We all shoot but do we all hunt?

Who hunt & who just shoots

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I shoot both field and bench

I have never considered myself a hunter but a shooter. As the name implies varmint shooter. I got into BR to improve my varmint shooting. Now I do more BR than varmint shooting. The range is closer, costs less etc but I do love getting rid of pest critters and Oz is full of 'em.
I love deer hunting but if it wasn't for the great times at camp I wouldn't be nearly as happy to go. It takes more than an effort for me to take vacation time, pack up and travel so the total experience is planned and anticipated. If I had big game in my area I would be at it all the time. For the past month I have been day dreaming about it. Worst is, the guys are there now without me. The long stalks are simply the best to me, doesn't matter the game. Small inland game here is all but gone. I used to hunt geese and ducks, raised a Yellow Lab and trained him nicely. Talk about good times when I would leave the shotgun home and work him for the guys. Outfitters ruined hunting here as well, everything is leased for big dollars and local boys have no where to go.

I sit around and play with my kids Saturday mornings, chores can wait. I work on rifles after they go to bed and usually its past midnight before I come in. The guality times pass too quick so grab on to any that arise and ride them out. Don't confuse good times with quality times and you'll do well.
... and we have a couple of ruffed grouse for supper. I took my 10 year old out after my post above and got to teach him a few things. We stopped at two grouse to help maintain a healty population, saw something to far to positively identify and therefore not ok to shoot and went deep into nasty brush after the second bird which was only winged. Great day, quick but still a success.
Enjoy those grouse! Or as Homer would say Hmmmmm............ grouse.

Always good to start the next generation of hunters young. We start them coming out hunting when they were old enough to do a full morning and keep up. They now all hunt regularly even the girls.
Dennis Sorensen: Hunting trip with a true marksman. Those pic's beat any antlers.
This was the view to the north yesterday morning. Zero deer in sight (saw wolf droppings though...) but it was absolutely worth it just to sit and enjoy being outside.


Thankfully those woods are crawling with grouse so I didn't go home empty handed. Not the point though.
Just got back from this years first hunt, first day. Let a 12 pointer go by, (wasn't big enough), YEA RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! My problem is, I hunt like I compete, not worth a hoot, but I sure does enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
only a texan would say that....i think colorado owns a big pc of hunting..and our outdoor hunting and fishing department is nearly fully funded from lic money...thanks to those that come in from out of state. heck some of your deer are barely as large as our jack-a-lope's......
mike in co
Deer hunting season in Texas began this past weekend. I was at the camp Friday before opening day. I haven't missed an opening weekend in "I don't remember how many years". It's relaxing and fun. Texas is the hunting Capitol of the United States. A sizeable chunk of the States revenue come from the hunting sports. Go hunting and take a kid with you.

This was the view to the north yesterday morning. Zero deer in sight (saw wolf droppings though...) but it was absolutely worth it just to sit and enjoy being outside.


Beats any view looking down a range in my book.

Who swiped the field edge? Do idea any way who ever it was that did it.
The landowner happens to love making trails, so there's lots of nice 6' wide and mowed trails running through most of the property (approx. 200 acres) and some of the edges, like that one, are kept clean. I have no problem with bushwhacking but it's nice to hunt ruffed grouse while you take a peaceful walk through the woods on a nice trail. There's sharptails in that field in the photo too.
Nothing much more exciting than a group of mallards working the call, and deks!!! It does something to a man that i can explain! Early mornings, and good folks, cant beat it. I like to shoot coyotes too!!! Lee

PS. I am taking my 11 year old baby girl Deer hunting with me this year. her first time. Should prove to be memorable!!
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Skeet at least once a week I like to stop by a lake near the office over my lunch hour and blow on a duck call. Good practice.

How do you hunt coyotes?
I'm fortunate in that I have a great place to hunt. The place has deer, havalina, plenty of coyote, and dove. But as I get older...I think I will give the same consideration to those creatures I used to hunt. Age in peace Bambi.

Great pix of the Mn Popple and CRP, serious habitat there my friend!! Can picture Brutus the big buck, nose to the ground, following does out the side already!! Ruffies bursting out and a Moose way out there... Almost looks like a Michael Sieve print come to life.. I grew up on that side of the river and really miss trees at times..... Lol...

Thanks for sharing.


Great pix of the Mn Popple and CRP, serious habitat there my friend!! Can picture Brutus the big buck, nose to the ground, following does out the side already!! Ruffies bursting out and a Moose way out there... Almost looks like a Michael Sieve print come to life.. I grew up on that side of the river and really miss trees at times..... Lol...

Thanks for sharing.


You're welcome. I grew up in southern MN (hence the Kato in my handle here) and am used to chasing pheasants and calling coyotes in the flat prairie land, hunting deer and small game in river bottoms, and waterfowling on the puddles. We hunt pheasants in South Dakota where the only landmark in sight is a line of ridges to the east. Funny how I keep coming back to the trees... the BWCA is my favorite. I'm blessed to live in a state with such plentiful and diverse hunting land, not to mention a ton of lakes. One of the absolute best parts of having graduated college is getting my hunting time back.
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iron river(?), bridge to ely( right at BWCA).....1/4 DOWN RIVER is a friends "cabin" on the river...

mike in co
You're welcome. I grew up in southern MN (hence the Kato in my handle here) and am used to chasing pheasants and calling coyotes in the flat prairie land, hunting deer and small game in river bottoms, and waterfowling on the puddles. We hunt pheasants in South Dakota where the only landmark in sight is a line of ridges to the east. Funny how I keep coming back to the trees... the BWCA is my favorite. I'm blessed to live in a state with such plentiful and diverse hunting land, not to mention a ton of lakes. One of the absolute best parts of having graduated college is getting my hunting time back.