When truing the receiver face, bolt lugs and receiver lugs, how much is too much? Thanks
When truing the receiver face, bolt lugs and receiver lugs, how much is too much? Thanks
I was hoping I could remove 3 thou from the face and lugs total without issue. Same amount from receiver face as the lugs, to retain the .010. Thoughts? I’m new so I need all the advice I can get.
There is no real need to keep things equal. Just remove the very minimum amount possible to straighten things up. After everything is finished, evaluate the effect on extraction and firing pin fall and re-locate the bolt handle if necessary. Some of the new Remington actions have very poor extraction to begin with and need the bolt handle re-located anyway. If you don't want to do this yourself, send the action to Dan Armstrong and have him locate, time, and tig weld the handle after you do your machining.
To fit the barrel, measure the action from the front of the receiver to the bolt face and to the front of the bolt lugs and cut the tenon to allow the amount of clearance you desire.
When truing the bolt, if the bolt face is not touched, tell me how the firing pin fall is affected. It is going to be headspaced after anyway
I don’t understand how so many people with so much experience can have such differing opinions. If the receiver face and receiver lugs are cut .002 each, how can that affect the firing pin? Doesn’t it change the headspace by zero?
If you cut the receiver face, the bolt head is closer to the barrel. If you cut the receiver lugs, it moves the bolt head further from the barrel. So as long as you cut them both the same, the headspace stays the same. Correct?
Isn't the firing pin fall stopped by the cocking piece when it is stopped by the bolt shroud. The only way to change that is to remove material from the bolt face, the cocking piece or the shroud
The firing pin is not stopped by the cocking piece, but rather the dry fire shoulder near the front of the pin, the front side of the flange that the striker spring rests against the back of. Also the shroud does not stop anything, it merely guides. If the firing pin was incorrectly modified so that the cocking piece did stop the pin, the place it would hit would be at the bottom of the cocking cam notch at the back of the bolt body.Isn't the firing pin fall stopped by the cocking piece when it is stopped by the bolt shroud. The only way to change that is to remove material from the bolt face, the cocking piece or the shroud