We have lost the nation!!

A bit interesting.

My dad was born in 1898 and I bet his dad said the country was going to a hot place in a hand basket(why a hand basket?).

My grandfather was born in about 1869, and I bet his dad told him the same thing, what with the aftermath of the Civil War.

I was born in 1946 and my dad told me things were bad and going to get worse. He couldn't see how the country could hold together much longer.

My son was born in 1989. Sure I tell him things are not as good as they could be, times are changing, society is changing, people are changing, etc. and not necessarily for the good.........




I don't think any of your family in previous generations witnessed a 48% illigitamcy rate amongst whites, 61% amongst hispanics, or 83% amongst blacks, nor did they become a minority in their own nation. Neither did half of your family's fellow citizens collect welfare, food stamps, or other such benefits which enabled the able-bodied to stay home and watch TV while they let others work for them to pay their bills. Most previous generations were from a society that would never understand todays entitlement mentality, their pride wouldn't have allowed it, and the government would not have propogated it.

Nothing lasts forever....NOTHING! People have lived in dynasties and great civilizations only to see them slowly die, or worse, end abruptly.....and I'm sure many of those citizens made the same case as you are making here "Yea, yea, yea... my Great Grandaddy said the same thing". Perhaps this country will not outright collapse or lose it's name, but it will be so different years from now that we will not recognize it....as has been happening already for quite some time. When the ethnicity, culture, and values of a people change so radically as it has here in only 2 to 3 generations, well so too will a democratically based government also change with it. After all, isn't a democratic government run "for and by the people" so it is just a reflection of 51% of those same people? (ie; it only takes 51% of the vote to drag the other 49% of the population along with it, including YOU and me. ) Countries will come and go. No matter what they choose to call themselves. Prussia, Persia, South Africa, Germany, the USSR and other notable societies from more recent times are just an example of what can happen......and we are standing in the midst of it as it's happenig here and now.
"Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither"

Our forbears who've fought and died for this truth are spinning in their graves.

Well, I heard a book being reviewed on Book Radio

This past winter about this very subject. It was written by Prof, James T. Patterson, titled The Eve Of Destruction, How 1965 Transformed America. Prof. Patterson lays it all out and determines that 1965 is the point at which it all slid away. One of the books he suggests one read to get a better view of how it happened is "Mr. Social Security, the life of Wilbur J. Cohen by Edward D. Berkowitz. I am about half way through it and it is most informative. Wilbur Cohen spent most of his working career on the Govt payroll writing and justifying all the social legislation we now have. He actually believed that folks would not want to live off Welfare; imagine - - -. All of this came out of the "Experimental University" at the University of Wisconsin in the Thirties. One of the presidents back in the 20's decided that this country needed "Diversity" so he imported a bunch of Socialist and Communist Professors from Europe and plugged them into out Universities. Diversity, we sure as heck got it now, don't we? If you want to know the why, this reading will show one. Unfortunately, we are now One World and all in the Hand Basket. We lost the country to LBJ in 1965 and most of us were asleep. McCarthy was right but looking in the wrong place :).

I always like to know Why, even if I can't do anything about it.
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If U live in an overwhelmingly BLUE state, what is the sense of voting at all?
U R not represented. Your opinion matters not, and the Electoral College System in these states where all the people are located, is winner take all
Watch out...Texas Will Flip Blue...and then when it does, turn out the lights...
If U live in an overwhelmingly BLUE state, what is the sense of voting at all?
U R not represented. Your opinion matters not, and the Electoral College System in these states where all the people are located, is winner take all
Watch out...Texas Will Flip Blue...and then when it does, turn out the lights...

NY cities are supposedly losing population. Guess where they are headed ?? South. The moocher class is also moving out of southern cities to the burbs. They are running away from the high tax gooberment they voted into power but they haven't changed their voting habits. The nation really is lost.
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Watch out...Texas Will Flip Blue...and then when it does, turn out the lights...

After listening to Texas Governor Rick Perry speak last night at the Faith & Freedom Foundation convention on C-Span, Texas may have a hard time turning blue as long as he has any say in the matter.
As far as I'm concerned, Big Money has taken over the country. Campaigns are funded by them, the media benefits with all the lying annoying political ads, and the Supreme Court has declared corporations have the same rights as the individual! Bailouts? The people need a bailout, not banks! The Republicans shot themselves in the foot by not supporting higher taxes on the wealthy, and now we're stuck with the liberal weasels. Look at tax rates when Ike was president, way higher for big money incomes, but business was booming.
Part of my upcoming was in a coal mining town. The mine owners paid very little but folks could get what they needed on credit at the company store. What they needed is defined as what they needed to stay working. The schools met the criteria but the young'uns couldn't attend very long as they had to work if the family were to "have" anything. The lack of education, cash to get out, and somewhat the initiative kept old school coal mining alive for quite some time. Then, the unions came and the small mines bought machinery to replace people - or closed the mine. Somehow that worked out for the better.

I mentioned the initiative to get out. If you take a quick look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs and picture the situation you will easily see how it all fits in to make a working model of a coal mining town. Now, a bit more complicated, but bounce the people of the USA against Maslow's list and it ain't too big of a stretch to fit the general population right in there - and - see why we're in this shape.

We need to pick a "get out" spot that fits most of us and just DO IT. You gotta realize those miners took a huge chance with the union. Some gained and some lost in the short term but their decendants have better lives.

Easier said than done. Maslow's list implies the difficulty. The union folks, went door to door, held meetings, and had some highly motivated individuals doing the talking to convince these folks to do what they did. They worked at it!!!

I'll quit now...Sorry for the rant
Your surely disconnected from reality! Taxing the rich never accomplished the intended result! Your state of NY is a Classic example, Your state is taxing the living daylights out of the wealthy, and the wealthy are leaving in droves! Spending like a drunken sailor is the problem! The U.S. has the highest tax rate of any nation on corporations, Why do you think large corp's have moved corp offices to country's with lower taxes!
The whole problem is with our over regulating government! Dept of Energy, EPA, OSHA have all created such business destroying regulation's that the average business guy can't make an honest buck, because of these monsters on their back! How many business's could survive today without loans from banks yet you want to blame them for all the problem's! How about some personal responsibility, you don't have to have a credit card, or a morgage or a new car loan, but people go out everyday and spend money they don't have, they have learned well from our congressmen and senator's, keep spending and ask the rich to subsidize that spending! When you say corporations, I am figuring your pissed because of the Citizen's United case, which would point to the fact that your a pissed off union worker that thinks only the things that unions want to say about a politician are the only words that the american people should hear! That only unions should be allowed a voice in the electoral process, well you didn't get your way did you! Your pension if it is from a state union is one reason why your states taxes are so high, and your state is so broke that they had to pass more taxes onto the rich! I can't wait until they pass a law in NY that they will start going door to door to pick up your illegal firearms, but I am guessing you will want to blame that on the gun industry!!
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I think the unraveling of the Change President is in progress. Now if we can survive what he has put in place long en ought to disentangle our selves from the Change..................
We have not lost the land, yet, and we have not lost our guns, yet, but we have lost the government.

The way I see it is your thoughtful statement is 180º off target. We have not lost our government but rather, our government has lost us.

We have had bad presidents before. Obama maybe the worst of the lot. History will show.

I am Concho Bill and I am a voter.
Part of my upcoming was in a coal mining town. The mine owners paid very little but folks could get what they needed on credit at the company store. What they needed is defined as what they needed to stay working. doing the talking to convince these folks to do what they did. They worked at it!!!
I'll quit now...Sorry for the rant

And Mr, Peabody's coal train just hauled them away.

Strangely, the UMW and John L. brought in one of the biggest features of Communism--"Wprkers Unite". Somehow that didn't work, it just caused more of what we have now, the workforce getting screwed!! We need a different plan.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkD1uOGhP2s --This is the most upscale version I cold find....pure Bach!!
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The way I see it is your thoughtful statement is 180º off target. We have not lost our government but rather, our government has lost us.

We have had bad presidents before.....

I am Concho Bill and I am a voter.

Bill, I got an email this morning from a fellow BR shooter. He said he was a Dem till Clinton. I wrote back that I was a Dem till LBJ, then I was GOP till George W and the NeoCommies.!!!

The reason we both quit those parties is, we both wrote, is that "we didn't change, both parties changed". Ironic isn't it?

Guys and gals, the NRA is the only game in town right now, so think about supporting it. The NRA, for decades, has been the only standing stalwart for gun ownership.

I am a voter and I am the NRA!!
Part of my upcoming was in a coal mining town. The mine owners paid very little but folks could get what they needed on credit at the company store. What they needed is defined as what they needed to stay working. The schools met the criteria but the young'uns couldn't attend very long as they had to work if the family were to "have" anything. The lack of education, cash to get out, and somewhat the initiative kept old school coal mining alive for quite some time. Then, the unions came and the small mines bought machinery to replace people - or closed the mine. Somehow that worked out for the better.

I mentioned the initiative to get out. If you take a quick look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs and picture the situation you will easily see how it all fits in to make a working model of a coal mining town. Now, a bit more complicated, but bounce the people of the USA against Maslow's list and it ain't too big of a stretch to fit the general population right in there - and - see why we're in this shape.

We need to pick a "get out" spot that fits most of us and just DO IT. You gotta realize those miners took a huge chance with the union. Some gained and some lost in the short term but their decendants have better lives.

Easier said than done. Maslow's list implies the difficulty. The union folks, went door to door, held meetings, and had some highly motivated individuals doing the talking to convince these folks to do what they did. They worked at it!!!

I'll quit now...Sorry for the rant

Howsabout a warm fuzzy.....Wilbur?
True political story on the lighter side

Out here in West Texas we have rancher and farmer breaking drouths, as a matter of fact, we are in the throughs of one now.

Well, anyway, we had a very long and dry spell back in the '50s and it was hot and dry and the lakes were all going dry. The President at the time was Eisenhower, a republican. Everyone out this way were democrats But he came with his smile regardless. He flew into our town in his big three tailed four engine plane named Columbine III and we all turned out to see him. This was the first time a sitting President ever visited San Angelo, Texas. The next day he traveled around our area looking at crops and ranch land. He would stop and shake hands with hard bitten farmers and ranchers who were out at their fences beside the road.

Anyway, before he finished his tour the clouds gathered and the rain started at first slow but with dollar size drops and then hard and steady. It was one of those rains that soaked the parched land and filled our lakes with water. It was truly a blessing from God.

After that, we all voted Republican and still do to this day.

Concho Bill
Out here in West Texas we have rancher and farmer breaking drouths.....

Anyway, before he finished his tour the clouds gathered and the rain started at first slow but with dollar size drops and then hard and steady. It was one of those rains that soaked the parched land and filled our lakes with water. It was truly a blessing from God.

After that, we all voted Republican and still do to this day.

Concho Bill

I have a benchest friend who ranches in Lubbock who already votes republican and they have only had two 1/2" rains in the last 9 months. What do you suggest he do, vote for, or just hope for a lottery winning??
I don't think any of your family in previous generations witnessed a 48% illigitamcy rate amongst whites, 61% amongst hispanics, or 83% amongst blacks, nor did they become a minority in their own nation. Neither did half of your family's fellow citizens collect welfare, food stamps, or other such benefits which enabled the able-bodied to stay home and watch TV while they let others work for them to pay their bills. Most previous generations were from a society that would never understand todays entitlement mentality, their pride wouldn't have allowed it, and the government would not have propogated it.

I live in Lubbock. It's rained 2X in the last week!

In the local paper, They give us "mixed editorial content", a mix of national (editorial), syndicated writers. So, we get good conservative stuff, and a dose of liberal rubbish. It keeps the 47%'ers happy. So far, so good.

The liberal writing is the usual clap-trap. BUT, this week, one of the liberal writers (his name escapes me) quoted most of your above figures. He said just having bennefit prgrams will never be enough. This is true. Then he went on to say until we "balance families", it simply won't be fair and the have-nots will never get ahead because they won't have the tools to teach children how to compete. he went on & on. Then the real picture emerged.

What he was actually saying (while not saying it outright), was we need to assign people into marriages like a business manager puts people into specific jobs to get the work done! Can you see this? Your educated daughter or so son the "assigned spouse" to some unwashed, semi-literate clown?

If we don't flip the senate, then all is lost. It may be too late already. If we can flip the senate, withdraw from the 'league of nations'..um I mean the UN, and tell them the building will close in 30 days, then there is a chance to come back from the edge. Go back to the tried & true policy of Isolationism. That way the Eurotrash & near-east can sink by themselves into the morass they created.