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  1. K

    Scource for lead wire

    Aim Bob American Iron and Metal Montreal Canada
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    Wind Drift

    Al Sorry to disagree and these are the reasons why: Spin drift: Aerodynamic forces are similar to that around a wing ( turbulence ). One slow side one fast side. The forces on the slow side ( less drag ) are replaced by the bullet. As you stated this lift is proportional to the spin...
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    Wind Drift

    More Questions Like a friend once told me; all this information is giving me a sore head. Is Spin Drift not by definition a form of instability caused by the location of the center of pressure in respect to the CG of long range bullets? Is Pete’s bullet segregation not a form of quality...
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    Wind Drift

    Weight and Balance I apologize for being so far from my original question but, appreciate the direction. Sorry for always coming back to this CG question but somehow I keep trying to connect an aircrafts aerodynamics to a bullets. Early in a pilots training he learns of CG and weight and...
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    Wind Drift

    Al What about CG displacement of the Center of mass? Ken
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    Wind Drift

    Charles Yes, I must re-read Vaughn; not sure I will ever pick it up. I am still trying to figure out your inference to bullet / log similarities. ;) Ken
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    Wind Drift

    Spin Drift Ray. Sorry I was not sure how to interpret your post # 3. I have very limited understanding of ballistics however I am fascinated by the “Theory of Flight”. Please note: Any further questions on my part are solely for my further understanding and are not of an opinionated...
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    Wind Drift

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    Wind Drift

    Spin Drift Al I have heard talk of this from some. Is it possible to see this drift using a PPC at lets say 100 - 300yds? Thanks Ken
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    Wind Drift

    Steve Does this mean that: Range specific, a push hold could be proportionately different than a let off hold? Thanks Ken
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    Wind Drift

    Thanks Harold I often question myself. I guess its like the wife says: It's the operator not the machine..... Ken
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    Wind Drift

    Given a pure set of constants for Barrel twist, wind velocity and direction (symmetrically) does bullet drift the same (distance) for a right left wind and a left right wind? Ken
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    Great Day to shoot!!!!!

    Scotty: Thanks for the Heads-up. My daughter is coming in today from Virginia; just in time. Looks like we are going to get it Monday. Don't think we will be seeing buttercups anytime soon here. Ken
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    Best 4198

    American owned Canadian made. General Dynamics
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    Primer Seaters

    Bald Eagle Sinclair has a nice feel to it but I seem to have a hard time to index it just right. Bald Eagle gets my vote.
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    IBS Annual Meeting

    I want to thank -- ALL -- the IBS for their hard work and dedication to this great sport. Much Appreciated. Ken
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    Clarification of new IBS Proposal SC#4

    09 Schedule When I look at the schedule for Score and then I look at the schedule for Group I say to myself; Score really has something going for itself. I also say to myself if only they had a LV 6 class (separate ) they would really have something. To All a Good Season Ken
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    Gain Twist: Question

    Dunham's Bay Hi Bob Yes you are correct, I am the one. Good to hear from you. I can’t stand this cold weather but I am really looking forward to the shoots at the Bay all the same. Have you and Jim got those rifles all tuned and ready to go? Merry Christmas to you and all the family. Ken
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    Gain Twist: Question

    Reason for the question being – While doing a little historical research on gain twist rifling (Muzzle-Loading) I found one author -Ned H Roberts - He talks of some rifles utilizing two different swages, one for a paper patch and or one for a cloth patch. He also goes on to say that the...
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    Bullet core stripping

    To clarify: Al Improper smelting practices can result in dross in the finished product. Improper extrusion practices can result in lamination and air in the finished product. Also if you add antimony there are numerous places in the process that you may end up with unwanted heat treating and...