What is the Most Cost-Effective Cartridge using Quality Factary Ammo?



I do not have the ability to handload for the foreseeable future. I realize this is sub-optimal, accuracy-wise but there it is.

I searched on ammoseek for Lapua rifle ammo with Scenar bullets and the least expensive per round result was the 90 grain 6mm BR Norma. This was followed by the 69 grain 223.

I realize there is more selection for good 223 ammo, but which way would you go?

Black Hills 223 69 gr Sierra boat tail.
Make sure you have a 1:9 twist and you should be good for quite a few applications. Maybe not competitive against hand loaders in a match but for personal range time or hitting a gong up to 600yds that combo worked for me. After that it will be up to you what is considered cost effective. If you are only shooting at 100yds a 52gr bthp or flat base .223 is hard to beat. 6mmbr will do all those things, too, but cost a lot more per round.
Tough to get cost effective high accuracy without handloading.
Good luck!
factory ammo

in the late 60's i had a glass bedded 700 adl in 243. with the cheapest federal high shocks it would shoot 3 shot 3\4 inch 100yd groups with 100gr. bullets and several of other deer rifles through the years shot the federals really well. don't know what you are wanting to doing with your rifle but premium may not always be the most accurate.
Not completely sure here how to interpret "cost effective" but if you wanna' WIN, the most accurate readily available option may be 308 (7.62 NATO)

I've bought cases of Match Ammo, Federal and Remington both of which were capable of 1/2 moa in my mildly modified factory rifles.
Cost effective

I do not have the ability to handload for the foreseeable future. I realize this is sub-optimal, accuracy-wise but there it is.

I searched on ammoseek for Lapua rifle ammo with Scenar bullets and the least expensive per round result was the 90 grain 6mm BR Norma. This was followed by the 69 grain 223.

I realize there is more selection for good 223 ammo, but which way would you go?


I shoot my 308 in hundred yard factory matches all the way out to 1000. Normally with the best reloads I can produce. But the federal gold medal match shoots really well and consistent in it. Lots of bullets and manufacturers to choose from.
Most cost affective?

Get a Savage Model 12 in 308 Win with the fore mentioned Factory Ammo.

When you get tired of the factory barrel, call Shilen, get a direct replacement custom barrel that you can install yourself, for under $500, and be amazed.
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you do not list a distance, but if shooting 90 in the 6br, then look at 75/77 in the 223.

and an 8 twist match quality bbl...pass on the 9 twist.