Senile Member
The press believes the Warren Report too.
The press believes? They are co-conspirators!!
The press believes the Warren Report too.
the difference is your smoking habit can kill a nonsmoker....
sorry but there is a big difference.
no one said you cannot smoke
no one limited the size of a pack of cig's
no one banned thier sale
you can still smoke....
not even close....
big difference in personal LIBERTIES and personal RESPONSIBILITIES...
just as freedom of speech is a liberity, yelling FIRE in a crowded auditorium is IRRESPONSIBLE.
IS THERE A FFINE must open ones eyes and look at the whole picture...
taxation with out representation was the original cause, and is the current cause...plain and simple
your "representation" responses to dollars only..not to you.
mike in co
A gun can kill a non-gun owner. I believe that is the current outrage against gun ownership. You made my point in that we can justify it if we agree with it. There's no difference when run to ground.
Guys or government is killing us but no one seems to give a dam! Pick Pick Pick that's how they take everything we care about. Or GOD AND SAVIOUR in the White House is going to raise your taxes again. We going to sit for this again. TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION! Your right Wilbur.
These are just examples and not meant to be an expression of political views
As I remember the lessons from school so many decades ago, our form of Govt. was based on the majority.
Back then the Conservatives and the Christians were the majority and the laws for or against most anything were reflected by that.
Today Conservatives and Christians still claim to be the majority however it seems the laws past especially those that create the most controversy are in favor of those considered to be in the minority.
I pose that either one of two things has happened. One - either our form of Govt. for the majority has changed or failed. Two that Conservatives and Christians are no longer the majority they once were.
I have worded things to leave myself and my beliefs and position out of it.
This next example is in no wise meant to be racial in anyway or form, just how thoughts and politics have changed.
At one time in this country it was against the law for inter-racial marriage. I know an 83 year old Filipino woman who was initially denied marriage status to a caucasion who was born in the Philippines.
When a white man married an Indian the children were called half breeds.
Not to long ago when Black and White married kids were referred to as malotto (sp?)
Examples go on and on. Neither race wanted to give full acceptance to the child or adult.
Yet we have a president that is born of a mixed set of parents. He is only referred to as black or the first African-American president. Why is this.
He is equally both. Was it because of his looks or the advantage it gives in our present political state?
Wilbur just tell Mike in co. when they shut his selling of ammo off, then he will understand what we are talking about . Most liberals don't have the mental capacity or commonsense to figure out that things aren't right till it's to lateJoe Salt
i hate to point this out on an open forum vern..but no we are not run by the majority...
we have 50 independent republics with a representative federal govenment.
it is not majority rule..if it was, most likely women and blacks would not a democracy majority rules...WE ARE NOT A DEMOCRACY...inspite of what politicians say..the word supports thier party , thier agenda but is not OUR FORM OF GOVERNMENT....WE ARE A REPUBLIC.........ALWAYS HAVE BEEN
Thanks for being careful Mike however FWIW I was very careful not to use the word Democracy, that is your interpretation. I always remember what Lincoln said in the Gettysburg Address "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
Last I knew it takes a majority vote in either the House or Senate to pass anything presented to them.