What Br chambering is the most accurate at 100??


Active member
I have a trued up rem 700 action and i am going to barrel and stock it for a informal 100 yard club gun. I dont want to go through the expense of a new bolt and all for a ppc so i am going to do a slow twist BR. Most likely a 6BR but i was wondering in a 7,6.5 or a 30BR would be any more accurate will all else being equal? I am sure your going to say 6BR but i thought i would ask before i look for a barrel. This rifle will pull double duty as a varmint for score rifle thus being another reason i wondered about the other cal's. any thoughts? Before everyone suggest a ppc, and yes i know they are more accurate, I just dont want to go there yet. I have a stock and an already trued action that is pretty nice. If i would go ppc, i would have to have the race way reamed and the action re-trued with the new Kiff ppc bolt. Just extra expense i dont have the cash for. the BR will cost me a shilen barrel and a chambering, then off i go. I really like 6.5mm stuff, so if you think the 6.5mm bullets would be as accurate a 6mm i would do that. Just looking for some experience on this subject. Thanks lee
30 br, if using for score.

Use Speer 125 TNT's if funds are short.
6.5 and 7mm never caught on in pt. blank BR.......it's the lack of good custom bullets.
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The remington bolt has shortcommings in standard form. Poorly fitted
firing pins is very common. It rears its head when chamberings beyond
the 222/223 are used, and sometimes even with them. Fitted pins
and sako extractors are a great addition, allowing you to load at
performance levels. It is better to add these improvements before
the barrel is fitted. At that point you can pretty much choose your
I'm with LHSmith here hands down. The cheapest accuracy is the 30BR.

6BR is too big, needs to be shortened by at least 100 thou. More work=more money.

22BR is 'WAYYY too big, needs to be shortened .200, see above.

30BR is just right for well balanced intrinsic accuracy. It will boot you right righteous but you won't know that unless you've steered PPC/BR's over extended shooting sessions for years. Start with the big t'urdy and ya' won't know you're being abused....... :D

No Question

Since you said 'varmint for score', there is only one choice. Build a 30BR and don't look back. You will love tearing the middle out of that mothball.

Just like the 6PPC, a virtual industry has grown up around the 30BR. You can take advantage of the wealth of knowledge that is available, plus a covey of excellent components..........jackie
I think i will give the 30BR a try. My action has the firing pin bushed. The extractor is regular remington though. That will not effect accuracy will it? Like i said above, the rifle will pull double duty. Small club 100 yard group, and varmint for score. I sure could have used the 30 today. It would have gained me 5 points. That would have put me in second place instead of fourth. Anyway any one barrel maker or contour dominating in the 30br. And what about sizing dies. What set up will i need to size up the 6br cases. Thanks Lee
There are no case forming dies necessary ,K & M makes an inexpensive mandrel for going all the way from 6mm to 30. Then just seat bullet long and fire it. You are not doing any case blowing out like is involved in a PPC. Some people fire the 6mm case with no projectile first to blow out neck and shoulder.

At 100-200 yards, and probably 300, the 30BR is more accurate than a 6BR.

Out past 500, a 6BR with a 1-8 twist and suitable high BC bullets would be my choice.........jackie
I think i will give the 30BR a try. My action has the firing pin bushed. The extractor is regular remington though. That will not effect accuracy will it?

It will not affect your accuracy and if you ever have a catastrophic case failure you will be very glad you stayed with the 700 extractor rather than install part of the Sako extractor system.
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If you go with the 30BR closely consider gun weight. This weekend at SE NBRSA Regionals at Unaka, I was shooting about 6 benches from a veteran BR group shooter shooting the 30BR in a 10.5 pound gun. This shooter weighs about 210 or so and knows how to set up a gun on the bags. Each time I watched him shoot that gun it rattled his entire body.
I watched a

Medium sized young woman shoot a LV 30 BR all weekend and kick everyone's butt with it and didn't appear to be any the worse for wear that I could see. :D It's like they say about Rugby. ;)
Medium sized young woman shoot a LV 30 BR all weekend and kick everyone's butt with it and didn't appear to be any the worse for wear that I could see. :D It's like they say about Rugby. ;)

Pretty sure Kim's gun is a HV, Pete. Herbie's is a LV though, and he can't outweigh Kim by much...:eek: Anyhow, After shooting a LV 30, free recoil for a match or two, I decided to stick with 6mm's for the light stuff. Not saying it can't be done, but I sure didn't enjoy it. And heck, I gotta outweigh them both by about a hundred...:mad:
No Brakes

Light Varmint is 10.5 lbs max Heavy Varmint is 13.5 Max they are rolled into one Varmint for score class LV and HV have different records though.
Pretty sure Kim's gun is a HV, Pete. Herbie's is a LV though, and he can't outweigh Kim by much...:eek: Anyhow, After shooting a LV 30, free recoil for a match or two, I decided to stick with 6mm's for the light stuff. Not saying it can't be done, but I sure didn't enjoy it. And heck, I gotta outweigh them both by about a hundred...:mad:

Yes Kim Shoots a Heavy, although its not a full 13.5 pounds they had no problem going to a heavier March scope this weekend.

I am easily confused at my age ! :eek: BUT, I think she could have handled it ok. :D Some of them ladies can shoot it up pretty big with 10 LB 6 X rifles with STOUT KATRIDGES. The Rugby thing is alive and well in 6 Power. :)
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