Who's Going To Austin Tomorrow??

jackie schmidt

New member
Vic Smith, Ed Bernabeo, Geramo Villareal, and Myself are heading out tomorrow for Austin to shoot the first Registered NBRSA Varmint for Score Match in the Gulf Coast Region.

How many others are going to brave the "cold tundra":D and make the treck over?? It's supposed to be in the low 50's, but sunny and bright. :)

I did something today I have never done. I pre-loaded 50 rounds for the Match, (just a 100 yard agg plus a sight in). Added a tad because of the cold weather, I guess I will just put the coin in, pull the handle, and see what happens.:D.........jackie
Lauzy mercy, what is this world coming to.:eek: Jackie going preloaded.:rolleyes:


Are the Preloaded 8208 ? Are you going to try 8208 in this match ? please post your results. TIA ......Roger T
Gentlemen ...

I hope everyone is dressed warm. It's 9:30 AM Sunday morning in Austin. 32 degrees out there with a 6 MPH East wind. A 20 degrees rise in temperature in the next 3.5 hours on an overcast day? ... I think not. It's going to be fun. Camaraderie and all. :cool:

I guess they're finally taking a page from Jim Borden's playbook:

Hall of Famer Jim Borden: "I have my ammunition already loaded for [major matches]. It's working, both rifles are Agging in the 'low Ones', with a load of about 29.0gr N133, running about 3300 fps."

"Loading to conditions on match day can kill you. All you can do is go by memory and guess-timates. If your rifle has good vibration control, you'll typically have an accuracy window of 100-125 fps."

"I set preloads for velocity in the middle of the accuracy window which lets me shoot in any conditions. Studies by Jack Jackson convinced me we could let ammo sit for as long as a year and accuracy will hold."

See you guys there. BBBBBuuuuurrrrrrr! Art :)
Congratulations to Jackie Schmidt

Jackie Schmidt won the Gulf Coast Region's first Varmint For Score [VFS] Registered Match of 2010 shooting a 250-21X with his 30BR. The temperature got up to 40 degrees for about 10 minutes, but for most of the match, 36 degrees was the norm, with light winds out of the East/Northeast. It was a cold one. Great shooting Jackie! Art :)
Excellent shooting Jackie!

First a question, did you use the preloads or have to make an adjustment?

Second, I wonder how long it will be before we have to shoot a 250-25x just to make the shootoff like some of the shotgun sports (100 straight)? It will always be difficult and a test of marksmanship and equipment and not trying to downplay the achievement or the skill required; just making an observation.

Mike Wickizer

P.S. Looking forward to my first match at Tomball next weekend. Hope it's a little warmer.
Mike...after a few VFS shoots, I think you will see the 250-25x as a very lofty accomplishment..I seem to hit a brick wall at 22Xs...When you can consistantly shoot above 20Xs...you might be due for a 25x...I doubt you'll see a 25x shoot off in VFS in the foreseeable future...;)
Lying Weather Men

Our nice 50+ degree sunny day turned out to be dreary, overcast, and darn right COLD.

If many of you remember, I almost cut the end of my trigger finger off last summer, and even though the doctors did a great job of restoring it, it does NOT like the cold. But then, niether do the other various fingers I have managed to slice and dice over the years.

But, we had a great time shooting, and that is, after all, what it is all about. The "Tomball bunch" made a nice showing.


I did not take any loading equipment, so I went with the pre-loads, which shot pretty good. I had a tad of verticle, two of my dropped X's were in the verticle, (two I just goofed), if I would have been loading at the range, I probably would have stacked a little more 4198 in, but it did shoot at least 18 wipeouts, so the tune wasn't that bad. It was so darn cold, and with all of the heavy clothing, it is hard to get a real good feel of the Rifle. But heck, I ain't going to complain too much. It could have been raining.:D

As for the scores, There is no doubt that you will start to see more 25X scores, but don't think for one minute that it is a given. Hitting that little dot 25 straight times is no easy task, and of course, the conditions, just like in Group Shooting, usually dictate the level of proficiency on any given day. Today, we had great conditions as far as the wind was concerned, but with it being so cold, you could tell the tune was off just enough to loose enough X's to make us strive to do better........jackie
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Congrats..Jackie..for some fine shootin'...I agree..we (older) Texicans don't handle the cold well anymore.."hot" we tolerate.."cold" we avoid..:D
How many shooters made it to Austin for the registered VFS...???
The Numbers...

Congrats..Jackie..for some fine shootin'...I agree..we (older) Texicans don't handle the cold well anymore.."hot" we tolerate.."cold" we avoid..:D
How many shooters made it to Austin for the registered VFS...???

Had 11 shooters; 7 Registered. Six VFS and one Hunter. The rest were not NBRSA members.

I Wish More Would Have Showed.

I guess the weather was a big factor, at least five shooters who had indicated to me they were coming did not.

It is always good to shoot in match conditions, regardless of the number of participants. And, when you have five or six shooters, who have equipment that is capable, and are themselves capable, you know you can't make many mistakes. If you know you will have to make 20+ X's to stay competitive, that really leaves little room for going brain dead at the bench.

Personally, I don't think I could shoot 25 X's at this time. My Rifle is pretty good, but I still am new enough to Score Shooting that I make just enough little mental errors to put .010 worth of paper between that little Dot in the middle of the Mothball, and the edge of the bullet. That .010 might as well be a mile.

Score Shooting has it's own unique challenge. I hope that shooters will see fit to go to some NBRSA Sanctioned Varmint for Score Matches during this one year trial. Our Clubs and Match Directors have stepped up to the plate, the ball is now in the Shooter's court.........jackie