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  1. Engrbill

    Utah State Championships 2008 Final Results

    Great Shooting Congratulations Mike, great shooting! ------Bill
  2. Engrbill

    What new products are out this year?

    Thanks for the heads up \ Thanks Jackie. In the 70's there were similar systems based on a wigwag mounted on a trimpot shaft. three were used to divide the range into 3rds. The near one had 3 batteries... the middle had 2... and the far flag had 1. All three were wired together and they...
  3. Engrbill

    What new products are out this year?

    Jackie Having shot against Hensler's electronic flags, how do they work? What is the principal he bases them on and how many does he use? Engineers need to know. :rolleyes: ---- Bill
  4. Engrbill

    Tacoma, Washington results - many possible new world records

    Congratulation to the winners It was sure worth the trip from STL wasn't it Don. Congratulations. It was just slightly different conditions from the East/West wasn't it???:D ---Bill
  5. Engrbill

    Roughing Reamers

    Same as Butch and many others Drill first then bore.
  6. Engrbill

    Question on ejection....

    Barrel Chambering can be the difference If the barrel is chambered with the cone portion not flush to a little past the front of the ejection port the case will hit the edge of the action before the opening in the port and the case will fail to eject properly. -----Bill
  7. Engrbill

    Results from Tacoma, Washington

    Congratulations That steady shooting agged them to death. Good job Rick. -----Bill
  8. Engrbill

    60X March Shakedown

    March 50X I shot my March 50X at the Super shoot for the first time and was amazed at how the depth of field improved and the mirage disappeared when the reducer ring was screwed in. The reducer ring is just a ring with a smaller hole than the front lens diameter. It works like closing down...
  9. Engrbill


    SS Parking I guess I and Rick Mooers won't be parking on the slope this year or we will be floating in the duck pond. :D ----Bill
  10. Engrbill

    stuck 220 swift

    This Has Worked For Me This sounds crude, but I have used a long gunsmith type, hollow ground screwdriver being very careful not to touch anything on the way into the case. A little forward pressure and a turning of the driver will loosen a real stuck case and if it doesn't come out on the...
  11. Engrbill


    Take Your Hip Boots Hobie says it's been raining for two days and it's already sloppy. The weather man says it will rain all week. Hope he is wrong. ----Bill
  12. Engrbill

    Ca State Championshup

    Exl Error Dennis Tinkham won to Two Gun with a nice .2798 not a .3798 as shown in the EXL results. Congratulations Dennis. ---Bill
  13. Engrbill

    California State Sp/Lt at Sacramento

    Congratulations Congratulations to the top shooters. BTW Tom: how do you shoot when you are in "Rear Form" as you stated? :D ------Bill
  14. Engrbill

    Lambeth Reamer Micrometer

    It is a Terrific Help in Saving Time I had made a reamer stop that I used for a year, but my divisions were not in thosanths. This product is well worth the money and deadly accurate. If you have accurately measured the stub length of an existing barrel you can set the stop on the reamer in...
  15. Engrbill

    Southwest Regionals

    Well Deserved Congrats Certainly Susan should be congratulated on her excellent performance. She consistently shoots well and can probably help you too Dave. ;)
  16. Engrbill

    Tom Libby

    Good Shooting Tom Tom, Sorry we didn't get to give you the clap at the match. :D ---Bill
  17. Engrbill

    Results of Allen Bench Mem. Tacoma, Washington

    Wind Flags Good shooting Rick! Must be those wind flags. ---Bill
  18. Engrbill

    Manley Oakley passes

    A Fine Gentelman First shot with Manley at the First Super Shoot in 1973. He was a fine man and good shooter and gunsmith. I know he has been sick for some time and we will miss him. ----Bill :(
  19. Engrbill

    Tips on making wind flags.

    The Best Flags I have shot over flags that I made over the years. It wasn't worth the effort. When you see the quality and the VERY Reasonable price of Rick Grahams I put mine in the trash and bought his. Just look over the range and see how many good shooters are using Rick's flags. ---Bill
  20. Engrbill

    Buying new engraver, has anyone used one of these?

    Hi Nathan, How about some pics of the fonts. I am also interested in a machine like yours. -----Bill