Who Wins the Super Shoot????

I would bet my money on my friends Joe Krupa, Lowell Hotenstein and Gene Bukys.

I am sad that I will not attend Super Shoot this year...
Super Shoot speculation

Howdy -

I vote for Victor Potts.

He was NBSRA " Rookie of the Year " his first year out, and has won his good share of Matches since then.

Always a threat !

After some serious meditations a beautiful angel told me someone that has the last name with first character of "B" will win the Supershoot... and "C" for the second place.... Unfortunately I didn't get the first name...:eek:
So to me, this could be Tony Boyer (again), or Gene Bukys, or Harley Baker, or......
And the second could be George Carter, or Larry Costa, or Wayne Campbell,...or someone from overseas.
Mike Ratigan is not coming this time.... I will vote the 3rd for Joe Krupa.

You picked all the family names again like everybody else. No good but not family name shooter for 1,2,3 Seb ? I haven't seen the list so my good shooter unless he fell off the planet will be my shooting bud John Verhagen. His traveling mate Mike Sosenko could clean all 350 if he gets hot. What weather patterns for the next 3 days. Weather most times decides the 2 gun at the Super Shoot.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
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lot of If's there Butch, like everybody elses if's

200 yd/M seperates the wheat from the chaff at most any shoot.100's are nice those that stay close after both 100's can clean house in the Grand if they take a 200 or finish strong in one or both. Been there done that many times . Tony Boyer and Gary Ocock are the best in the World at winning a Grand like that but I hear Gary is shooting in Raton this Memoriable Weekend.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
Being the only one to pick George Carter to win the whole sha bam were do i pick up my winnings and how much.

Gary Cain
Seems Butch made all the bets on Gene, probably used his money and some of Gene's. I would say collect or somebody might end up in Kelbly's lake for along time. Get your money Gary before Butch leaves. God Bless Canada and George Carter for a tremendous Super Shoot win. Ooye.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
Stephen it would probably be me in the bottom of George's lake if i tryed to collect.
