Tacoma, Washington results - many possible new world records

Steve Kostanich

Active member
Any west coast UNL shooter who decided not to shoot the Washington State UNL 5 - 10 shot L.E. Wilson Memorial and the Sniper King Double 200 missed some of the best conditions over 3 days in quite some time. Check out the scores and possible World Records!

UNL 10 shot 100 yd agg.
1. Jeff Yost .1642 submitted for WR
2. Don Nielson .1850 submitted for WR
3. Steve Kostanich .1946
4. Tom Dickson .2004
5. Rick Graham .2194
SG Jeff Yost .098"

UNL 10 shot 200 yard agg.
1. Eric Stanton .1857 submitted for WR
2. Tom Dickson .2408
3. Mustafa Bilal .2595
4. Don Neilson .2688
5. Rick Graham .2723
SG Tom Dickson .299"

UNL 10 shot Grand agg.
1. Tom Dickson .2206
2. Eric Stanton .2255
3. Don Nielson .2269
4. Jeff Yost .2273
5. Rick Graham .2459

Sniper King Double 200 yd
Morning agg.
1. Steve Kostanich .2008 Submitted for WR
2. Dennis Thornbury .2381
3. Rick Graham .2486
4. Lou Murdica .2612
5. Eric Stanton .2638
SG Tom Dickson .267"

Afternoon Agg.
1. Tom Dickson .2078
2. Mustafa Bilal .2237
3. Rick Graham .2367
4. Steve Kostanich .2655
5. Larry Boers .2672
SG Larry Boers .253" 2008 Sniper King (smallest 10 shot group at 200)

Double 200 Grand Agg
1. Steve Kostanich .2332
2. Tom Dickson .2385
3. Rick Graham .2427
4. Mustafa Bilal .2518
5. Dennis Thornbury .2609

UNL 5 shot 100 yard agg.
1. Don Nielson .1476
2. Steve Kostanich .1490
3. Mustafa Bilal .1522
4. Lou Murdica .1616
5. Rick Graham .1730
SG Tom Dickson .047" Submitted for WR

UNL 5 shot 200 yard agg
1. Dennis Thornbury .1314 Submitted for WR
2. Don Nielson .1462
3. Eric Stanton .1616
4. Jeff Yost .1675
5. Mark Walker .1970
SG Dennis Thornbury .092" Submitted for WR

UNL 5 shot Grand Agg.
1. Don Nielson .1469 Submitted for WR
2. Dennis Thornbury .1634
3. Jeff Yost .1704
4. Mustafa Bilal .1752
5. Lou Murdica .1835

UNL 5 - 10 WASH. St./L.E. Wilson Championship
1. Don Nielson .1869 New TR&R Range record
2. Jeff Yost .1988
3. Eric Stanton .2104
4. Tom Dickson .2105
5. Mustafa Bilal .2106
6. Rick Graham .2168
7. Dennis Thornbury .2302
8. Steve Kostanich .2422
9. Lou Murdica .2531
10. Mark Walker .2551

Not bad would you say!?!?!? Conditions were to say the least WONDERFUL!!!!

Respectfully submitted for small aggs.

Steve Kostanich

I can't imagine shooting a .14x 5 shot group and coming in 2nd. Incredible. Congrats to all you guys, what a weekend.
now that is a weather report !!!

like you said...it was a perfect day...that shure is a great part of the country .....how about Don Neilson...he shoots good no matter what the gun or the distance.....and congrats to Tom on Breaking Ed Watsons long standing .050" five shot record....Ed would have been proud .....sounds like you boys musta had em pretty well "sighted in"........congrats to all.......Roger
Tell us more of what the conditions were like. Sunny, overcast, any wind, temps? Heck, maybe even the elevation where the range is.

Pics might be nice too.
it is in Tacoma Washington

just google the Tacoma Rod and Gun club.....elevation must be around 100ft,Puegot sound is just a stones throw away ...it is in the city ,,sorta like a park/wildlife area......great place to shoot ,,,,just a few miles from the "Tacoma Dome".......Roger
congrats to Tom on Breaking Ed Watsons long standing .050" five shot record....Ed would have been proud .....
Must be a different Ed Watson. The one I knew was a fierce competitor.
just google the Tacoma Rod and Gun club.....elevation must be around 100ft,Puegot sound is just a stones throw away ...it is in the city ,,sorta like a park/wildlife area......great place to shoot ,,,,just a few miles from the "Tacoma Dome".......Roger

I'd rather hear from the OP or someone who was there who can give details thanks.

Does that range generally have calm conditions?

Interestingly, I recently visited a small club here in Michigan (Mecosta R & G) that has a nice little BR range - about 6 or so concrete benches, covered, and range seemed pretty well sheltered from winds.
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My Goodness

What is in the drinking water up there. A "16 agg",plus two more "teens" in the same yardage in 10 shot Unlimited!!!!
Heck, just one group that good in Competition is a keeper. Congratulations on some GREEEEAAAATTTTT shooting..........jackie
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Sonof A Gunn

We've went up and shot the Tacoma range many, many times. It's about 1200 miles from our home and definately worth the trip. I'm sure that when it was organized it was out of town but now it is right in the middle of some 1 million dollar plus homes. It has had over 700 members and a full time caretaker for well over 100 years. I also believe it to be the rail gun capital of the world. That possibly is because of all the aircraft and ship yards in the area and the availability of great machine shops and excess materials. The conditions at the range are always good and often great.The easiest was to confer to others about the range is it is like shooting in a manicured park, surrounded by a rain forest.
My wife and I have shot an awful lot of ranges in the United States and Tacoma is our favorite, hands down.
Dave & Sue Blazzard

The conditions were cool, overcast most of the time, very light winds to near dead calm at times. Light rain off and on on Saturday, and some sun breaks on Sunday. Dave B. pretty well described the range!

Steve Kostanich
If we read the number correctly we come up with 8 new possible world records and a new range record?

To all who shot at the match awesome shooting and congratulations to all!

Thanks for all the phone calls today telling us about the match and how everyone did!

Thanks again from all of us at Bartlein Barrels!

Frank, Tracy and the whole Crew!
This was a really fun shoot! You had to wonder what was going to happen next! Don Nielsen and Dennis Thornbury… those guys were on fire! We always like having the California gang up for the weekend! (that includes you Lou. :D ) Also some of our local boys did good… Jeff Yost, Tom Dickson, Eric Stanton, Steve Kostanich… all had some big moments in this shoot!

Rick Graham
Congratulation to the winners

It was sure worth the trip from STL wasn't it Don. Congratulations. It was just slightly different conditions from the East/West wasn't it???:D ---Bill