


has anyone tried z-max engine treatment for barrel cleaning.

Funny that you bring this product up as I was thinking about it myself. Not as a cleaning agent but something to treat new or really clean barrels with. They claim it soaks into metals and offers some lubricating qualities. Does any one have any personal use info on this product? TIA
Years ago

I bought a liquid treatment for metal that was suppose to add a lubricating effect to metal, let me see - - Molly Fusion. It is suppose to electrodeposit Molybdnum and phosphorus to a metal surface on contact. " The metals in Molly Fusion share an electron with a base metal to form the strongest bond known in nature".

I still have most of it it if you guys are interested. :D
I saw on TV this morning

on Two Guys Garage a demonstration of Zmax. Made me want to dash to the auto parts store to get some. It looked to me like it could be used as a cleaning agent as well as a treatment. I wonder if one would need to submerse whatever they wanted to coat/impregnate with it? I don' think my barrels will fit in my oven but all the other parts will!

I am the type who can and does change his mind when given credible information. :eek:
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As far as the barrel goes you can still get most of it in the oven and then reverse it. The idea is to get it heated up to about 200 degrees. Then I would take it out, plug one end and pour the zmax down the barrel and let it soak. After the first application I would just patch it in to treat or see if it really works on carbon. Good luck
Several things impressed me

One was when the spokesman took carbon residue off an intake valve and bropped it into a container of the Zmax. The carbon started to flow toward the liquid. this is why I thought it might be good to use as a cleaning agent.

The biggest thing for me was the statement that the FAA extends the rebuild time on helicopter engines by 50% if they are treated with this stuff; fairly impressive.
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I went looking for some - -

Every shop I went was sold out of it. Guess TV shows help , eh ?