Doesn't have to converge, only has to diverge less.........
I said, "I understand the question"
I also disagree
Doesn't have to converge, only has to diverge less.........
If you like to check the Figure Of Merit and Mean Radius figures of military ammuntion acceptance testing of WW2 and earlier I think you may find that reduction in divergence was recognized early on.
Bernoulle's principle has been known since 1738, if you mean the unscientific terms such as bullet drill and such then its just a matter of not fully unuderstanding the mechanics that produce the result.Recognized? Or simply misinterpreted data? Many assertions and theories have been disproved over time. Now that we can directly measure stuff we find many theories being thrown into question or more often simply disproved.
Or, like in the case of Marine Corp ballistics theory, concepts like bullets "rolling on the air" are just passed down because the average shooter doesn't have to know "why" just "what."
Bernoulle's principle has been known since 1738, if you mean the unscientific terms such as bullet drill and such then its just a matter of not fully unuderstanding the mechanics that produce the result.
The Magnus effect is well known.
Al, yes, they can be very marginal. Litz's book gives a good explanation, better than the other books I have, about marginal gyroscopic stability. In the marginal zone, the bullet is flying point-forward, but will not damp out the pitch and yaw, in fact, they may grow. That leads to larger groups at mid-range, I don't know what the effect is at long range because I'm limited to 500 yards until November. Accuracy definitely deteriorates with distance on the marginally stable bullets. So, in this case, the increase in stability that occurs with fully stabilized bullets as they go downrange does not occur - that, in essence is the definition of a marginally stabilized bullet. It won't tumble right out of the barrel, but it won't damp out the pitch and yaw either.
Al, using the data in Litz's book for the Nosler .243, 70 gr. ballistic tip, (0.909" long, G7 BC 0.143) and assuming 3400 fps and standard atmospheric conditions, I calculate a gyroscopic stability factor (Sg) of 0.84 for that bullet in a 1:14" twist barrel. That drops to Sg 0.78 if I change the rate of twist to 1:14.5". It's a wonder they went point first under any conditions!
Never implied that the bullet's path curved, or that its path somehow converged.A bullet is not a curve ball.
I won't bother going into it further.
temperature falls you can watch it go from bugholing 70NBT's to laying them sideways through a 40degree temp range at 30% humidity and 1000' MSL.
excellent thread, educational.
Would someone explain to me how much temp will effect the bullet's stability. I'm shooting in the foothills outside of Calgary. In the winter we can have wide swings in temps. In a single day the temp can change due to chinook winds, from -15f up to 35f in a matter of a few of hrs. No bs. I do shoot in the cold and am told I'm insane:,but it's not too bad if you dress for it.
Seems to me gunner, that theses guys really don't know what they're talking about, anyway....