WTB Fudd top

I talked to man that makes them, I will call him in mid Jan. and see if he is building any, I will let you know when I find out.
if you send him an email he'll reply to it. that's the best way usually to get hold of scott.
if you want a top i'd send him an email and get put in line on his list otherwise it might
be months. i emailed him about this time a couple of years ago and got a top 3 weeks later.
people that put their requests in a month later found theirselves waiting a few months.
he charges you when you get them so if you want one i'd put in an email and see what's
going on with him. good luck.
I calledhim, he ask that I call him back in mid Jan. 2012, he said nothing about a list. He just was not building any at that time.
I will e-mail him and see what happens.
sorry about that, i haven't spoke with him in awhile, that's the way he used to do everything.
he had a list he worked off of. it's how he kept track of things.
what do you mean by the top??you have the tuner and tube with the weight that screws on. mine is stainless,,
Rest top. Yes I have the rest, tuner, tuner wt. a scope and ammo. Just want a Fudd top for my rest
It appears to be an oportunity for somebody to make some of them. I have one on my Farley I use for everything. Sure does make things a lot easier when one uses a number of rifles.
I bought this when I couldn't get a reply from the person who makes the Fudd top.


well, Dan is getting close but its not a Fudd in function. It looks like the shooter has to loosen the two knobs on the rest and slide the bag ears together to change width. The Fudd has one knob that moves both bag ears toward one another or away...very slick. The top I want is to use on a Farley so windage adjustment in the top is moot. Dan does very fine work though. I had one of his early windage tops years ago and his stuff is great. tks --greg
well, Dan is getting close but its not a Fudd in function. It looks like the shooter has to loosen the two knobs on the rest and slide the bag ears together to change width. The Fudd has one knob that moves both bag ears toward one another or away...very slick. The top I want is to use on a Farley so windage adjustment in the top is moot. Dan does very fine work though. I had one of his early windage tops years ago and his stuff is great. tks --greg

think of it this way Greg. Is the half minute time savings having the turnbuckle that important? I personally thought not, particularly after multiple emails and telephone messages went unanswered. I would think that, since you have the Farley, you might have better luck trying to obtain one through them.

think of it this way Greg. Is the half minute time savings having the turnbuckle that important? I personally thought not, particularly after multiple emails and telephone messages went unanswered. I would think that, since you have the Farley, you might have better luck trying to obtain one through them.


Al, I know. His apparant inability or unwillingness to return emails or calls isn't encouraging. Guess he just doesn't want to build any tops. Oh well.