UKBRA changes the rules



Just heard that UKBRA are changing the rules for 2012 so that they have just two classes for 100yds benchrest comps. 6PPCHV and then anything else.

Shooting is allowed off bi-pods or any kind of rests and there is no weight limit.

I understand that they are eager to try and attract new shooters to the discipline as many have dropped out due to ever increasing travel and other associated costs.

Desperation or a sound move? I have yet to step down off the fence in that regard.
I believe that anything that puts more bums on seats is good for the sport at club level. Got to start somewhere.
Of course, if they want to shoot International competition then the common rules apply.
We have always had a 'Factory' Class in the UK for absolutely standard 'out of the box' factroy rifles. This served as a 'starter' class to introduce shooters to benchrest and hopefully tempt them to get a 6PPC eventually.

It worked very well and I can name a number of shooters who started like this (including myself) and went on to represent the UK in the World Championships.

Unfortunately, the Class has dried-up so, we are relaxing the rules to hopefully tempt the many shooters who have modified their factroy rifle by bebarrelling, new trigger, stock etc. From the internet forums, there appears to be a lot of these shooters - whether they can be tempted to compete is another matter.

Vince (UK)
At Tomball Texas we do have a factory Class for our Club Matches, but the participation is not that good.

For instance, of the three classes, Factory, Modified, and Benchrest, we will typically have 40 shooters. Of these, only 2 or 3 will be Factory Class Shooters.

All you can do is offer a no hassles venue for Shooters to participate in. If they still refuse to show up, I have no answers.

I like that 6PPC only thing. They are aware that a good 30 BR will shoot just as well, aren't they?...........jackie

I don't know of a 30BR benchgun in the UK - though I have all the components - reamer, bullets, barrel etc to build one - but for group shooting, is it really worth it?

Vince (UK)
Vince, I've been shooting a .30BR in HG for ten years now, but that's a skewed number, as I don't shoot all than many short-range group matches. Accuracy wise, I *think* Jackie would agree that a .30BR gives nothing up to a 6PPC, but that's not a particularly strong endorsement, the PPC gives nothing up to the .30 BR, either.

So you get into the intangibles -- recoil, barrel life, cost of bullets, supposed ease of tune, etc. I shoot the .30BR in HG because it is the most accurate barrel I own -- that simple.
We have always had a 'Factory' Class in the UK for absolutely standard 'out of the box' factroy rifles. This served as a 'starter' class to introduce shooters to benchrest and hopefully tempt them to get a 6PPC eventually.

It worked very well and I can name a number of shooters who started like this (including myself) and went on to represent the UK in the World Championships.

Unfortunately, the Class has dried-up so, we are relaxing the rules to hopefully tempt the many shooters who have modified their factroy rifle by bebarrelling, new trigger, stock etc. From the internet forums, there appears to be a lot of these shooters - whether they can be tempted to compete is another matter.

Vince (UK)

Hi Vince

Many talk the talk around the various uk based long range and varminting web sites of owning re-worked factory and semi-custom rifles that will shoot in the 1's and 2's. As you are already well aware of. But how many of them can actually walk the walk is another matter entirely.:D

Judging from the reports I have received by those that know. Very few of them will actually deliver what is claimed either due to the rifle, reloaded ammo, or the shooter not being up to snuff. Even those that might have gone the extra mile and invested in higher cost yet still relatively mass produced semi-custom actions and barrels with all the bells and whistles added by way of triggers and stocks seldom achieve the performances sort by the leading BR shooters.

Everyone gets lucky once in awhile and manages to shoot a tight group. But as you know racking up a good score sheet in BR is all down to consistent, and repeatable high standard performance. Something these tweaked factory and these bells and whistles semi-custom offerings and shooters rarely if ever deliver on a week by week, match by match, target by target basis.

Saying or doing ................hmmmmm well that's the rub ain't it? I guess you're all set to find out come 2012 ;)
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