
Charles E

Can you edit the word "Super" in "Super Moderator" to "Doing the best we can" Moderator? It might make our lives a little easier.
Take heart Charles. The shooting season is winding down and Winter will soon be upon us......

It's going to get worse!!
Geeze, cabin fever is almost upon us.
I think the biggest "violation" on a Site such as this rude and condesending behavior. This is an adult Web Site. I think we should all strive to keep the discourse on that level.........jackie
It's like smoking.

It's your God given right to smoke, but not mine to douse you in a bucket of water if you light up near me.
Don't feel bad John, I'm sure Dick was including me in the warning, probably was aimed at me through you! ;)

you troublemaking smoker you


It's like smoking.

It's your God given right to smoke, but not mine to douse you in a bucket of water if you light up near me.
As with most of what John says, there's a whole lot more to this than meets the eye. I like this guy more and more all the time!
Take heart Charles. The shooting season is winding down and Winter will soon be upon us...... It's going to get worse!

One of the advantages of living in Oz is that our winters are a non event when compared to the northern hemisphere. We just keep shooting all year round.
It's like smoking.

It's your God given right to smoke, but not mine to douse you in a bucket of water if you light up near me.
John, now you know we don't allow religious topics on BR Central. Fortunately for the success of your example thought, the "right" to smoke isn't God given, but simply the absence of laws against it in the various states (so far). That means your use of a bucket of water is only a civil matter. If, for example, you thought the person's hair was on fire, you'd be doing the charitable thing, in both God's eye and mans, to use the water.

Now this is how BR Central is suppose to work: definition of a problem, with responses suggesting a path towards solution.
John, now you know we don't allow religious topics on BR Central. Fortunately for the success of your example thought, the "right" to smoke isn't God given, but simply the absence of laws against it in the various states (so far). ...........

On the other hand, an argument could probably be made using some words from the Constitution that smoking falls under the heading of "freedom" regardless of public risk. Hey!...that sounds familiar...and...and...wait a minute!!!...some folks are trying to have it both ways.
I'll bet you wrote them with a non-filtered CAMEL in your mouth !

I hope you scrapped the bugs and sand off of it before you chomped down on that camel. One of the ugliest darn brutes ever known to man.
Here's a thing (I just can't let it go!)

I grew up around a number of fellows who were markedly spare with their pronunciations and were hence considered wise. Later to learn they were just,


But, ever' twice't in a while I've met a person who was able to actually make utterance and not blow their cover.

This alone is why I hang around BRC, quality over quantity.

thank you Wilbur for giving us a sandbox

your words always seem to bring a smile . I'll bet you wrote them with a non-filtered CAMEL in your mouth !

Camels became too expensive so I now write with whatever is the cheapest. Pretty sure these cheaper ones will kill me as quickly as those beloved Camels I smoked for forty years. They're half again longer and cheaper - what a deal! Never mind the cost of the inevitable quadruple bypass.....
Camels became too expensive so I now write with whatever is the cheapest. Pretty sure these cheaper ones will kill me as quickly as those beloved Camels I smoked for forty years. They're half again longer and cheaper - what a deal! Never mind the cost of the inevitable quadruple bypass.....

If the big C doesn't get ya first.

I've never smoked so I have always be mildly bemused by smokers who persist in indulging in a habit that makes them smell like an ashtray, hand over a small fortune to the tobacco companies and the tax man, fills you lungs up with tar and other crap and increases 20 fold the chance that you'll will be eaten away by some cancer.

The ag=d men have always maintained there's a sucker born every minute. My guess is these ad man must have worked for the tobacco industry.