Tuners....To anyone who is interested...


if you can build a transmitter to the same sine wave as you read with a scope then it will cancell out and all is the same
Jim, you can use a siginal generator for that same purpose (180 degree phase shift). I was just curious if anyone had ever tried it and the results. I'm sure there would still be other forces in play; however, if you could use a tuner to dampen the vibrations or nullify them would that be of any benefit? Another question that came to mind was "different sweet spots" on the tuner. Could that be related to the odd and even harmonics. In other words, if the tuner works good at say 100 (on a Hoehn tuner) would it show improvement at 300 and 500 since that would be an odd harmonic but of diminish amplitude? Just a thought. Like I said I am brand new this and not really sure of what needs to be accomplished.
