We Haven't Had A Good Car Thread In A While...........My '67 Chevelle

A good car story..

Well, here's my take on it..with gas pushing $4 a gallon a good car is a VW TDI or Prius that gets near 50 mpg. I may be the only one showing up at the shoots? :)
When your buying premium its already over $4.

Yes, and I may have to adjust my method of buying severely used Cadillacs that I run to ruin. The numbers are getting so close that it doesn't matter which way I go but with another 37 cent increase I'll be on the bad side of 'break even'.
Right now, there's some pretty good bang for the buck in late '90's-mid 00's performance cars.

The LT-1 and LS-1 Camaros/Firebirds and the 2004-2005 GTO's, for example.

Great thread! -Al
Well, here's my take on it..with gas pushing $4 a gallon a good car is a VW TDI or Prius that gets near 50 mpg. I may be the only one showing up at the shoots? :)

I'll stick with what i have for a fun car and wouldn't trade you for 5 of Smallwood's Prius..................JMO.com.................:cool:
)chill(She don't burn much in a 1/4 mile......................I are a TreeHugger...........Earth First------------i'll crush the other planets later............:eek:
my goal in life is to burn as much fossil fuel as i can before i die........but i still drive 4 cyl cars......
owned a 6's once....
the vw i spoke of got 25mpg as a daily driver.....

i love the sound and feel of a a flock of big v8's thundering down a long straight..(i'm a road race guy)
mike in co
I'll stick with what i have for a fun car and wouldn't trade you for 5 of Smallwood's Prius..................JMO.com.................:cool:
)chill(She don't burn much in a 1/4 mile......................I are a TreeHugger...........Earth First------------i'll crush the other planets later............:eek:
I drive 30miles ea way to town daily. I do that in a POS Mitsubishi Lancer. It is a good car though. I still have my 4dr 4WD Duramax and I don't plan on getting rid of it.
Well, here's my take on it..with gas pushing $4 a gallon a good car is a VW TDI or Prius that gets near 50 mpg. I may be the only one showing up at the shoots? :)

I'll be there! There is a lot of room in a Golf TDI - plenty for rifle, gear and flags. Compared to a 15 mpg truck on a 300 mile round trip, you save $56 on fuel alone - enough to pay for bullets, powder and primers for the match.

Still, I love big block Corvettes...or just about any Corvette for that matter.

i'm still a club shooter....about 10 miles one way.
when i shoot longrange(hopefully this yr) its about 60 one way.
mike in co
I have a little different approach to things. When i go to a match, especially one over 2 days in duration, i want the comfort of my loading trailer. If it costs an extra 300 bucks for gas, in my mind it is really only $100. I've got 3 kids, and when i croak, they will inherit everything, so i divide all my toy expenses by 3. So if i buy a new stock, that $1,200 is actually only $400...............works great....

Dave, I had a fast one pulled on me by the "powers that be".

Back in 2000, the Wife and I decided to get a nice Monaco Dipolmat Diesel Pusher Motor Home. Diesel was then cheaper than gas at about $1.50 a gallon.

Well, somewhere around 2004, somebody decided that Diesel should cost more than gas, and it now hovers around $4 a gallon. That means it takes $400 to fill the beast up, and it gets about 7 mpg going downhill with the wind at it's back.

I guess the old saying still holds true. Having fun cost, if you want to have a lot of fun, it just costs more.

Dave, do you have a full size picture of the car in you Avatar?
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Most of the pics are at home, but here's one i found at work. It's not very big. I'll post something else tonite.



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That diesel vs gas price thing is beyond explanation. I've tried to make up a story that would be remotely acceptable to the most gullible consumer and can't. Jackie nailed it when he wrote "somebody decided that Diesel should cost more than gas".
they control the price ..plain and simple. our world revolves around stuff delivered by desiel trucks. its about the bottom line we have to pay for everything. bump the price of deisel and everything else goes up.

the one explanation about the big increase in deisel is the feds forcing LOW SULPUR diesel fuel for the road..that casused equiptment changes and costs..and another excuse to raise the cost of fuel....

real bottom line we still pay..no matter what they charge....
we are an automobile as in mobile nation....

mike in co
Dave - That's one heck of a roof ornament you've got on that thing.;)

That's my attack eagle...........armed and dangerous..........all steel, hundreds of pices of punch plate for the feathers, weighs in at 650#. When my house flooded in "08" the flood waters were over the top of the rock..........



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