Vintage rimfire benchrest

i see alot of views,but no one is saying ya or na or anything. i will run it if the moderators give me the go ahead.
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I have never...

anyone interested in doing online fun matches with old 22 rifles? like the old marlin model 100.

Really gotten into postal or online matches. Don't really know why, although it probably has something to do with the fact they are often shot alone. I like the camaraderie and social aspects of a match attended by many. So, I'm engaging myself in one tomorrow, Feb 23 rd. Lincoln County Rifle Club, 100 yards, scope max is 10X and an irons class. Lots of fun, mostly vintage stuff with maybe a Cooper or Anschutz or two. Should be fun...they always are. Greg
the old 22's are fun.i just got a mossberg 44us(a) and a 144lsa.great shooters.i was going to go to that shoot but i think the weather is going o be bad for driving.i am 2 1/2 hours away.

the old 22's are fun.i just got a mossberg 44us(a) and a 144lsa.great shooters.i was going to go to that shoot but i think the weather is going o be bad for driving.i am 2 1/2 hours away.

Turned out to be just fine for travel, the shooting conditions were a dite windy. Well, mark down March 17 on your calendar....200 yard 22 rimfire shoot at Lincoln County. That is a hoot!! It's on their website, just Google Lincoln County Rifle Club. Hope to see you there. Greg
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100 yrds @ LCRC

Weather was O K for travel, if in a vehicle with the heat on high. At the range, it was on the cool side. (I think I'm getting old) Temp in the 20's, I think, and as always, the wind blew and blew at Lincoln Co Rifle Club. There were two relays and some took advantage and shot iron sights as well as scoped rifles. Most of the days heat came from freshly made coffee, breakfast sandwiches, and a little later, some hot chili. Oh, and glp supplied a little heat of his own, shooting the high score of 299 with 21X's. Boys and girls, that's 21 of the 30 shots in the 1" X ring (and tight little knots they were), it truly amazes me what Greg can do with that rusty model 37 and 6X Unertl with a cracked lens. Great job. Staying with the theme of warmth or the lack thereof. It was great to share the warmth of new shooters and old, who came together, braved the conditions, and had a ball, just trying to put 'em all in the middle. As Greg mentioned, on March 17th, LCRC hosts a 200yrd Rimfire match, it's great fun, so come on up. Cheers Charles

The 6x Unertl fortunately doesn't have a cracked lens. Cute little scope ain't she? Try some R 50 in your E. great time yesterday. Thanks for arranging for the hot food! That was a nice touch. Does she plan on being at the March 17th shoot? Will wait on breakfast if she is. Greg
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Greg, I know your Unertl doesn't have a cracked lens and that your little 37 is not rusty, just my attempt at humor. On my list of things to do is to try some R 50. It certainly shoots well in your 37 and I assume you used it in your 52C as well. It would be nice if I could wring a few more Xs or a point out of whatever ammo I was using. I was using Lapua Midas that is 10 or 15 years old, part of a huge auction lot of mixed ammo I bought 2years ago. Orland using that same ammo and shooting that Knoop 52D only dropped 3 points and had 18 Xs. I think that the wind reading knowledge that you experienced benchrest shooters bring to the game is the biggest difference. I am not complaining, as you say "someone has to win and someone has to lose.) Yes, there will be hot viddles, probably a larger menu, in that we may have more shooters, and at 200 yrds the match will just take longer. ( I had written a bunch more just now, but evidently the auto save didn't work. This seems to happen to me often, especially if what I write has any length at all. The subject was, exposing shooters to benchrest for the first time in matches like this. Will "get it together" and that later. Cheers, Charles

If you have any of the 22 rimfire ammo left you should not have any trouble selling it. It's virtually impossible to find at this time. If you haven't sold it all you should go online and give it another try. Good ammo that works in your gun is a big advantage, but there are no silver bullets !! :)
Its still easy

to get Eley, when the shipments come in. One has to be prepared to "invest" in a case or so though to insure a supply tho - - -

is that a stevens?

It's a Remington Rangemaster Model 37, made between 1936 and through 1955. The 40X was introduced in July 1955 to replace it.

If you plan on shooting the 200 yd in March, be advised that you probably won't have enough internal adjustment in a modern scope to get zeroed at that range...without shimming the rear base.
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Run anything you want related to shooting with clothes on. If you need web space just holler.
i see alot of views,but no one is saying ya or na or anything. i will run it if the moderators give me the go ahead.

There ya go N1YDP22, Wilbur just gave you the go ahead to run anything you want as long as we keep our clothes on :D,

I guess now all we need are some rules as to what we can and cant use and some kind of offical type target.

If you need help with running it let me know.
52 Shooter
anyone interested in doing online fun matches with old 22 rifles? like the old marlin model 100.

I haven't seen any responce from you so I guess your no longer interested in doing something like this ?.