world benchrest TEAM competition

Could you please elaborate as to what you are getting at. I am lost with you referring to the above rule in the book?????

This was at the WBSF World Shoot. The NBRSA rule book has nothing to do with this shoot. The have there own rule book which is followed.

Scroll to section D, Tournament rules, item 2.

This rule does not specifically define what constitutes "coaching" a shooter at the line.
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Scroll to section D, Tournament rules, item 2.

This rule does not specifically define what constitutes "coaching" a shooter at the line.

My understanding is WBC rules similar, different rule book I was told. They had a meeting and discussed the rules, I did not attend. From all I have heard no rules were broken. other than the obvious.
I still contend make the team then complain..
Bill Greene
on my way to RiverBend!@!!!!
Ian, everybody has my apologies. I was reading the NBRSA Rules, and have now scanned the link you furnished, and unless it is stuck in the middle of a paragraph that I am just not seeing, The WBC does not seem to have a specific rule concerning "coaching" shooters who are at the Bench, under the command of "commence fire".
The crossfire and DQ were simply mistakes.

I have been listening to Mickey Coleman telling me to "check your competitor number" for almost 20 years, so when I shoot at a range that does not include this in the range commands I automatically do it anyway. I would recommend that NBRSA add this to the official range commands so that it becomes automatic.

In team competition I would recommend that when the shooter sits down, the following shooter be there with two tasks...walk up to that shooter and remind them to check their target frame number (since you can't always read competitor number) and have his rifle ready as a backup.

Not sure how to handle the late fire DQ. I check my timer frequently and rarely start my group later than 2 minutes, never later than 1 minute. Bob said he never starts later than 2 minutes but there was no condition to shoot. He didn't hear the 30 second warning and started his group too late to finish. Two comments...stress keeping track of the timer and if you hear cease fire stop...better to take a penalty than DQ.

Thanks Wayne for articulating what has happened and will happen for the US Team


Having participated in the past in both the qualifiers and the Team, I can only say that it is both refreshing and encouraging to see this articulated. This is the kind of thinking that gets things done in a positive way. Continual "failure analysis" is what successful organizations use to gain those successes.

Benchrest doesn't really lend itself to the team concept, but that doesn't mean that 12 individuals can't be focused to get them done. It's the leadership that the Team Manager exhibits that causes that focus to occur. Wayne has shown that here.

I may not be able to participate in the future in this endeavor. But, I can honestly say that I will continue to root for the US Team and hope that the best 12 shooters that the qualifiers produce will make this be a "thing of the past"; and all we write about afterwards is the congratulations.

And Wayne, that's the most words, in total, that have come from you in the nearly 20 years I have known you.
My two cents worth:

While i am not a world class bench rest shooter (probably could have been except for eye problems) i have been a world class skeet shooter. Individuals awards must be secondary to team effort. When shooting on a team your ultimate goal must be to not let the team down! You must give your best efforts and help each squad mate you are shooting with to do there best. Some times that means you do not throw a "fit" caused by your mistake or your team members mistake and just do the best you can. It also means helping fellow team members to shoot their best! Even it means giving up some of yourself. I have won a few bench rest events. But i always shot my best shooting on teams! Same is true when i shot skeet - team is 1st - not letting team mates down.

Thanks for an extraordinary post. As a proud member of the 2007 team that went to Austria, I can certainly relate to what happen in St. Louis and from your general perspective. My experience making the team and representing the US was 99% positive. As you know, both Gene Bukys and I had some problems at Holles, but both you and Larry Costa supported us. Thanks also to Ron Hoehn for lending me his rifle before Larry diagnosed the dripping water from the tent wicking up my powder drop. Not sure why but water and VV133 do not like each other. I even shot Manny Garcia's rifle from the Philippine team until we figured out the problem. At the end the US did sweep the medals with my team taking a Bronze (thank you Wayne and Larry!).

As you say, though, the consistency of teamwork has not always been at a high level. You are doing yeoman work as Team Manager and it looks like future WBC teams will be set up to succeed and not shoot themselves in the foot (figuratively, of course, LOL).

Jeff Stover