Why don't we shoot square boolits? and other great questions...


New member
Do you ever look through some of these forums and read the countless "dumb a$$" questions, only to find out you actually learned something?:confused:

- Does pollen affect velocity?
- can a vehicle driving close to the range affect bullet flight?
- Have you ever hit a bird, bug, leaf, gremlin, or other anomily?
- can I fire form 6mm's using a .30 cal barrel?
- Is it safe to anneal brass using a coffe can and a coleman stove?
- does ball powder affect barrel harmonics?
- will nickel plated primers wear out the crown on my 7mm?

What else is there????

I thought some of these questions didn't surface until February!!!!!

Re: Square bullets. The Puckle gun was designed to do just that. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puckle_gun

Re: Hitting anomalies. As the story goes, a flock of seagulls was one scared up by rapid fire during the Highpower phase of the US National Matches. As it was during a rapid fire string, many birds were killed by incoming rounds. Not sure what scores resulted, but suspect they were lower than normal. IIRC, the affected shooters did not get to refire the string.
That's no fair posting those questions without the answers Wolfy. Now I'm curious... I'll have to post each one myself...

Actually, I remember many years back the military did produce a rifle which fired a hyper velocity round (>5000fps) and the ammo was square. I don't recall if it contained a round projectile but the cartridge itself was long and square. Barrels didn't last very well and I think it was abandoned.
i dint know about the square bullets or pollen, but at a match a few years back we had a cowboy match on the next range over and we could hear splattered lead raining on our roof over the benches, there where several unexplianed thrown shots and a few very different holes in the targets resembling mini shot gun patterns so we deducted that there must have been some mid flight bullet impacts.
Speaking of which, wasn't square shot cut out of sheet lead used in times of shortage or for close range work?
the 10 ring is round..thats why we shoot round bullets....how silly can you be....

See...Mike in Co gets it!

I sure do wish someone could answer the questions... I am just amazed at the questions that get asked, I read them for more of the entertainment factor than anything else, and end up either with more questions or learning something.

Have a great Holiday!!!

PS: I am going to test new boolit tips after the holidays...I'm goint to insert different colored X-mas lights into the meplat and see which colors perform best!!!!!:cool:

Funny the Russians caused quite a stink when they won the Olympic Skeet championship in the early 70's using square shot and a newly designed skeet gun called the MU6 I think. I pulled a couple of rounds of Skeet targets for a few golf potentates down for the LaJet Classic in Abilene in the early 80's. One of them had one of those homely looking guns and they took turns shooting it. He sold it that day and I marveled at the prospect of someone actually winning at Olympic Skeet using a fussel that more resembled a fence post than a shotgun but beauty is as beauty does.

This next spring I am going to try to get in to Benchrest if I can find some place to compete reasonably close. Ever since they shut down the Corsicana Tx. range we are in a blight for a place to shoot.

This is a great forum with a wealth of knowledge to be gained for those who know how to listen and lots of comeuppance for those that don't.

Merry Christmas to all.
The Witworth was not square - but its not round either.

My dad always talked about something he wanted to invent....square arrows. He was going to call them Squarrows. We won't talk about his other one....Camy-hose.

I have seen some others(real questions too) not necessarily from BRC.

"Can I dispose of old Pyrodex pellets in my wood stove?" Yes you can, but only if you get your wife to video record it so we can all watch.

"If I have a bullet lodged in the barrel, can i just pull the bullet out of another cartridge and chamber and fire it to knock the bullet out?" No, and sell all your guns immediately, you are too stupid to own them.

Don't spinning daisy wheels create wind that will move the bullet? - I have no answer for this one.
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"If I have a bullet lodged in the barrel, can i just pull the bullet out of another cartridge and chamber and fire it to knock the bullet out?" No, and sell all your guns immediately, you are too stupid to own them.
For small arms, this is true - lodged projectiles are removed using either a wood or brass rod, or hydraulic pressure. For cannon, such a charge exists, and is known as a "clearing charge". These are used because cannon shells may explode if pushed by metal or wood rods. Don't believe this? From http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/Gun_Data_p2.htm :

Clearing Charge - A small propellant container that is used to remove a projectile "through the muzzle" following a misfire or when a projectile fails to seat properly and prevents closure of the breech. For semi-fixed (separate) rounds, the propellant case may be easily removed from the breech following a misfire or failure to seat, but there is no easy way to extract the projectile after it has been rammed. A clearing charge casing, being shorter than a standard full-charge casing, is then used to remove the projectile. The clearing charge also gives the projectile a softer blow than does a standard charge and thus provides a margin of safety.​
would the caliber be, the length of a side or the hypotonuse of two ajoining sides ??
how would we measure groups ???
see there is a reason we shoot round stuff....

mike in co
If we shot square boolits, we'd have to learn boolean algebra. Forget it. (Well, Phil probably already knows.)
Some people don't think too far ahead. So, just how hard do you think it would be to change the target rings to square...?
No mal-intent whatsoever...but

.........This next spring I am going to try to get in to Benchrest if I can find some place to compete reasonably close..............

I found that "clip" from Jdh's post right there with square bullets having spent my life savings traveling to benchrest matches. I refer to life savings as if I ever had any and leave the logistics/math of such as a quick mental exercise.

Can't remember when or where but there were a whole bunch of those big bumble bees around and a couple of us hit 'em. They were the big fat round ones that bore holes in wood and hover a lot right in your face. One fellow reported that he saw one get hit and carried on all day about the awesomeness of the accidental kill. After hitting the bee, the bullet just barely caught the edge of the target well above the sighter box.

I actually tried to determine the probability of hitting a raindrop. Never did come up with a number but I came away with a fair understanding of what's going on there. I had a friend that built a raindrop counter in college and another friend that was a math whiz. The problem involved the size and time of flight of the bullet versus how many raindrops were present or could be present in that 6mm path to the target. The math whiz ciphered relentlessly for about a week and reported, "it's gotta be raining pretty hard to have a reasonable chance of the bullet and a raindrop being in the same place". Bottom line, given enough shooters/shots, somebody is gonna hit a raindrop if it's raining. Additionally, the guy that hits one ain't gona win.
well then they would not be rings...and even more of us would be screwed up...and how would the world of square be ag'd.....
would a score shot in the lower left corner have the same value as one at 9 oclock....the problems are numerous...please don't go there or some one will try to design a "fair" square target.....

mike in co
Some people don't think too far ahead. So, just how hard do you think it would be to change the target rings to square...?
well then they would not be rings...and even more of us would be screwed up...and how would the world of square be ag'd.....
would a score shot in the lower left corner have the same value as one at 9 oclock....the problems are numerous...please don't go there or some one will try to design a "fair" square target.....

mike in co
Silly. Center to center is still the same. Worst edge or best edge is still the same. Change the word "rings" to "squares." Problems all solved, except for the boolean algebra.

On to Wilbur & rain & bumblebees
Funny the Russians caused quite a stink when they won the Olympic Skeet championship in the early 70's using square shot and a newly designed skeet gun called the MU6 I think. I pulled a couple of rounds of Skeet targets for a few golf potentates down for the LaJet Classic in Abilene in the early 80's. One of them had one of those homely looking guns and they took turns shooting it. He sold it that day and I marveled at the prospect of someone actually winning at Olympic Skeet using a fussel that more resembled a fence post than a shotgun but beauty is as beauty does.

This next spring I am going to try to get in to Benchrest if I can find some place to compete reasonably close. Ever since they shut down the Corsicana Tx. range we are in a blight for a place to shoot.

This is a great forum with a wealth of knowledge to be gained for those who know how to listen and lots of comeuppance for those that don't.

Merry Christmas to all.

please bear with me. i am a college grad (two degrees, teaching credential, etc.).

what is a fussel?
well then they would not be rings...and even more of us would be screwed up...and how would the world of square be ag'd.....
would a score shot in the lower left corner have the same value as one at 9 oclock....the problems are numerous...please don't go there or some one will try to design a "fair" square target.....

mike in co

it's really not practical to have square targets. you would need to use a level to align each target, and any fool knows a level will fall off a piece of paper held vertically.
fusil{a light flintlock musket} In addition to my bad spelling it was an inappropriate term to use. My apologies..