California State Sp/Lt at Sacramento

Tom Libby

New member
The shoot ran smooth and the weather was great for temp. I was some wind and gust and very switchy, mirage changing quickly. I have to say for myself I was in rear form today and had a good time as it seemed most of the shooter did. They have 20 benches here and due to a lot of help from many shooters they have put together a really nice place to shoot. Many thanks to Bob Dorton on his accomplishments with the benches, overhang and most of all his time.

Sp today 100

1 Dennis Tinkham (tinkertoy) he sure likes this range
2 Mike Taner
3 Tom Libby shooting Carollyn's gun she was tied up in the closet at home.
4 Connie Murdica spent some quality time in tunnel for first time Lou finally unlocked the door for her to get in.
5 Louie Tamagni

Sp today 200

1 Lou Murdica, Connie told him what she learned in the tunnel.
2 Don Nielson, shot unknown barrel brougt to match by Lou tested in the tunnel, gave Don all the info on the barrel except when to pull the trigger. I think Connie was coaching him when Lou was not looking.
3 Bill Mellor
4 Dennis Tinkham
5 Dan Lutke

Sp today Grand

1 Dennis Tinkham, he might just stay in California the way he is shooting
2 Lou Murdica
3 Don Nielson
4 Tom Libby, they took my toys away.
5 Dick Howell, back shooting again after long layoff, good start back
6 Dennis Thornbury, had to put the top 6 in only because Dennis it the Pres.

hope to have a good shooing day tomorrow, start at 200 first.

Congratulations to the top shooters. BTW Tom: how do you shoot when you are in "Rear Form" as you stated? :D ------Bill
I THOUGHT it meant that he stayed closer to the back of the pack.........but he's got his name up there in front a couple times.... :cool:
Tom's Rear Form
