jackie schmidt

New member
Wind!! More Wind!! and More Wind. That just about sums up the conditions that the Shooters in Tomball had to face at the 35th shooting of the Crawfish.

On Saturday morning, it was uncharcteristically cool for the Houston area this time of year for the LV 100. The first match saw rather mild conditions, but by match two, it was coming in at 15+ mph. Nick Marino Garnerd the win with a .2504 agg.

The afternoon at the HV 100, the wind was coming in at 20+ mph, leaving shooters with few options. In the end, only 4 shooters finished under .300, with John Horn taking the win.

Sunday morning saw a reprieve in the wind situation, and starting out in the HV 200, Richard Milton shot a .2581 agg to take top honors.

However, by mid morning, the conditions had become simply brutal, so brutal so that in the LV 200 in the afternoon, only one shooter managed to NOT shoot over one inch, that being winner Larry Bagget with a .3521 agg.

Larry Bagget won the LV Grand Agg, and John Horn won the HV Grand Agg.

With consistant shooting, and staying near the top at every Yardage, Vic Smith won the Two Gun Championship. He will get to engrave his name on that big Traveling Trophy with some of the more notable shooters of the past 35 years.

I have included a picture of Vic with the Crawfish Traveling Trophy and those that did well.

The Results:
LV 100:
Nick Marino........2504
Richard Milton.....2688
Turk Takano........2712
Larry Bagget.......2730
Gene Bukys.........2844

LV 200:
Larry Bagget.......3521
Scott Hunter.......3692
Jay Gore.............4284
Bill Hull................4406
Glenn Chism..........4600

LV Grand:
Larry Bagget.........3126
Gene Bukys...........3756
Vic Smith..............3794
Nick Marino............3842
Jacob Gottfredson...3936

HV 100:
John Horn..............2494
Nick Marino............2692
William Duffy..........2938
Vic Smith...............2944
Tim Oltersdorf.........3180

HV 200:
Richard Milton........2581
Vic Smith..............2773
Ralph Stewart........2922
Gene Bukys............2973
John Horn..............2988

HV Grand:
John Horn...............2741
Vic Smith................2558
Nick Marino.............2907
Tim Oltersdorf..........3098
Gene Bukys.............3178

Two Gun Championship:
Vic Smith..............3326:D
Nick Marino............3375
Larry Bagget..........3442
Gene Bukys............3467
John Horn...............3515
Ralph Stewart..........3595
Jacob Gottfredson....3648
Richard Milton..........3835
Jay Gore.................3846
Jackie Schmidt.........3848

Thanks to the Tomball Gun Club for hosting the match, and a special thanks to Match Director Russel Mathews for coordinating a well run Match.

By jackiesaki at 2011-04-17

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Congrats Vic!!!! I didn't shoot there today but live in the area and can attest to the brutal conditions. Vic was able to overcome tough conditions and stiff competition. SWEET

Good Shooting Vic! Way to hang in there.

Well done to Nick Marino and the rest of you as well.

Vic, congratulations on your 2-Gun win. After the way you shot Saturday, I had confidence you would pull it off. It was good to see Nick shoot so well with his so called out of tune gun!!!

Congratulations to all who survived the horrible conditions.

Good shooting guys, wish I could have been there.

It's amazing how calm it looks in front of the benches for the winner photo with wind flags gone. All you have to do is look at the aggs shot to know that it had to be anything but calm even if you hadn't read the descriptions of conditions. Congratulations Vic, Nick, Larry, John for your wins. It looks like very good shooting under what had to be very trying conditions.
Mike, one big shock was when we were gathering up flags Sunday Afternoon, the darn downrange wind felt like it would blow you over. I honestly do not think our flags were showing us 1/3 of what was going on out there.

Heck, Mike, you've been to Tomball many times. Even though I love it as my home range, most of the time it's a real sh-t hole to shoot........jackie
Jackie, I figure ya'll got the left over from the wind we had up here on Friday. Our winds Friday were gusting to 70 mph. At least, it slowed down some by the time it made it to Tomball on Saturday or maybe Sunday. Once wind flag tails to get to the point where they are sticking straight out, it's pretty hard to judge when it gets higher than that point. My daughter in law is getting her masters and walking across the stage on May 13th in Lubbock. That pretty well puts me out of going to the UL match in Seymour, maybe I can make it to the one the next month. Will try to make New Braunfels, since I can't make Seymour. I shot Saturday at Luther. That's a very tricky range as well. Flags at 100 would switch quickly from right to left and back again with flags at one distance pointing one direction and flags farther out pointing the other. They didn't cancel the others out as I've heard it said. With the conditions being so bad, it didn't surprise me with Larry doing as well as he did. He's used to shooting in the wind. That is one of the nice things about getting out of the Gulf Coast region in that sometimes you get into some pretty good conditions later on in the year, that we don't seem to get in the GC region. I've been to so many matches in Texas that I swear are the worst conditions I've ever shot in. Probably call it selective memory as you forget the bad conditions. Hope to see everyone at New Braunfels.
Hey Vic,
Way to go ! Like they say, couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Way to go Vic! Even beat out the World Champ. That's a big feather. See you in New Braunfels.