Who Wins the Super Shoot????

I'll put my money on Gene Bukys. He won the Crawfish, second at the Bluebonnet, and is leading in Seymour as I type. I believe he won the individual at the World Championships.
I'll go with Gene as well. Don't remember anyone else shooting a teen agg at Seymour which he did in the 100 yd. HV this weekend. I'll look for more teen aggs from Gene at the SS.
Mistakes and missed opportunities

I have always felt that BR would make a great TV coverage sport.Hell, if golf or NASCAR can draw an audience ?
The SS has it all.Money,fame,girls( well,one or two anyway),pie& coffee,and a boat load of good shooters. The Drama is the big draw.Starting with match one,everybody has a chance to win. As the four day event progresses,a multitude of mistake ridden shooters fall out of contention and by day three about 20 guys are still standing. Mistake free,these guy bring it to a different level, the missed opportunity level.
As Mother Nature varies her environment, small windows of opportunity present themselves.Some guys will punch a .210 at 100 in the first two minutes and sit there and watch a .150 condition roll in for the last two minutes of their relay. Others will sit through a .350 opportunity at 200 during the first two minutes of their relay only to get stuck shooting in a snot fest in the last two minutes and laying down a .710.
Lots of good shooters,lots of good rifles.A strategic chess game on a moving board,over a four day period.
Only one guy will win the two gun,but all top twenty will have waltzed with mother nature and will have enjoyed the dance.
Super Gene

I shot with Gene at the Crawfish and also in Seymour today.... His guns are HOT and he is very in tune with his guns so my $$ & Quarters go on the man from the Gulf Coast Region..

Good luck to all who will be shooting the event
Gene / Jackie

Gene headed out yesterday from Seymour after gettting our buddy Gary Walters to take back home all the trophies for Gene !!! My money is dtill on Gene but I would also throw some green backs on Jackie as well...

I did not know if Jackie was headed that way or not since his work schedule is keeping him covered up...

We missed you in Seymour Jackie.

The Gulf Coast sounds like a one shooter Region. Gene has always year after year been one of your better shooters. But I also favor from your Region Dr Tim, Huckabee, and even Baggett. Wake up Doug smell the beer cans.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
All you asked

Well all you asked for was a prediction of who you thought would win the SS. I know who we have in our region and who is in others and that is my prediction. It is not taking away from anybody else who is going and or has been shooting well this year or even rolling over from last year. It's just a matter who has the hot guns, sets down at the bench and can put 5 shots down range at the right time and hold where you need to hold. And to be able to do it every match on everyday
Super Shoot Calcutta.

I love this time of the shooting season; especially coming up to the Super Shoot. I get a kick out of predicting the winner. Here are my thoughts:

Lowell Hottenstein - under-rated tuner and shooter. Has a hot barrel and knows how to steer it. Lowell has shot three two-guns this year and won two of them. His winning would punctuate a career of one of the best bullet makers this sport has seen.

Gene Bukys - My buddy Gene has a great process and has done quite well since winning the individual title at the Worlds last year and a couple of two-guns since. My problem with Gene winning (or just finishing in front of me) is that our bets are getting too wild - and unaffordable. (I'm still getting a lot of mileage out of the T-shirts however).

Jack Neary - Jack hasn't cut back on his work ethic since making the H of F last year. He only shot one two-gun (the Cactus) and he won that. He gets the most out of his equipment.

Larry Costa - Larry knows how to shoot at Kelbly's and he looked like he was getting his claws sharpened at the Hog Roast. Has won here before.

Harley Baker - Has shot very well so far this year. A couple of seconds and a win at Weikert.

Billy Stevens - Has a new gun and has been shooting Bart's new bullet very well. Won the Shamrock and looked like he was getting in sync at the Hog Roast. Has won here before.

Bart Sauter - Bart is shooting Bart's new bullet very well, too. Now that his golf game is leveling off, he looks like he wants to shoot well again.

Larry Sharnhorst - The poster boy for BRX has been shooting very well. Did well at the Cactus and the Shamrock.

Tony B. - How could anyone ever count this five-time winner out of a Super Shoot?

Wayne C. - Don't ever count this guy out.

Andy Shifflett - Don't ever count this guy out, either.

Dark Horse - Ralph Stewart - newer shooter who has started to show that he has some things figured out. Shot a potential NBRSA LV 200 World Record .1489 at the Hog Roast and finished second to Lowell. If he has the patience and ability to focus over four days, we could have a new name to put on the Calcutta list for the future.

Whoever wins will be tested more for how to remain focused for four days than anything else. The Super Shoot is the best show in Benchrest. But, it also has a lot of time between targets. Most of shooters' biggest challenge there is not getting off tangent between targets. And every bench on the range provides a new and different shooting challenge. To have a chance to be in the middle of it at the end is one of the best experiences in shooting.

Thanks for some of you guys putting my name on the listings above. But, I know when my equipment is working and when I'm not; today I feel a step or two behind the big dogs. My goal is to do the best I can and let the chips fall. If I avoid the first-day whammy and get a chance to run with the big dogs for a while, that is all that I'd like to see. I just enjoy the big match environment and Kelbly's is the best place to shoot a match - every target is an adventure.
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You bring up an excellent point. When shooting in local matches, it's kind of easy to get into a groove, as it's pretty rhythmical. Ya know, there is about 30-40 mins between which is generally a comfortable time to load and clean and not much else, and then back up to the line for your next target. If you don't want any distractions that easy to do, and if you get into a good groove it's easier to keep it. Whereas at a match like the Super Shoot, you have a SUBSTANTIAL amount of time between targets to psyche yourself out, lose focus,.... whatever. That's one aspect to the big matches that is awesome is that if you win, you are gonna have to be mentally tough, and the big matches really make that stand out. Great point Joe and good picks. :)

Matthew S Keller
I got to go with Lowell Hottenstein. He has shot great through some tough conditions at recent matches to win. If his gun stays in tune, he will be there challenging the field on Saturday!


An easier question to answer: "...yes it will rain during some part of the match" :D
You guys got it wrong who is going to win. Its the Kelblys with all the good will generated and positive vibes they win in the long run. :)
My opinion is

with all due respect to not put a curse on the HOT shooters this year I vouch for BILL GAMMON.................

EEEEKS did I just curse him??????:eek:

All I can say is all the best to ALL competitors.

There is no doubt in my mind the top dog will be George Carter. George is in prime form to win it all. Go Canada.

Gary Cain
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