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  1. J

    6.5 06 data

    Have ya called Hornady?
  2. J

    older lr Remmy primers, still good?

    I recently loaded a couple boxes of 38 spcl with some Winchester small pistol that my dad had laying around in his basement since the early `70s. All went bang.
  3. J

    Winchester M70 gunsmith

    Might call this guy
  4. J

    6.5x55 M94 mauser handloads?

    Glad to hear you found a good load. I have always had good luck in the Swede with R22, and lower pressure/good load density with the slower powders is a plus with the older rifles IMO.
  5. J

    6.5x55 M94 mauser handloads?

    I`ve had 3 Swedes, and still have 1. 2 were on modern actions and 1 old M96, all liked slow powders such as 4350 or 4831 but, R22 performed best with 120 and up wt bullets for me. The manuals have data for the old rifles or tell you in the cartridge intro what to modify in their data to make it...
  6. J

    Shooting Chrony Beta

    I used dowels on mine for a while until I felt I could trust myself not to wreck the next set of metal ones. Don`t ask what I`m using today......
  7. J

    How does powder burn?

    alpacca45 go to this site and ask your question on the "Ask the gunwriters" forum. There are some very informed people there that if they can`t answer you directly can point you to a source to find your answer. They just finished a thread on...
  8. J

    Winchester 458 and 375 brass out of spec.

    Starting a bit low instead of at max then working up with result in fire formed brass that as already said will have a bit more capacity and should allow the charge without bulging the case when compressing the charge.
  9. J

    list of Powerds by burn rate

    Yep, every lot of powder differs to some degree.
  10. J

    A Tale Of Three Chrony's

    I did a similar test with a Shooting chrony and a Pact M1 a few years back on another board. The result I found was about a 2%...
  11. J

    270 accuracy baseline

    I prefer the "H" version of 4831 over the IMR in my 270, but......... IMR4831 like the other flavors of this powder is a lot slower then 4064 or Varget. You should gain velocity and lower pressures with less then max loads. Full max loads useing it with 130gr bullets should give a good 100+ fps...
  12. J

    Reloader 17

    I found it gave me ~ 50 fps more velocity then IMR4350 with what appeared to similar pressure in both my `06 and 6.5x284. Thats just one small sample though.
  13. J

    I like guns

  14. J

    Sears Guns.

    From the arms collector web site. (
  15. J

    Primers for AR15??!!!!!

    The Rem 7 1/2 and CCI #41 were designed for the 5.56.
  16. J

    Movement at 100 Yards

    Depends on rifle length. A 36" rifle will have a larger arc from butt to crown with 0.01" total muzzle movement then a 46" rifle with the same muzzle movement.
  17. J

    Varget stinks

    Never noticed it smelling any different then any other powder.......
  18. J

    270 accuracy?

    Overbore is a term for the ratio of chamber volume to bore and, doesn`t relate to the bores actual diameter. A "Overbore" cartridge tends to burn barrels out faster and doesn`t give much more velocity over some smaller capasity ones.
  19. J

    Remy 260, 129gr Interlock, which powder

    1st choice R19 for all wgts you list, H4831 of the powders you list.
  20. J

    Case lube..

    I agree. The lubes may work very well and possibly even out perform it but, I`ve never stuck a case useing Imperial and so have no desire to try the others...As for motor oil, and odd home brewed lubes, I also don`t want petroleum products inside the case where it may contaminate the powder...