Warren Buffet Screws Anheiser Bush With InBev's Bid


Thanks for the read.

It was my understanding that this was an attempt to take over Anheuser Bush sort of like a hostile takeover I guess.

I still don't welcome the deal either way.

I think it will be the end of a great company.

You guys are right.

He is a democrat.

He even wants higher taxes for the wealthy including himself. Now that is strange.

All who believe that taxes should be higher need to be reminded:

The Tax calculation that you perform for the IRS is the MINIMUM Allowable, if you think it's too low, you should feel free to write a bigger check.

I hope you weren't quoting me on that in reference to me. :confused:

Thanks for the read.

It was my understanding that this was an attempt to take over Anheuser Bush sort of like a hostile takeover I guess.

I still don't welcome the deal either way.

I think it will be the end of a great company.


The reality of this takeover, if it is succesfull, is that the majority of the controlling stock issues traded will come from deals cut with huge American govornment and corporate employee pension and hedge funds, the major holders in this company.

With only a 4 % holding in the company, the Busch family sold out this company along time ago...................Don

I hope you weren't quoting me on that in reference to me. :confused:

You provided an excellent citation of a person who thinks taxes should be higher. To that person (and any who agree with him) I reply: Get out your checkbook and pay up now. Don't come after the rest of us because you think taxes are too low, instead you should write the check. IRS sets the MINIMUM required payment, you are free to increase the amount of your check to whatever level makes you feel good.

No brad, I don't know you or your politics so I did not intend to fire that shot at you personally, unless the above description fits your feelings on the issue.
Hardly a blip on the radar. The screw the pooch mentality has been going on since the first so called oil shortage in the 1970's.

Just one more in a long line.

I said it in the 70's and I say it again today. "You just don't sell America down the river in a day". Please remember that HELL wasn't built in a day.
Youse guys is often missinformed! I'm so surprised (not) at you! Buffet has always been the poster boy for liberal Democrats! He always irritates conservatives because he is one of the richest men in the world, but can still be objective about politics and taxation. Example: With all the silly B.S. about overtaxing the rich that average Republicans fall for he proves every year that he pays lower than 15% on his billions! (15%, minus deductable expenses) That pi$$es off those average Republicans that like the poor rich people myths and stories about farmers losing their land to the inheritance tax! Myths!!
Dear Mr. D.

I do not know you very well, but please consider the following perspective.

Liberal Republicans
Conservative Democrats
The politics of the above two are only different in what label they choose to call themselves by.

Myself, I prefer a different label for these fine individuals:

They are all thieves who take my money from me and spend it on other people. The one commonality those elected to congress is that they want to take my money.

You can choose to pretend that one flavor or another of elected congressmen is different or special, but the truth is that they have spent the last 7 years on a drunken spending spree!

It does not matter which party is in power or which party has the presidency, the squeezing of the the taxpayer is relentless.

The claim that the parties are substantially different is a diversion from the truth.

No anger here, no attacks, just a slow simmering bitter truth.

Nicely written post.

Would you consider that allowing campaign contributions (bribes) to be called Free Speech has created a political system that forces all men to play by a set of dirty rules to survive. There are many in politics who attempt to do the right thing, but the system makes them play by corrupt rules and we all are responsible for that! Real Campaign reform is the only way out!
Youse guys is often missinformed! I'm so surprised (not) at you! Buffet has always been the poster boy for liberal Democrats! He always irritates conservatives because he is one of the richest men in the world, but can still be objective about politics and taxation. Example: With all the silly B.S. about overtaxing the rich that average Republicans fall for he proves every year that he pays lower than 15% on his billions! (15%, minus deductable expenses) That pi$$es off those average Republicans that like the poor rich people myths and stories about farmers losing their land to the inheritance tax! Myths!!

That has nothing to do with irritating people. BTW, D, you and I both know your 15% is semantics. Why can't you show the true side of it? Furthermore, why do you act like its bad? You and I could also choose to only pay 15% on future income if we both so wished. Furthermore, that isn't a very accurate description as the money was taxed much more than 15% before it was invested.

I seriously thought you were going to end your attacks and your outlandish statements. I guess I was wrong to assume. Furthermore, it sickens me to think any so called "conservative" would be opposed to a buy out. That is capitalism and how it works.

Nicely written post.

Would you consider that allowing campaign contributions (bribes) to be called Free Speech has created a political system that forces all men to play by a set of dirty rules to survive. There are many in politics who attempt to do the right thing, but the system makes them play by corrupt rules and we all are responsible for that! Real Campaign reform is the only way out!

If I want to give money to somebody, why shouldn't I be allowed to?
Thank you Mr. D,

You asked "Would you consider that allowing campaign contributions (bribes) to be called Free Speech has created a political system that forces all men to play by a set of dirty rules to survive. There are many in politics who attempt to do the right thing, but the system makes them play by corrupt rules and we all are responsible for that!"

I do accept that the system is broken.
Our congress should not be a full time job.
Our congressional pay should be the ONLY income that congressmen receive while serving.
Retirement for this job should be eliminated
Failure to be physically present for debates and votes should be a prosecutable crime (Dereliction of duty)
The congressional staffers who run things behind the scenes need to be booted out of DC after a maximum of 4 years, with a prohibition against re-hiring for any elected official, and have a 4 year ban on lobbying
Term limits of 2 terms should be retroactively applied
Campaigns should be local, not national
Campaigns should be in print media only, no tv, no radio
And criminals (those who give or take funding other than salary) should be in jail

And if elected king I will enact the above within 30 days.

you got my vote too...term limits is the only way to fix it. Make them take the same "retirement fund" the rest of us are dealt and it will get fixed quick also.


I don't know whether I agree with all your rules, but we are certainly on the same page.

The complexity of the job of legislating requires a great deal of experience and background. The greatest money saver we could ever institute is government financing of campaigns with the law that no one takes a dime or they go to jail. It would allow our leaders to vote their consciences instead of having to accept bribes and return favors.

I don't know whether I agree with all your rules, but we are certainly on the same page.

The complexity of the job of legislating requires a great deal of experience and background. The greatest money saver we could ever institute is government financing of campaigns with the law that no one takes a dime or they go to jail. It would allow our leaders to vote their consciences instead of having to accept bribes and return favors.

The days of people going into politics because they are truely wanting to make a difference and hopefully change things for the good of the people is long gone as we know it. Now that is the truth. The only change they are really worried about is their pocketbook and hopefully the full benefit package along with all the retirement benefits that come with doing so.

I posted a picture about Obama in another thread about change and how he would bring change to America. It was a joke that got deleted. But a lot of the joke in my opinion is true towards any politician. They always promise you the moon, but most never do a 1/4 of what they promise. Then they blame it on all their congress buddies who they party with on champagne and caviar on one of their fancy yachts that we help pay for. :mad:

They are all crooks.

No ifs and buts about it.
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