VFS thread

Jackie, I was thinking of posting exactly that, along with "May the fleas of 1,000 camels . . ." The insults were just too high falutin'

"""I don't regret the insults are gone. Perhaps this is a lesson to the insultor."""

I agree...........

My question is... Was the whole topic really about "2nd chances" .. Changes so one has a chance of coming back after dropping a point, particular to 100yds...

I'm one who feels the sudden death is part of the game... Am I right or wrong..?.. Well, my last VFS shoot, I did just this... FIRST MATCH FIRST TARGET..! Head wind that I THOUGHT I knew the value of wind.......... NOPE.. A nine...@$$%#..!

Dissapointed, yes but in myself.... Even knowing I'm DONE... I soldiered ahead.. Next three matches (14 strait targets) X's most with wipe-outs... Finished 249 17x's......... This same match a 250 25x was shot... >>I<< just was not NEARLY good enough.

Even though it BIT me HARD! I like the Sudden Death aspect of current VFS.......... Now, that was just for the 100yd exclusive match..... In a 100/200 VFS I still woulda had a chance of "Coming back"........

Will changing the rules really attract new shooters...?

Status quo,
So, the point of your post is you just want to start the whole us versus them all over again?

Let's have a poll. Number of people who changed their minds after 110 posts.
Group shooting also has sudden death. In last years Super shoot, I had a good warm-up and then shot a .500 with my
second shot in match #1. Given that, I was now in 300th or so place. Its part of the game. No make up points.
Somewhere in the match, all but the best that day fall by the wayside. Again, part of the game. I also have seen
shooters who have had that big match won till the last shot. They still shoot , didn't trade their gun for golf clubs.
There are those that would, but probably would have quit for other reasons as well.
Question and NOT trying to start a wizzing contest. But, If UBR is the game that has everything( targets, rules, classes,etc ...) to be the "Best game" why is there no link on the front page of this website BRC ?
Question and NOT trying to start a wizzing contest. But, If UBR is the game that has everything( targets, rules, classes,etc ...) to be the "Best game" why is there no link on the front page of this website BRC ?

It's a good game, but I don't know that any game is perfect.(at least not since football in the 70's) But it does have attributes that at least some people like. The only way to know if you like it is to try it.
I don't know why Danny hasn't got a banner here. He'd have to answer that.--Mike
"""So, the point of your post is you just want to start the whole us versus them all over again?"""

No, least hope not...

Two topics going on in the "VFS" threads ... Changing rules to: "be more competitive" and or "attract new shooters"...

Just say'n ... It's in the blood... Benchrest in general Group/Score whatever distance... Ya either try it and LOVE it or ya Don't. Little gray area IMOP... Lotta factors involved in a person wanting to take-up this sport..... THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR is the >>WANT TO<< factor...! Either you WANT TO or not. Changing rules to help attract is not the way....IMOP.


If changes are voted on and it makes current competitors "more competitive" AND "attracts more new shooters"... Great.
Either way, I just want to shoot and compete cause I WANT TO...

Just need to find the WANT TO people... There out there. I'll keep looking and welcoming.

Keith, it is beating a dead horse. The NBRSA Board of Directors has ruled, that is what we will be doing.

I figure Varmint for Score will stay just as it is for a number of years to come. I am just going to shoot and not worry about it..........jackie
Absolutely, they are out there. Every single club in this country has a group of factory gun shooters who could be
brought into group or score shooting. Most already reload and have done what they can to improve or try, because
they love it. Should one from every other club join in the fun, you would increase ranks by the hundreds.
Where we have failed, is that a unified set of rules can't be agreed on.
Factory classes have never really been promoted well. There is also no legitimate reason for someone to try and compete
with a factory gun in VFS or group shooting, although they could.
Very few of us, came to BR out of the clear blue, but rather from simple woodchuck hunting or similiar activities. The BR
crowd could rightfully now be termed the over the hill gang, and its fading fast, but shooting is growing. It is us that
have not responded.
In the small clubs of america, it is the factory guy that is quite common, but there is no place and no unity of rules
for them on the national level. The various woodchuck shoots in the east are witness to this, as they are well attended
by the factory guy.
Ignoring this is the root of the cancer that is spoiling this sport. We can develope unity in factory rules.
sorry lou , but that is almost funny.....
more like vote on ANYTHING presented to them......
do they ever reaserch a subject first.....
now i'll get this thread deleted too
mike in co
It only takes a vote from the score shooter to change anything they want. The directors only vote on what is presented to them.
It only takes a vote from the score shooter to change anything they want. The directors only vote on what is presented to them.


Why can't the Directors do a WEB poll and or some kind of voting scheme so that everyone gets a chance to have an equal say ?

I for one would like "to vote" on the issues before they are cast in stone ! Make it fair to everyone. :eek:

In the small clubs of america, it is the factory guy that is quite common, but there is no place and no unity of rules
for them on the national level. The various woodchuck shoots in the east are witness to this, as they are well attended
by the factory guy.
Ignoring this is the root of the cancer that is spoiling this sport. We can develope unity in factory rules.

You are getting off the topic of this thread which is VFS but since you went there I have a couple of comments the big problem with registering factory guns is enforcement of the rules you would like to develop. There are always people who want to stretch the rules if they can get away with it, and in Factory rifles it's hard to be sure something is original. I know of people going so far as to have custom barrels made and identical markings installed with same dimensions as original factory barrel.
Then another facet is Coopers, Sako's similar high dollar limited production factory rifles, are these Factory, or are they not, you will get a lot of argument on both sides of that subject.
As to success of Woodchuck/Groundhog shoots in the East, since they have no sanctioning body there are no national rules to be followed. I shoot a lot of these matches and one of the drawbacks in my mind which is a good thing in other people's mind is "local rules" they are what they are and if you don't like them don't come back but I have seen several cases I did not feel the rules were fair but they are what they are. And as I enjoy them I come back when I can.
I've said about as much as anybody about targets, scoring etc and although I doubt anyone really cares what I think, I should make it clear that I'm not suggesting or advocating the IBS or NBRSA change targets, rules, scoring or anything else. All of those things in both organizations have been in place a long time and past records should stay in place and not be confused by changes. Look what the designated hitter and interleague play has done to baseball....but I digress.

Ultimate Benchrest is not Varmint For Score. It is a completely different target, a completely different scoring system and a completely different set of classes of competitors. All I've done is try to relate something that has been successful in attracting new shooters to our matches, some with factory rifles, other with modified factory rifles and still others with custom rifles other than 30 cal. Last year I was foolish enough to think that some simple, sensible changes could easily be made within a large shooting organization. Boy was I wrong. Most of us don't like change. These threads sure show that.

I'm still a member of IBS (or at least I am if Joan has cashed the check) and intend to remain so. But UBR is going on whether anyone from other parts of the country is interested or not and I am grateful to be involved with it. If you want to check us out, you will be welcome, if you want to try and make changes in IBS & NBRSA, I wish you well and if you want to just show up on this board and B****, that's cool too. But we have something that is working and we are going forward with it.

Rick Fox
Gallatin Gun Club
Rick, Ultimate Benchrest is not Varmint For Score. If thats is the way you feel then thats is great. But why continue to hijack this thread? Please start your own topic so we can stay on subject. Thank You and Good Shootin!
It only takes a vote from the score shooter to change anything they want. The directors only vote on what is presented to them.

Well....I don't think that it worked exactly that way...
the most recent change took place at the Annual Meeting...it was not an open referrendum that was advertised as an upcoming rule change vote that would take place at the Annual Meeting where one should contact your regional director and make you opinion known..so you will be represented...
We have approximately 1,400 memebers and I am sure that the large majority were not going to the Annual Meeting...so the way I see it was that 52 members made the decision for the rest of the 1,400 plus members without notifying the membership that it was going to be on the agenda...
I would much rather any rule changes be brought before the comittee during the Annual Meeting then published in the minutes with 90 day period for the Regional Directors to gather feedback from their reginal members...before the vote is taken...

Eddie in Texas
Rick, Ultimate Benchrest is not Varmint For Score. If thats is the way you feel then thats is great. But why continue to hijack this thread? Please start your own topic so we can stay on subject. Thank You and Good Shootin!

My apologies. I didn't realize that was what I had done. Thank you for the correction.
