Who Won the # Gun Today?

Pete Wass

Well-known member
Who Won the 3 Gun Today?

I'm surprised one has to go to WWA to find out anything.

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If you meant for # to be 3, I heard Bill Hinegardner had the hot hand with a 750 60X. Don't place any wagers on that info though. I was driving in a rain storm and my hearing aids were buzzing when I heard that
If you meant for # to be 3, I heard Bill Hinegardner had the hot hand with a 750 60X. Don't place any wagers on that info though. I was driving in a rain storm and my hearing aids were buzzing when I heard that

Thanks Don,

Yes, I did mean to type 3. I could blame the computer but know I must have hit the shift key. Congrats to bill.

Luray Yards

Yards on Saturday:

Bill shot a 750 60X
Tony had a 750 56X
Pepper 749 47X

I have not heard how people shot at Meters yet.
They sure like shooting at Luray instead of the Barn!! ;)
Ken Camper won the sporter Indoor NAts

Bill Hinegardener won the Yards 3-gun with a 750.....60

Ken Camper won the meters 3-gun with a 750....? forgot count

4gun, I think was Bill Hinegardener?

Tony Boyer won 6 gun
Congrats to all of "em!!!!

disclaimer--not sure this is exactly correct:)