a picture of the orange one?
  12. P

    Different Farley Rests

    It looks better with the boot? Anyways, I took mine away when I got the rest five years ago, and haven´t looked back. Just feels alot better without it. Have read that some guys just unscreew the the screews but lets the boot still be attached to the arm. Guess you keep some debris out that...
  13. P

    Higher ogive, light weight .22 bullets?

    I just started thinking when I saw that J4 make a .740" .22 jacket... Looks like it could work nicely out of a 1/13" barrel. But, if they are hard on the barrels if makes no sense, better staying with the 6PPC then. Good pointing dies are kind of costly to.
  14. P

    Higher ogive, light weight .22 bullets?

    Is there any custom bullet makers out there who makes .22 bullets in the 50-55gr range in somewhat higher ogives? Alot of the 6mm bullets used in point blank BR nowadays are 8+ ogive, or double ogive, and often with a small boat tail. Most every mfg of .22 point blank bullets that I can find...
  15. P

    Bat action 6PPC won't eject brass

    Is it a ppc/308 combi bolt face? You can check by testing with a 308 etc. casing. Bat has a special extractor for the combi bolts that aren´t working with ppc cases.
  16. P

    Bat action 6PPC won't eject brass

    Does the extractor work, but not the ejector? Or does it neighter work? If so, do you have a Sako type extractor or a sliding plate extractor a´la Kelbly?
  17. P

    Okay, TUNERS AGAIN. Bukys/Schmidt style versus Beggs???????????????

    I found this really old description of Jackies tuner, I don´t remember who orignally posted it. Jackie, has the design changed any over the years?
  18. P

    Front Rest Stop -- Use or Not Use

    I would be happy being able to put down a flat .200 2-gun agg on a regular basis as well... I guess the front stop or not isn´t the main issue for most of us.
  19. P

    Front Rest Stop -- Use or Not Use

    I guess if you have bags that doesn´t settle from shot to shot, it won´t matter much if you use the front stop or not. The rifle will end up in the same spot anyways!