Warren Buffet Screws Anheiser Bush With InBev's Bid

Brad, please send me a link to that photo, I thought it was great!
Will do.

I'll just send you the picture.

It's funnier than crap. :D

I'll send it to you via pm.

Rock63............................................ ...............

Where do I send to your campaign??
And D is voting for obama:confused:


Well, of course we can't hope for another brain trust like Bush! I'll just have to settle! Let's see how McCain does against him in debates. There is good and useless experience. I'd say Bush's is useless. I have respect for McCain's experience, but not for his stated policies.

Well, of course we can't hope for another brain trust like Bush! I'll just have to settle! Let's see how McCain does against him in debates. There is good and useless experience. I'd say Bush's is useless. I have respect for McCain's experience, but not for his stated policies.

................Of Rule #1 of the "d" code:Never label, name call, or denegrate (his spelling, not mine) another person's background or his beliefs. Everyone deserves courtesy and respect.

Is the sitting President an exception, "d"? In all my 16 years of education, I never heard a teacher disrespect a sitting president.........not even during the Nixon fiasco.
Well, of course we can't hope for another brain trust like Bush! I'll just have to settle! Let's see how McCain does against him in debates. There is good and useless experience. I'd say Bush's is useless. I have respect for McCain's experience, but not for his stated policies.

My oh my, such animosity toward Bush and McCain. If I remember correctly, you, claim to be a free-thinking independent. Odd you are supporting the MOST LIBERAL member of the Senate (whos only served a partial term) over on of the most moderate and independent of ALL senators. Why such a change from the person you claim you are?
jwa............................................... ................

D's vote won't really matter much, the "left Coast" will go left....The land of the "wee" and the home of the "slave"!! A lot of military folks that live there have residence in other states that are in play in the election, so their vote will go to those states, and with this gas situation most think McCain has made a good move in supporting drilling.
Looks like the congress could be shooting theirselves in the foot supporting the "Greenies"................It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people!!

Drill Now, Drill Here!! Rock The Vote!!
................Of Rule #1 of the "d" code:Never label, name call, or denegrate (his spelling, not mine) another person's background or his beliefs. Everyone deserves courtesy and respect.

Is the sitting President an exception, "d"? In all my 16 years of education, I never heard a teacher disrespect a sitting president.........not even during the Nixon fiasco.

Disrespect for McCain, no, not at all! I just don't want to go were he's leading the country.

Disrespect for Bush! Guilty as charged! As one of my fans told me "Respect has to be earned!"

You caught me it's denigrate! But then you knew I was just a big ball of ignorance already! :D Watch for more of my missspellins and tiepoz! You'll find them! :eek:
Again......I'm confused.................

Disrespect for Bush! Guilty as charged! As one of my fans told me "Respect has to be earned!"

.............But you also said: "EVERYONE deserves courtesy and RESPECT"

WORDS MEAN THINGS........Rush Limbaugh (and alinwa)

In other words your self-imposed posting rules are a scam?

You are proving my contention that liberals lack values.
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I don't know about you, but if threads keep getting deleted around here at the rate they have since the last fiasco we had about everyone playing nice, we might has well make 10 post just so 1 of them can stay. :confused:

If we are going to be watched like babies here, I'll take my pacifier elsewhere. :mad:

Now I thought that was funny.

But hey, go ahead and pull the plug. LOL!