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  1. B

    Pardon Me!

    Has anyone else looked at the pardons that the President made ? When I looked at the list I was shocked. One of the guys had a felony for robbery, carring a gun without a permit , with the numbers taken off ? I thought he wanted to crack down on crimes with guns????????
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    Case Prep Lathe Choice

    That was a good reed Jackie, the same way I do it, However you stated that hand turners do the same thing. I have several friends that use hand turners , and when we test them on the mandril they are allways a bit out Thanks for the info
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    Case Prep Lathe Choice

    I have to agree with Dan, If you can find a used lathe that is the way to go. I had 3 southbends one was a small 9 inch that I picked up for 250$ No gear box also had a 9 a with gearbox that I picked up for 600$ Now I have a heavy 10 that is in good shape. They would all turn case necks better...
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    Unertl question

    Contact Dewayne Greiner,320-589-4050, He has been buying them and reselling them for years. I sold all mine to him, He knows anything you want to know about them. I would think he could find a book for you
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    Another network "notable" that needs firing

    I saw that, can you believe Fox news allowed him to do that? Why don,t they badger Obama like that?
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    "American Sniper" Author Shot, Killed at Gun Range

    We had a man shot and killed at a range in Pa. , He was out shooting his AR 15 wirh a suppressor on it. When He went to check his 300yd. target the guy shot him and took his gun. The guy was 42 with 2 young kid,s. The guy claimed he was collecting guns for a revelotion. he did a plea bargin and...
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    Ballistic charts never seem to work...WHY?

    I have been reading along, now you guys have my attention, What is the story on the hybrids ? As soon as they came out I grabbed some, before I got to try them , got the news of 2900fps and under. I gave them to a buddy who has a 338Lapua in ar30 perfect. Now you say they blew the MB off ? I...
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    Any tips on getting a good finish on drill rod ?

    + 1 on the grade 8 bolt, been using them for years, there is a size for every cal., I also use a collet instead of a chuck, you can get the carriage so much closer.!
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    Stinky hands

    For years I trapped muskrats, when skinning them your hands smell for weeks, I just washed my hands with toothpaste works great:
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    Like they say you only go by here one time,I built a 7mm 416 Rigby And I love it 17 moa at 1000 yds Pushes 162 Hor.bthp up to 3675 but the best groups come at 3500 on the nose::
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    Any info on this caliber & gunsmith?

    Howard built all my 7x300,s He also built 30-378 in both the long and short version. Another couple powders for the 7x300 were H570 very hard to find and WC872 surplus All the pa. smiths can inform you on this cal.
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    Any info on this caliber & gunsmith?

    I owned several 7x300,s I still have 1 They were used a lot at Williamsport Pa. for the 1000 yd. shoots The 1 I have shoots both the 168 Seiara and 162 Hornady well I use 75 gr of 4831 max and 87 gr. of H870 They are nice for hunting also ,shot many deer up to 1300yds
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    South Bend heavy 10 transport

    It could be hauled in the F150 and it can be taken apart very easy into easly handled pices the heavest part would be the cabinet and it can be made liter by taking the motor out. Just pull off the tailstock, take the bolts out from under the headstock, if it has a taper attachment take it...
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    March Scope Update

    Do you have any plans of putting a crosshair in the 10-60 I can,t use a dot because of a floter in my eye Thanks
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    Need Advice On 6mm Ackley Improved

    I tried 1 up to 5 thou. from touching did not make a lot of differance, the charge was a lot diff. went from 3600 to 3750 with 3660 showing the best with no preasure. At 3750 a small crater on the primer no hard bolt lift but the groups opened a little
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    Need Advice On 6mm Ackley Improved

    The reason I said that about the long bullets , I have the same barrel as you!
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    Need Advice On 6mm Ackley Improved

    I don,t know if you are set on the 105,s But my 6mm AI shoots great with the hor. 87 gr V max 3/8 in groups at 100 at 3660 with 53 gr rel 19
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    South Bend Lathe

    Most of the heavy 10,s have a cabinet full lenth, heavy 10 has 13/8 bore. Looks like a 13 to me! should work well They both use the same parts If you have the #,S from the end of the bed e mail south bend and they will give you all the info
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    Unertl Scope ??'s

    Are you shure you moved both rings on the front lense? you must back off the lock ring adjust, then tighten up the lock!
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    Southbend Lathe

    I have 3 Suothbends,two 9 inchers that hold within .0005 and a heavy 10 that will hold 0001. they all work great and they still make parts for all 3