World Records Update



I understand that you no longer own 50/50 but the records which were shot during the time when you did need to be updated. It is understandable that this takes time but I think a year and a half should be sufficient. Please address this issue so that shooters know what the records are.
What about it Wilbur. Don't make me sick Pippin on you.
Greg is right Wilbur! Help us out. Shooters put out a lot to receive so little it would seem that this sould be a priority. We ain't mad at you we just want your help.
HOF needs a tweak or two as well....

I'll try to get off my patooty and fix it.

Days turn into weeks, weeks to months....a long time can happen in days.
Which records have been topped?

I haven't checked the records but there are 2 changes to the rule book that need to be amende;
1. A bullet willnot be placed in the gun until after the commence fire command is given.
2. You can't lose more points than you can win. ie the double shot target is worst score minus 1 for a maximum of 10.
Thanks Wilbur for your response.

I heard someone say not long ago at a shoot that the one point penalty for a second shot on a target had ben rescinded by the "new Guy". Rimfire is the only place I have seen a penalty imposed for a second shot on a target. It's bad enough for someone to make a mistake let alone penalize them for it. It is always simply the worst shot that is counted in other games.

I agree on the no cartridge in the chamber. There also should be no bolts in rifles until after Commense Fire as well as bolts removed and displayed before competitors arise from their benches. That is the nearly universal rule in other Benchrest games. That makes rifles absolutely undischargable all the time , everywhere, when the bolts are out. Helps alot to be able to use one's rifle to set flags, set up their rests and bags, etc, etc if they are then allwed to be used that way prior to the match; again, nearly universal in other Benchrest Competitions.
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How does centerfire score handle the second shot ? I know its a zero in PSL............been there done that.
I'm not Pete but I can answer.
Count the lowest score period...Lots of times in frustration shooters will see the big nine and say what the dickens just went wrong and the anger will drive some to fire a second shot,even if its an X the nine still stands.....
If thats the case then they should be charged a point for stupidity, the other shooter that got a nine didn't put a second shot on their target, so they get penalized for not shooting another shot!
The reason I beleive was to keep shooters from trying to improve there score by shooting a bullet in the same hole and just enlarging it enough to score a ten!
What if it was an edge nine and a shooter thought if I can shoot a ten on top of the nine and the scorer can't tell if the worst score was a nine or ten should he ass-ume that THEY WERE BOTH TENS?!?!
Why would someone shoot a second shot if he has already shot a ten?
My feeling is changing the rule is a VERY BAD IDEA, unless it is changed to a minus 10!
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I don't know gents,why its the rule in centerfire,or who made it up in the first place but after eleven years of shooting in that game i can not say i have ever seen it abused...Again when I have seen it, there is always a wide shot involved,with absolutely no doubt what the correct score is...And yet another thing I saw in rimfire that I can honestly say I have never seen in centerfire is shooters protesting someones else s score to get it lowered...
Pete has a good point and it would be easy to score, two holes in a target box equals a minus 10.
No Penalty, just the lowest score. " Double Tapping" is quite common; a great frustration release :).
The reason I beleive was to keep shooters from trying to improve there score by shooting a bullet in the same hole and just enlarging it enough to score a ten!
What if it was an edge nine and a shooter thought if I can shoot a ten on top of the nine and the scorer can't tell if the worst score was a nine or ten should he ass-ume that THEY WERE BOTH TENS?!?!
Why would someone shoot a second shot if he has already shot a ten?
My feeling is changing the rule is a VERY BAD IDEA, unless it is changed to a minus 10!

I think it's a pretty lofty goal for a person to try to shoot a second bullet into an existing hole with a RF rifle. If someone is able to do that, they may deserve the X :). It's pretty easy to detect someone trying to improve a shot. I have seen folks try to do in in the past but never pull it off. It isn't a problem in CF Pete.

I think there are two situations when more than one hole appears in a target. One is the shooter having had a Brain Fart and two, the frustration caused by a "Flier". In the first case, Stuff Happens. In the secnd case, it's cheaper than broken Golf Clubs but in any case, no harm done, IMHO.
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I think it's a pretty lofty goal for a person to try to shoot a second bullet into an existing hole with a RF rifle. If someone is able to do that, they may deserve the X :). It's pretty easy to detect someone trying to improve a shot. I have seen folks try to do in in the past but never pull it off. It isn't a problem in CF Pete.

I think there are two situations when more than one hole appears in a target. One is the shooter having had a Brain Fart and two, the frustration caused by a "Flier". In the first case, Stuff Happens. In the secnd case, it's cheaper than broken Golf Clubs but in any case, no harm done, IMHO.

Pete It had been done quite often a few years back and there was harm done.... to sportsmanship in general.
Pete It had been done quite often a few years back and there was harm done.... to sportsmanship in general.

I think, generally, people who aren't Sportsmen are found out all too quickly. None of us are making a lot of money at this so, aaaah, what's the point of being a butthole?
God bless ya Pete. If being cluless was against the law, you'd get life.

What is it about the fact that , as stated, guys were doing just this, i.e the contemplation for the rule.
God bless ya Pete. If being cluless was against the law, you'd get life.

What is it about the fact that , as stated, guys were doing just this, i.e the contemplation for the rule.

As I said earlier, I have seen it tried in CF shooting but never seen it pulled off. I haven't been involved in RF shooting very long but It appeard to me that it might not be that easy to pull off in RF either; of course I guess I haven't seen a lot of the Big BIGs shoot much.

From my experience Tim, there has been no problem, Obviously your knowledge of the RF world excees mine so I yield to it.

One thing about you Tim I don't understand. Why do you go out of your way to try to insult folks? It's just as easy to say nothing and let folks wallow in their ignorance. You certainly haven't won me over in the past couple of months nor have you impressed me with your arrogance.
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