UBR results

Ladies & Gentlemen
I have supported the idea for years of measuring off the center of the bullet hole,this idea of Danny's was brilliant and I commend him for it..The local club in which I belong has tried many different score games over the years ,however there is new found excitement in the air for next year as we will go exclusively with this new UBR game for are centerfire match's. I think with good reason as for are regulars we have three 30 cal. shooters,five 6 cal. shooters and two 22 cal. shooters.The 22 guys only made a match or two last year,and one of them has been an active club member for years.This I truly hope will bring not only those two back but will bring in others that have passed through the range gate over the past number of years and did not stay because of what many felt was a disadvantage before the match ever started.......LW
I'm probably missing something here, but couldn't you achieve the same results by having custom scoring reticles? That would be cheaper than printing up targets after a point, and you could include all the oddballs, like .17, .20, .25, 7mm, etc.
In My opinion:

The biggest disadvantage in our shooting games is new shooters having to compete head on against more experienced shooters. I think the intimidation factor keeps a lot of folks away. We've plowed this ground many times before butI haven't seen anything over the years that has changed my mind about it.
Hi Al--Killing any coyotes? You want fries with that.
Later Dave

Haven't even been out after pheasants yet, Dave. The locals are after deer right now. Tucked into the terrain, wearing camo and calling coyotes is a d-a-r-n dangerous position to put yourself in when the cornfield commandos are out in force. Been in that spot before with two rifles pointed at me. :eek: Once the 30-30's have been safely tucked away under the seats 'for safe keeping', the countryside should again be fit for human habitation.

Take care. -Al
I think you may be right, if we can only get the good ole ground hog hunter to give it another try. The factory class here in Braxton has always been one of the bigger classes,With the UBR system the 308 and the 223 will indeed be matched on an accuracy base rather then the pure size of the bullet hole catching the better edge of the next higher scoring ring.There may be those that down the road will push for even more targets that are caliber specific ,This will likely have to be dealt with on an as needed basis when and if it arises. but for now the most common calibers to the game are covered.

Its not about everyone winning in my opinion,its more about equal footing whereas everyone has at least a better chance at winning.
If you take away bullet diameter advantage, people will go back to shooting 22's. Not much sense in shooting a 30 when I can shoot a 22 ppc or its variants. Less cost and less recoil. But if you want to return to yesteryear (roughly 25 years) that is fine. Remember that the 6ppc became popular because of caliber restriction, otherwise we would still be shooting the 22's. When someone making there own bullets decides to try a .40 caliber, the experimentation/innovation will begin anew. It is what it is. Those that shoot 9's every once in a while want to adopt the x being 11 points so they can get back into the game. Those who don't want recoil want to measure from center of bullet hole. As long as I know the rules up front, it doesn't matter to me. I'll adapt or get out. Randy J.
If you take away bullet diameter advantage, people will go back to shooting 22's. Not much sense in shooting a 30 when I can shoot a 22 ppc or its variants. Less cost and less recoil. But if you want to return to yesteryear (roughly 25 years) that is fine. Remember that the 6ppc became popular because of caliber restriction, otherwise we would still be shooting the 22's. When someone making there own bullets decides to try a .40 caliber, the experimentation/innovation will begin anew. It is what it is. Those that shoot 9's every once in a while want to adopt the x being 11 points so they can get back into the game. Those who don't want recoil want to measure from center of bullet hole. As long as I know the rules up front, it doesn't matter to me. I'll adapt or get out. Randy J.

Randy, I agree with everything you said except about the cost of shooting the smaller calibers being cheaper than the 30's. If barrel life and replacent costs are factored in, the 30's are actually about the same or a little less to shoot in my experience.
As for Danny's target, I'll support him and the UBR format as a stand alone organization because I like the premise of the new target and I'm not for changing the existing IBS VFS format at this time. Danny, Sorry I wasn't able to make the first match. I'd like to have been there.--Mike Ezell