Why don't we shoot square boolits? and other great questions...

I don't know about you guys, but my boolits spin when they journey toward the 10 RING....Through this gyroscopic spin, the supersonic airfoil lift action, there is a push capsulation that would keep the rain drops at bay. My boolits are dry when they hit the wet target....

BUT, you are missing the point about this thread...This was not a techical post to ACTUALLY find answers....

I posted it to see what type of questions are out there that don't make any sense at all and hopefully get a chuckle out of you all....

I think some of you got it.....

PLEASE...keep asking your questions and don't feel ridiculed by whatever answer you get!!!! Be mindful that just because it is posted on this or any "Benchrest" site, doesn't necessarily make the answer from an EXPERT!!!!

Go to a range, a match, a shooting school and learn from those actually in the trenches...don't believe everything you read, which is more to the point of this original "Square Boolit" post...I wasn't looking for answers, just having some fun....

Well, I don't think I need math to figure out if bullet will hit a raindrop. I fig'r it like this. If the rain is coming down so hard I cannot see the target, (remember, shooting at long range) then the likelihood of a strike is very good. Makes sense... If I can't see there, there's no hole to pass through. If the target is 50% obscured, then odds are about 50% I'm gonna hit one. Since we rarely shot matches where you could not see the target, I guess the odds were low. I have shot some pretty big groups in the rain before though. But, I've shot some pretty big groups in clear weather too.

Wolfy, dry bullets hitting a wet 10 ring? That must be a very small sample size you're using to base that upon. I mean, now if you had said dry 6, 7 and 8 rings... :D :D

Merry Christmas!
Wolf you are right, so on that note what about using trianguuuleeer booolits with triangles on the target. The one who can make their boolit hit the target in the same orientation of the scoring triangle wins?
Does a square boolit make a square hole, or a round hole in the target:confused:
So, two guys sitting 10 feet apart and facing south, fire at the same target at 1000 yards, at the same time and hit the same exact spot on the target, the guy on the left is using square bullets and the guy on the right is using round bullets, how much extra hold off is required for the guy sitting on the left to make up for the earths rotation.
what twist and what velocity is he shooting. i think charles e has the corner on square bullets....modeled after his head...so if it is a square bullet you will have to consult him.

mike in co
So, two guys sitting 10 feet apart and facing south, fire at the same target at 1000 yards, at the same time and hit the same exact spot on the target, the guy on the left is using square bullets and the guy on the right is using round bullets, how much extra hold off is required for the guy sitting on the left to make up for the earths rotation.
Well, if the boolit has a 2" bearing surface, and is shot from an 8 twist, then regardless of all other parameters, you'll end up with a round hole provided the boolit is stable.

Now, if the bearing surface is less than 2", or the twist is less than 8, then you'll have to wait for the boolit to decelerate enough that the rate of spin is enough to cover 90 degrees rotation while it's in the target. Soooo, you need MV and TV to determine the BC of your projectile. Variations in them will change the outcome. It's accepted that the rate of rotational loss is all but insignificant. Therefore, the bullet is actually spinning more times per unit of distance traveled as it slows down. That ratio will need calculated so you can figure out if the bullet length is enough to get one quarter of a rev before it exits the target paper. Now, the distance from which it was fired will give you a final target velocity if you have the other information. All that info is available from boolit manufacturers.

So there you have it. It will take some calculations, but you can assume that the square boolit will at some point make a round hole.

Now my question for everyone else. Will a round boolit make a square hole? That's gonna take some serious math to figure that one out.

I have to leave for a party, so while I'd love to continue this, I just can't. I made some snacks to take along (cook there) that I'll share with everyone. I love these things cause I can prepare them weeks in advance if need be, deep fry and serve right from the freezer. Of the really simple things I've ever cooked, these rank up there as one of my favorites. Serve with a good ranch dressing, like available from Penzeys.


mmm mmm mmm. I can't wait!
hmmmm, you must be going a lot faster than a bungee jumper. I'm guessing that you're head down, full tuck if you're being needled???

My kids haven't skydived in the rain (can't?) but they've bungee'd and basically matched the raindrops' velocity. At that speed there's very little rain to be seen.


not head down. regular belly flying (spread out like you have just been hit by a truck and pasted on the nearest wall) you are falling between 106-120 mph depending on volume of air displaced by body size. easy to feel rain this way.

head down, speed increases to 180+ mph depending on length of time in freefall. in this position, the top of your head is protected by your helmet, so there is little rain to be felt.

it hurts.
The was a guy in France that hit a rain drop tell him about the math.

There was a guy right here in America got hit with a meteorite, and another got hit with a falling turd..... but I don't feel any compulsion to "tell them about the math."

I wanna try that square cartridge thing. Not real interested in shooting it, but would like to get a reamer, just want to give my gunsmith something decent to complain about.
that would be broaching a new subject....
mike in co
I wanna try that square cartridge thing. Not real interested in shooting it, but would like to get a reamer, just want to give my gunsmith something decent to complain about.
Had to respond as there is more that one topic here that made me chuckle.

First, inventions name by blending words: A elk burger patty on a bagel, Bugle.

Second, a long ago acquaintance thought it cool to watch the sparkles from smokeless in the wood stove door. Once while I was over he grabbed a puddle of powder and opened the door while sitting in his rolling desk chair. Something along the lines of "hey yall, watch this!" was heard as he tossed the overdosed amount into the fire. The fireball reached for his face and the reaction blew him, rolling chair and all, across the room towards the open door. The sill stopped vehicular movement but bodily movement continued putting him on the ground at the bottom of the 4 steps.

This wasn't his only adventure I knew of. I don't visit anymore.